This thread might go off the rails and for that I apologize.
I understand you're going to disagree and that's fine, but it's never been about "justice". The University of Minnesota has never been and will never be a court of law. Nobody is going to jail. Nobody is forced to go through the trial process. Being a student-athlete or student is a privilege, not a right. As humans we are allowed to have our own thoughts and opinions about other people's actions. (You're probably talking about my opinions on Reggie Lynch, but if not disregard). My thoughts on Reggie Lynch are that he doesn't deserve to represent the University of Minnesota because he probably did some pretty heinous things and in turn dragged the University of Minnesota through the mud. He put himself in the position to get accused of sexual misconduct multiple times. That's on him. The average college student gets accused zero times. Hold yourself to a higher standard.
Anyway, this mystery offensive lineman should probably get kicked off the team. But this mystery situation, so far, is a heck of a lot different than dragging the University of Minnesota through the mud on a national scale.