All Things Royce White Thread UPDATED 10/25: Royce cut by 76ers

First off, this is not english class. This is how the youth of america types. We're less concerned about puncuation and more about getting the point across. I mistyped absolutely..... My bad... Sorry i didnt put a question mark after some of my questions. Alright, now thats over with lets get to the point. Gopherinphilly you stated RW has not paid for his crimes. How about being kicked off the basketball team? He his banned from the MOA for a year. Forgive me because I don't see the comparison between RW and LT. I wasn't insulting your intelligence by calling you dumb if it came off that way. That comparison is just ludicrous. IMO RW moving to Iowa and starting over is proof enough he wants change in his life. Getting away from his old groupies and starting a new life. Ill take your bet. I bet over 14.

Not sure where you see that I wrote that RW did not pay for his crimes...I stated he couldn't do the time and he ran away...which is factual. He was not kicked off the team...he quit and transferred. He was kicked out of high school for cheating and he has since gotten not one but two full scholarships to D-1 schools, how is that being held accountable. Oh yeah, in between the two scholarships he was caught stealing, assaulted a security guard and then was involved with a crime in the dorms after he had already been banned from that dorm. You are acting like I am trying to crucify a kid that made a mistake...I am not. I am saying that the pattern of continued mistakes, over many years suggest more than a simple problem. Maybe he has found Jesus, matured greatly and become a good teammate...if he has, all the best. I have no specific knowledge of this either way. What I do have is a track record that looks like so many that have gone before him, including Lawrence Phillips. I am glad that you are a big supporter of RW, I am not. I thought his scholarship should have been offered on a probationary basis because of his problems in HS and when he got into trouble at the MOA his scholarship should have been cancelled. But that is just my opinion. Regarding the over/under...we will know in a few months who is correct. And regarding the starting over in a new place just doesn't work that way...Royce wasn't a thug, liar, thief and screw up because he had bad friends, he had bad friends because he was a thug, liar, thief and screw up. Run all you want, but the first mirror you meet will show you the person that was causing your problems has some how managed to follow you.

Not sure where you see that I wrote that RW did not pay for his crimes...I stated he couldn't do the time and he ran away...which is factual. He was not kicked off the team...he quit and transferred. He was kicked out of high school for cheating and he has since gotten not one but two full scholarships to D-1 schools, how is that being held accountable. Oh yeah, in between the two scholarships he was caught stealing, assaulted a security guard and then was involved with a crime in the dorms after he had already been banned from that dorm. You are acting like I am trying to crucify a kid that made a mistake...I am not. I am saying that the pattern of continued mistakes, over many years suggest more than a simple problem. Maybe he has found Jesus, matured greatly and become a good teammate...if he has, all the best. I have no specific knowledge of this either way. What I do have is a track record that looks like so many that have gone before him, including Lawrence Phillips. I am glad that you are a big supporter of RW, I am not. I thought his scholarship should have been offered on a probationary basis because of his problems in HS and when he got into trouble at the MOA his scholarship should have been cancelled. But that is just my opinion. Regarding the over/under...we will know in a few months who is correct. And regarding the starting over in a new place just doesn't work that way...Royce wasn't a thug, liar, thief and screw up because he had bad friends, he had bad friends because he was a thug, liar, thief and screw up. Run all you want, but the first mirror you meet will show you the person that was causing your problems has some how managed to follow you.

You aren't serious are you, he shoplifted and had a scuffle with a security guard about it. He basically paid for it with a year of ineligiblity. I'm not sure but how many other college athletes pay with a year of eligibility for shoplifting. Lefts face it he made a mistake but more than paid for it.

His problem was he became frustrated and was impatient witht the process, but who can blame him.

How many athletes on the football team had worse offenses and never missed a game or a day of practice. The punishment just didn't fit the crime in White's case.

The punishment just didn't fit the crime in White's case.

He had several issues keeping him off the court besides the just the shoplifting.

"He won't be playing tomorrow, he won't be playing until he gets his life and these issues he's dealing with taken care of." -Tubster

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no one is going to change their stance on Royce, good or bad, regardless of the argument made.

You aren't serious are you, he shoplifted and had a scuffle with a security guard about it. He basically paid for it with a year of ineligiblity. I'm not sure but how many other college athletes pay with a year of eligibility for shoplifting. Lefts face it he made a mistake but more than paid for it.

His problem was he became frustrated and was impatient witht the process, but who can blame him.

How many athletes on the football team had worse offenses and never missed a game or a day of practice. The punishment just didn't fit the crime in White's case.

This statement is exactly what Royce's problem was, besides his own behavior. The punishment absolutely fit the crime"s"! Shoplift, beat up a security guard, get suspended, steal a loptop out of dorm that you've already been kicked out of. Post video blogs bashing the U. You cannot be serious.....

He had several issues keeping him off the court besides the just the shoplifting.

"He won't be playing tomorrow, he won't be playing until he gets his life and these issues he's dealing with taken care of." -Tubster

Where do you get this fantasy from, he shoplifted and shoved the security guard, he did not beat the guard up, that is it, he had no other offenses other than being in a dorm looking for a party, which 99% of college kids are guilty of. His penalty was for shoplifting and nothing more.

