My quick take: today's outcome suggests that the U had at least some justification for the suspensions of the original group of 5.
BUT - it also suggests that the U screwed up by adding the second group of 5. Those players had their names, pictures - and yes, their reputations, splashed across the media. A lot of people, including several on this board, concluded that they were "rapists," or at the very least, had committed violations serious enough to require suspensions.
Whoever at the U - Coyle, Kaler, etc, made the decision to suspend the second group of 5 should be facing some serious questioning from the Board of Regents.
If the story had started and ended with the first group of 5, this would not have become such a big story, or become so heated on the Hole and media in general. The second group of 5 was overreach by the U, and someone should have to answer for it.