KSTP: Minnehaha Academy foursome provide recruiting updates
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College basketball and football coaches don't need directions on how to get to Minnehaha Academy. The high school has multiple upper-level college recruits in both sports.
KSTP Sports' Darren Wolfson caught up with four of the players: juniors Jalen Suggs and Kaden Johnson, sophomore Chet Holmgren, and freshman Prince Aligbe.
Suggs has many football and basketball offers. He was recently invited to the pretigious NBA Players Association camp, and will once again play for Team USA this summer. Suggs has taken one official basketball recruiting trip and that was to see Gonzaga. The Gophers, among many programs, are recruiting him heavily.
Johnson is the state's top-ranked football recruit in the 2020 Class. Able to play linebacker and tight end, he holds many offers, including from the Gophers. Johnson told us that he'll spend time with Gophers coach P.J. Fleck on Monday.
Holmgren is one of the top basketball players in the country in the 2021 Class. Nearly 7-feet tall, Holmgren has guard skills. The Gophers and many others have offered him. Holmgren's dad, Dave, played for the Gophers.
Aligbe was recently offered by the Gophers, Missouri, and others. Like Holmgren and Suggs are in their respective classes, Aligbe is one of the top players in the country in the 2022 Class.
Go Gophers!!