Guilty by suspicion is just not part of the constitution. I have never seen anything to indicate he had anything to do with the laptop. If you know something I don't why don't you go to the police with it and have him charged.

I was in Lincoln when Lawrence was there. He didn't start out as a felon...he built up to it. He was never held accountable for the early stuff and it just escalated. Phillips had trouble in HS, he didn't attend class, he got in a bar fight his FR year in Lincoln. He ran with a crew of thugs. He beat up his ex and drug her down a flight of stairs and not only didn't he do time, he got drafted in the first round of the draft a month later. Phillips was a cancer to his team and after getting run out of the NFL, he got into gun trouble with his crew. To compare the road that RW is on to the one that Phillips went down it not out of line or an indication of my intelligence. It is, however, a possible outcome that I believe is likely and I am predicting. I did not make myself an example for RW to follow and I have made plenty of mistakes in my lifetime...and I paid for them. RW has not...which is why I predict he will continue to make them. And defending the crimes that RW committed by saying we all do it is the absurd response in all this.

You stated right there that he has not paid for his mistakes. There are plenty of athletes pro, college, or highschool that have had way less severe punishments.

I'm gonna go out on a limb and say no one is going to change their stance on Royce, good or bad, regardless of the argument made.

No doubt. There are certain people who are going to always feel the need to defend RW and some, not so much. There's probably not much more that needs to be said.

No doubt. There are certain people who are going to always feel the need to defend RW and some, not so much. There's probably not much more that needs to be said.

This has probably been asked (maybe even ITT), but what will the reaction be here if RW blows up (as in good)? What will folks think of Tubby? Maturi? It could get ugly......

Iowa State has 4 guys on the pre-season All Big 12, including honorable mention (RW is one of the latter).

This has probably been asked (maybe even ITT), but what will the reaction be here if RW blows up (as in good)? What will folks think of Tubby? Maturi? It could get ugly......

I think if it blows up, the reaction should be, "Well, you could have been one of the best in Gopher history and have your home state love you. You could have possibly been in 2 NCAA Tournaments by now and a couple tournament wins, but instead you quit on the program."

I am going to watch Iowa State today...

...and I am going to cheer for Royce White. I haven't seen him play in person since the state championship game a few years back and I pumped to see his development. My question is, do most people on here wish him success, failure or could care less?

Outside of that, the Cyclones have quite the roster and could make a serious impact in the Big 12 this season. This could be one of the most unique collection of talent on one roster in basketball history. SEVEN big time transfers expected to account for most of the teams scoring. crazy...

...and I am going to cheer for Royce White. I haven't seen him play in person since the state championship game a few years back and I pumped to see his development. My question is, do most people on here wish him success, failure or could care less?

Outside of that, the Cyclones have quite the roster and could make a serious impact in the Big 12 this season. This could be one of the most unique collection of talent on one roster in basketball history. SEVEN big time transfers expected to account for most of the teams scoring. crazy...

I really like the Mayor, I kind of hope he succeeds, if Royce can contribute to that, more power to him.

First off, this is not english class. This is how the youth of america types. We're less concerned about puncuation and more about getting the point across. I mistyped absolutely..... My bad... Sorry i didnt put a question mark after some of my questions. Alright, now thats over with lets get to the point. .

Man, I just read this part today. This is how the youth of America types? This is exactly why the youth of America should worry a little more about their futures. A couple of mistakes by accident is no big deal at all but to do on purpose is idiotic.

Most of the youth of America only types like that when they are feeling lazy or can't see the keyboard. It is not true to say that all of the youth of America types like that, however some are much much worse.

...and I am going to cheer for Royce White. I haven't seen him play in person since the state championship game a few years back and I pumped to see his development. My question is, do most people on here wish him success, failure or could care less?

Outside of that, the Cyclones have quite the roster and could make a serious impact in the Big 12 this season. This could be one of the most unique collection of talent on one roster in basketball history. SEVEN big time transfers expected to account for most of the teams scoring. crazy...

Left with 330 to go and he had a very quiet 14/15 points; most from the line...he air balled a free throw and made only a few shots from the field with one dunk. He brought the ball up the floor most of the time he was in the game. He is freaking huge. He probably put on 20 pounds of pure muscle since Hopkins. He passed the ball real well but had few turnovers. He didnt force too much...

This could be one of the most unique collection of talent on one roster in basketball history.
Unique... yes, but I'm really unsure as to how this time will stack up against the big 12 elite. Good luck to Royce though.

royce killing it...

18 pts, 7 boards and couple assists with lots of time left. Part of me hates to see this, but the other part is very proud. (move to royce white thread).

Just makes me bitter. Not proud in the least.

Try posting this on the ISU board where people give a $hit. The only thing I'm reminded of when people post stuff about Royce is how big of a dumba$$ he truly was. Did that come across as bitter? :)

Only a matter of time til he blows up...Im still at 17 games.


I would like to see Royce have a great year, but the Gophers have a better one. It would be nice to see a kid outta Minnesota blowup (no pun intended) on the national stage. Most of my friends like the big programs (Duke, Unc, etc.). It would be nice to say that MN had this kid, he along with Maturi f'ed it up.

He looks like a college version of Lebron out there wearing an ISU jersey...

He also had 6 turnovers according to the box score, so yeah he was really stuffing the stat sheet.

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