After just my two posts here, the great, great Bob Loblaw realizes that I'm "not capable of have a substantive discussion." Yet 60% of those who read my post approve/recommend it. The howling wolves came out in full force as they always do. My original post was substantive. No one has disputed the facts of the case that I outlined. Loblaw didn't discuss them (he's only interested in "the process") except to admit that they were very bad for the players. You yourself said the Washington Post article I sighted was an important one. But I must always keep in mind, I'm not Bob Loblaw. And what about the constitutional challenges to EoAA? Where are they in the federal courts? Most have gone virtually nowhere and you are the guy that keeps bringing up the constitution here.Why can't you just have intellectual conversation about the issues?
The OP didn't get laughed and mocked because people disagreed with him, he got mocked and laughed at because of the nature of his posting.
First, he said this is an awful place to talk about the situation, then he went on to log on, create an account here and put out 8 bulletpoints about the subject. You don't think that's weird? I was sick and tired of reading posts here that didn't talk about the FACTS of this case--which you even admitted are "bad for those charged." You talked about me in conjunction of having "crazy" ideas and so forth. I get that the process may be flawed--as though the processes where you practice law are not. I talked about my daughter graduating from the U of M law school and how proud I am of the work that she's done on behalf of social justice. Bob Loblaw talks about his U of M law degree all of the time. But, then again, he's Bob Loblaw and I'm either just the President or the A.D. at the U of M.
Next, he implied that if people disagreed with the EoAA and they don't adhere to BLM, they are essentially playing the race card for this particular case. That's quite the statement, don't you think? You said you didn't think race was an issue in this case when most posters have said the opposite. I CONTRASTED concern about African-American football player with BLM because there can be "more than one injustice in society" which are the exact words that you used in your initial response. What about Hutton bringing up Emmitt Till?
I asked him a couple of substantive questions because he seemed to want a dialogue, he essentially skipped them to start yapping about BLM. I answered all of your questions but only the last one was posted because of an error I made. I'm a first poster, remember? One of thing I will say again is that Bob is exactly right--I never should have posted here. No one but the same people who post the same things every day should be allowed to do so.
I realize that you're not capable of having a substantive discussion on the issues of the case, but don't confuse that with people rejecting any attempt at a real discussion. But go ahead, attack me, imply that it is just the Gopherhole hivemind, or maybe make an ACTUAL point.
Finally, since I've admitted to being the A.D. and the president of the U of M (as well as the person behind the Bowling Green massacre), what posters will now admit they are Tracy Claeys? I'm done "yapping" now. Next time I post, I'll get in the flow of things around here and bad mouth the U, its president, its A.D., its new football coach and its awful team.