An appeal for sportsmanship and goodwill

Loyal Gopher

Sep 17, 2009
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Lets show our visitors from the east how classy we are by welcoming them to our state and stadium. A round of applause as they enter the field and standing out of respect when the U of M marching band plays "On Wisconsin!" would go a long way towards healing any animosity that exists between our two universities and states.

Lets show our visitors from the east how classy we are by welcoming them to our state and stadium. A round of applause as they enter the field and standing out of respect when the U of M marching band plays "On Wisconsin!" would go a long way towards healing any animosity that exists between our two universities and states.


I don't advocate being huge dbags to their fans if they don't deserve it. But is see no need to be polite to their team. Period.

GoAUpher's right.

Standing for "On Wisconsin" is actually 'honoring' the Badgers. Just sitting in your seat and waiting for it to end is remaining classy.

No need for Gopher fans to be the instigator of rudeness to Badger fans. But if they start something, go ahead and finish it in our house!

Lets show our visitors from the east how classy we are by welcoming them to our state and stadium. A round of applause as they enter the field and standing out of respect when the U of M marching band plays "On Wisconsin!" would go a long way towards healing any animosity that exists between our two universities and states.
Didn't we already cover this? I've been to Camp Randall 3 times. In each instance, there were no cheering for the Gophers, standing during the Rouser, or good treatment by their fans. Sorry, I'm just not willing to do the "Jesus Christ turn the other cheek" routine. Rivalries are for hating each other. Personally, I derive great pleasure in hating the Badgers. Doesn't make me a bad person, and I believe I will still go to heaven some day. While I may have to work for you when I get there, I'm fine with that. :rolleyes:

GoAUpher's right.

Standing for "On Wisconsin" is actually 'honoring' the Badgers. Just sitting in your seat and waiting for it to end is remaining classy.

No need for Gopher fans to be the instigator of rudeness to Badger fans. But if they start something, go ahead and finish it in our house!

Agreed. No need to go out of our way to be nice or friendly. Remember we don't really want them coming back every other year. Respectful/classy and nice are two different things.

Lets show our visitors from the east how classy we are by welcoming them to our state and stadium. A round of applause as they enter the field and standing out of respect when the U of M marching band plays "On Wisconsin!" would go a long way towards healing any animosity that exists between our two universities and states.

Thank you for this post. Because of it, I will boo even louder when they run onto the field and when On Wisconsin is played. F the animosity that exists, and F THE BADGERS!!

Are you that embarrassed to be a Badger fan that you have to pretend to be a Gopher? Every thread you start should be locked.

Look at his history of posts, "loyal gopher" is obviously anything but...

I love this thread. I couldn't possibly disargee with the OP more than I do, but this gives us the opportunity to for truly justified righteous indignation.

We already went through this a few days ago. You made your pitch for us to give hugs to the Badgers, and we couldn't have been more clear in our opposition.

If we were to stand and cheer for our rivals, it would be among the most severe offenses possible against the football gods, who would in their rage fling down the yellow lightning bolt flag from their back pockets, blow their celestial whistles and cast us back into the Metrodome.

A couple of quotes from Moby Dick sum it up:

"...To the last, I grapple with thee; from hell's heart, I stab at thee; for hate's sake, I spit my last breath at thee."

"And he piled upon the whale's white hump the sum of all the rage and hate felt by his whole race. If his chest had been a cannon, he would have shot his heart upon it."

Again, that sums up what we need at TCF tommorrow. You might point out that things didn't go so well for Captain Ahab. That's just fine. Go out with everything you've got.

If anyone has anything nice to say about Wisconsin, save it for Sunday! :D

Much as I agree that the OP is probably not a genuine fan, I 50% agree with the sentiment.

I will not EVER be clapping for, or standing for, anything remotely associated with the badgers.

However, as someone who has travelled to away games, I will respond to their fans with the treatment that I feel that I would deserve if I were in their stadium. If I act like a complete jerk in their stadium, I would expect the worst. If I am simply cheering for my team without denegrating the opponents fans or team, I expect to be lightly heckled, but more-or-less left alone.

Isn't 'LOYAL GOPHER' the little pr $#% ck who sold his tickets to a Chicago guy passing thru Madison??

If we were playing, for example, Wofford, they get the polite gold clap.

Your rivals are different. I'm not proposing that we start assulting any opposing fans, but standing and applauding a rival? Not going to happen.

Loyal Gopher, stick that request in your ear and listen up......Ain't gonna happen.

Perhaps if the Badger fans had been more gracious guests over the past two decades when they came like a horde of drunken idiots every other year to the Dome we could be more gracious hosts. But that didn't happen. I will say that after we beat the *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# out of them every year for a decade I could be a more welcoming host, and I'm sure they will be more humble guests, those few that are still coming.

Lets show our visitors from the east how classy we are by welcoming them to our state and stadium. A round of applause as they enter the field and standing out of respect when the U of M marching band plays "On Wisconsin!" would go a long way towards healing any animosity that exists between our two universities and states.

Sorry, I'm not hungry.


The only thing I'll be doing when they play On Wisconsin is singing my made-up words to it to my unfortunate badger grad fiance...... I can make it pretty damn dirty, ad it really pisses her off. I can make Varsity even worse....she really hates me then

no I don't think so...I say boo them till their ears bleed. and be a loud as possible when the piece of crap red weasels have the ball!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets show our visitors from the east how classy we are by welcoming them to our state and stadium. A round of applause as they enter the field and standing out of respect when the U of M marching band plays "On Wisconsin!" would go a long way towards healing any animosity that exists between our two universities and states.

F off.

I love this thread. It's like Kelly Leeks has been reincarnated as a weasel.

EAT ME OP. As a Miami TE said once before "We don't care about nobody but this U"

Lets take it to these fadgers tomorrow

Hate is a waste of time.

It's time for the Gophers to have a home field advantage when playing Wisconsin. Make The Bank a madhouse whenever they have the ball - peg the decibel meter.

You'll be happy to know the band scrapped Wisconsin spell out. Tentatively were planning to spell out "wisconsin" after Gopher spellout, but due to time constraints, and losing a rehearsal Thursday due to the weather, couldn't make it work. I'm thrilled, cause I think it's almost giving them too much credit.

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