All aboard the Kiffin wagon

Lane isn't coming here. For now Claeys is our guy. No need give up yet

Teams loses one of those "guaranteed" wins GHolers were counting all spring and summer and now Lane Kiffin should be hired as head coach.

your words not mine im down though what have we got to lose? besides the governors victory bell again ofc

Teams loses one of those "guaranteed" wins GHolers were counting all spring and summer and now Lane Kiffin should be hired as head coach. How fast things change around here.

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Who and where were all these people calling Penn St. a "guaranteed" win, liar?

Old Sweater Vest's punishment is up in December I believe, sign him up.

Old Sweater Vest's punishment is up in December I believe, sign him up.

damn thats an off the grid pick respect on taking the pulse on this one. idk if hes trying to get out of the admin business though, still good money and way better job security

Who and where were all these people calling Penn St. a "guaranteed" win, liar?

They were all over here spring and summer. Quit trying to act like they weren't dbag.

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They were all over here spring and summer. Quit trying to act like they weren't dbag.

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BS. It's easy to win an argument when you make up the other side's point of view, liar.

BS. It's easy to win an argument when you make up the other side's point of view, liar.

Didn't make up a thing about the "guaranteed" win. Few more of those "guarantees" still on the schedule.

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Fleck was with these guys at NIU. Bring him in as HC and Claeys back to DC. Then recruit recruit recruit!

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Didn't make up a thing about the "guaranteed" win. Few more of those "guarantees" still on the schedule.

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You did. About the only ones that could even remotely be construed as "guaranteed" by the posters here are Rutgers and maybe Purdue. Thinking we have a good shot of winning the game is not a "guarantee," liar.

Didn't make up a thing about the "guaranteed" win. Few more of those "guarantees" still on the schedule.

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Most thought p state was very winnable and it was. Didn't work out

Fleck was with these guys at NIU. Bring him in as HC and Claeys back to DC. Then recruit recruit recruit!

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That'll never work.

You did. About the only ones that could even remotely be construed as "guaranteed" by the posters here are Rutgers and maybe Purdue. Thinking we have a good shot of winning the game is not a "guarantee," liar.

Think your forgetting the posters here "guaranteed" win at Maryland.

You did. About the only ones that could even remotely be construed as "guaranteed" by the posters here are Rutgers and maybe Purdue. Thinking we have a good shot of winning the game is not a "guarantee," liar.

This.....I think Illinois, Rutgers, and Purdue are high chance for w's. Maryland, north western, and Iowa seem like we can get 1-2

ill be honest i really thought this years team would be capable of beatin penn state 7 out of 10 times but it was one of those 3 and thats the one in the record books

You did. About the only ones that could even remotely be construed as "guaranteed" by the posters here are Rutgers and maybe Purdue. Thinking we have a good shot of winning the game is not a "guarantee," liar.

He thinks that when people say we should win or predict a win that it means it is guaranteed. There may have been a few comments here and there but overall I don't ever recall people saying it was guaranteed.

I don't think most. Why talk smack to supposedly fellow gopher fans?

That's his never-ending schtick. He's an eternal pessimist (a species endemic to the Gopher fanbase) and when anyone dares to be even a little positive, he ascribes actions to them that aren't true so he can construct a fine strawman to burn down and attempt to make everyone else as miserable as he is. Like many Gopher "fans", he never got the memo that following sports is supposed to be fun.

FWIW, I don't think there is any way Lane Kiffin would come here. I think it's way too premature to be talking about firing TC. But if they did, I think you look for a coordinator with Midwest ties.

Kiffen isn't coming here. Fleck isn't coming here. Miles isn't coming here. Name the next four or five on your list, then cross those off. Then start considering names that come next.

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FWIW, I don't think there is any way Lane Kiffin would come here. I think it's way too premature to be talking about firing TC. But if they did, I think you look for a coordinator with Midwest ties.

Aranda I like the way you think

That's his never-ending schtick. He's an eternal pessimist (a species endemic to the Gopher fanbase) and when anyone dares to be even a little positive, he ascribes actions to them that aren't true so he can construct a fine strawman to burn down and attempt to make everyone else as miserable as he is. Like many Gopher "fans", he never got the memo that following sports is supposed to be fun.

The simple fact that I bother you so much is hilarious. You fall for my never-ending schtick every time.

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FWIW, I don't think there is any way Lane Kiffin would come here. I think it's way too premature to be talking about firing TC. But if they did, I think you look for a coordinator with Midwest ties.

No it's not. He's gone. It's what I've been saying since the end of last season. It was obvious Claeys couldn't be a successful head coach. The only reason he was hired was because our admin couldn't hire an AD in timely fashion. This year will become a lost year because we didn't have the people in place to hire a competent B1G coach. I do have faith that Coyle will get the right guy next year, but now it'll take more time to rebuild. This wasn't difficult to see.

Kiffin would be an awful choice though. How many times does he have to fail for people to realize that?

Add Dantonio, Saban and Belichick to the list.

If we hire Lane Kiffin I am done! The guy is a piece of ****e! He has never been a good head coach and he wouldn't be one here either.

Remember when people were scared TC was going to leave and wanted him to sign or take over right when Jerry had issues, so that he could prove to be a good head coach? Now people want his head after one loss.

I do think TC is in over his head. The defense has suffered, because he can't focus all his time and effort into it. The results and stats are showing it. If he was moved back to defense only, I think that might help some (not all) of the problems the Gophers are having.

I also wasn't sold on the Gophers even at the beginning of the year. A truly good team would put bad teams away, like Ohio State did yesterday. The Gophers haven't done that since Mason years. I wasn't sold on the QB, but didn't think the defense would be such an issue.

I thought maybe 7 wins at the most before the year started. Now I'm hoping for .500 so we don't get forced into a bowl game and mocked, even if we win.

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