Allen Has Fractured Ankle


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Per Coach Brewster. Lower ankle, and not the dreaded "high ankle" issue. Says he should be back on the field for fall.

***Edit: Per interview on this morning's Sports Huddle. ***

I am not a Doctor

But what I do have is first hand experience. I think he probably rolled his ankle. In doing so, some times it sprains the ligament or tendon, but if you do it just right the tendon which I am told is the strongest in the ankle will actually tear the bone apart rather that separating from it. Now the treatment and prognosis. He will have a choice of a boot or a cast. No wieght bearing, so he has an opportunity to build or maintian upper body strength with crutches. He will have the cast or booth for 6 weeks to 2 months. When he comes out of the boot, I know he is an athlete, but I would think two to four weeks of physical therapy. He will heal just fine, and I would imagine will be able to take part in voluntary drills during the summer. He will need to walk and run on it to build the ankle. And one additional thing. He will have the ability to predict rain showers.

That being said, maybe Doc can give us the diffinitive outlook. After all he is a Doctor.

I talked to him yesterday, he said he chipped a bone in his ankle. I asked how long they think he'll be out for and he said 8 weeks.

Brew_Recruit's speed never was the same again. What was once a 6.27 40 time, ultimately became a 6.82...what a shame

what its the truth, I don't mince words and its what i think. I have personal experience with a broken ankle.

Every ankle injury is exactly the same. Moreover, every person responds to the healing and treatment process the same.

(P.S. You are an idiot. Just in case you couldn't pick up on the sarcasm.)

what its the truth, I don't mince words and its what i think. I have personal experience with a broken ankle.

You may not mince words, but I don't think you made a valid argument. Stating that "his speed will probably never be the same again" is a pretty sweeping statement. If you're experience was as a D1 athlete, and you also gave evidence that the majority of other D1 players that have experienced the same injury also showed a drop off in speed, well...that would still be called into question, because that is the nature of the web.

Given Allen's athletic ability, the training facilities that they have along with the full time training/rehab staff on hand, I think it is a large leap to make that assumption.

I hope he recovers and contributes to the team.

what its the truth, I don't mince words and its what i think. I have personal experience with a broken ankle.

A pretty silly statement on your part, modern rehab and trainers on Mr. Allen to get the proper treatments will get him back to full speed before summer. It's a bone chip fracture, closer to a sprain than a large broken bone.

I'm around Orthopedic Surgeons quite a bit and talked to one today about this injury. She said recovery time from a bone chip in a high ankle (without knowing the specifics)would take 10-16 weeks to regain full motion and trust it again. She said only a shattered ankle would prevent someone from regaining their full speed(100% recovery) once again. A clean break or chipped bone anywhere in the body can heel 100% if treated properly.

There is some truth to this depending on the details of the break. In many cases once a break heals its done with and you're good to go. Your ankle never truly recovers from a bad sprain. You don't magically get all your strength and elasticity back. So yes, it is possible that this could be a better result (again, depending on the details).

How in the world could someone come to the conclusion that you will never fully recover from a broken ankle?

How in the world could someone come to the conclusion that you will never fully recover from a broken ankle?

I said his speed will never be quite as good as it was before the injury, and that is common.

Comforting to see that we have a board full of Orthopedic Specialists! All this prognosis without benefit of seeing a single MRI or X-ray?

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