All things funny


I have no idea why (nor does the wife), but I laughed to tears watching this video. Maybe you have to be a dog lover, but I thought this was just fantastic


I have no idea why (nor does the wife), but I laughed to tears watching this video. Maybe you have to be a dog lover, but I thought this was just fantastic

That is cool. Get the hell out of my way 🤣

I have no idea why (nor does the wife), but I laughed to tears watching this video. Maybe you have to be a dog lover, but I thought this was just fantastic

I love all dogs but as an owner of multiple Golden's, they are quite simply the greatest breed.

I had one that would "accidently" fall out of the boat in the middle of the lake.

I'm not sure I remember this at the time but this is funny as shit. I thought the first answer was the only correct answer.

Several years ago we had some visiting professors at the house for dinner. Our kids aged about 7, 6. and 4 were at the dinner table. One of the professors asked each kid what she wanted to be when grown up. He started with the oldest
When he got to the youngest I could see she was struggling. Finally she blurted out "I want to be a hoer," of course everyone heard "whore,"
After a minute or so of stunned silence, I finally figured out what she was saying. I had gotten them a set of kids' gardening tools and they each got to pick what they wanted. The oldest went first and she chose the shovel. The middle child picked the rake, and the youngest ended up with the hoe.

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