Alarming Trend

Anyhow, expect a bunch of red on Sept 12.

There will be red. But 2007 was their high-warermark in this town. They were 8-3, Minnesota was 1-10. Their fans bought cheap tickets to the dome when it looked like they still had Rose Bowl hopes.

Wisconsin starts off with a handful of cupcakes this year, so a 4-0 start is almost inevitable for them -- no matter how bad they may or may not be. But the cheap tickets are going for $240 right now. And they are coming off of what has to be their most disapointing season in nearly 20 years. There will be red. I would guess less than 1/4 of what there has been in the past.

have to disagree. the number of sconnies who are going to convince a u of m student (friend from wisconsin or not) to put their u of m picture ID and its university priviledges "on the line" just so they can try and trick a ticket taker into getting in the stadium illegally with an invalid student season ticket is going to very minimal.

second, unless you personally know all of the people who will be working tickets at the new stadium entrances i think it is a rather large leap to just assume that they will all "turn a blind eye" to some douche bag in red or a douche bag in yellow/black who is holding a u of m student season ticket and flashing a u of m picture ID that is obviously not them. i would think that most will have a little more respect for themselves and their jobs than you are letting on.

and i also think the ticket administration office is going to be doing some "training" with them before the stadium opens to make sure they understand this is not acceptable under any circumstances. in fact i am going to send an email to the guy who is in charge of the whole process to encourage that training and conversation happens with the ticket takers well ahead of time and i would suggest that others do the same. his name is: Dan Cohen (Customer Relations Manager). you can contact him directly at or call (612) 624-5280.

I'm not saying it won't help. In fact, in the example given of those Sconnies who bought 12 tix I'm sure the majority of them would be SOL thanks to the ID check. I sincerely doubt there are 12 people willing to give up their ID's to someone they may not even know (obviously being willing to buy the tickets is another story). But I still think there will be an ok # of apathetic students from WI who have diehard Sconnie friends that they trust with their U card. It won't be a crazy #, but I'm not going to be surprised if there is still an ok amount of red in the section.

It'll all depend on who is checking the ID's. If it's rent-a-security in their yellow jackets, then good luck stopping the Sconnie fans cause those guys don't care. That's how I've gotten into the Iowa student section at Kinnick decked head to toe in Maroon and Gold while carrying the ID of a guy who looks nothing like me. The rent a cops don't care. If its U employed folks then I would expect things to be different.

I'm not trying to say it won't be better...I'm just saying I'm tempering my expectations. Everything related to the new stadium will be a work in progress.

With out redesigning the U-card, I can't see a better system. The cards have gotten progressively cheaper over the last ten years, and having witnessed the failure rate in libraries, I can say I wouldn't want be waiting behind the drunk that can't get his valid card to read, and you better believe it will happen about 1500 times on game day. If they redesigned the U card to be of the more robust radio transmission method where they can be simply waved in front of a proximity reader than I would be all for a move toward Penn State's system, but until then this will help. Handing off U-cards is a deterrent more so than in years past when one simply sold the ticket after presenting a u-card at purchase. Are you going to buy a U-card on stubhub? It works fairly well at hockey games, I can't remember the last time I saw some ass in a Wisconsin shirt in the student section, compared to the regular occurrence of yesteryear in the Metrodome

i assume the U-Card is a picture ID correct? i did not attend the U of M so i am not aware.

Sell as many tickets as possible to UW students. Say, ten thousand of them, maybe more.

Then change the policy.

i assume the U-Card is a picture ID correct? i did not attend the U of M so i am not aware.

Whether this matters depends on 2 things...who is doing the checking? And just as important (perhaps more so), what are they allowed to do if they think the person going to the game isn't the student on the ticket? They don't have a legal right to see the person's driver's license so how do you prove that the person isn't the U card holder? (for the sake of this question I'm assuming the picture on the card could possibly be the person attending, not a guy with a girl's ID or anything like that)

I think this is a hoax. You won't see hundreds of badger fans in the middle of the U student section.

Have the person checking cards confiscate cards being used by the unintended.... $1 per card they take.

That is a fund id contribute too... plus the U would make extra money in issuing new cards. Win/win.

This "system" is total crap and so easy to get around it's ridiculous. I used to go to a lot of Iowa State games in college (I didn't go there, but had a friend who played). A friend at ISU would get me a student ticket, then loan me his roommate's ID for the afternoon. Didn't look at all like me, but was male and had brown hair...that was enough. Honestly, as hard as security was looking, you could've had a chick's ID and gotten through...they didn't care. The lines coming into the stadium b/t 30 min before and 30 min after kickoff are going to be ridiculous. Think they're going to stand there scrutinizing every ID?

This "system" is total crap and so easy to get around it's ridiculous. I used to go to a lot of Iowa State games in college (I didn't go there, but had a friend who played). A friend at ISU would get me a student ticket, then loan me his roommate's ID for the afternoon. Didn't look at all like me, but was male and had brown hair...that was enough. Honestly, as hard as security was looking, you could've had a chick's ID and gotten through...they didn't care. The lines coming into the stadium b/t 30 min before and 30 min after kickoff are going to be ridiculous. Think they're going to stand there scrutinizing every ID?

I did the same thing at the U of South Carolina. This system is cursory at best.

This "system" is total crap and so easy to get around it's ridiculous. I used to go to a lot of Iowa State games in college (I didn't go there, but had a friend who played). A friend at ISU would get me a student ticket, then loan me his roommate's ID for the afternoon. Didn't look at all like me, but was male and had brown hair...that was enough. Honestly, as hard as security was looking, you could've had a chick's ID and gotten through...they didn't care. The lines coming into the stadium b/t 30 min before and 30 min after kickoff are going to be ridiculous. Think they're going to stand there scrutinizing every ID?

Making people get student ids to match the ticket will combat the majority of ticket sales. Friends will give friends the ID's to borrow, but there will be far less people doing this than in years past regardless of who is checking the IDs.

Whether this matters depends on 2 things...who is doing the checking? And just as important (perhaps more so), what are they allowed to do if they think the person going to the game isn't the student on the ticket? They don't have a legal right to see the person's driver's license so how do you prove that the person isn't the U card holder? (for the sake of this question I'm assuming the picture on the card could possibly be the person attending, not a guy with a girl's ID or anything like that)

What do you mean they don't have the legal right to see a person's drivers license? What law restricts the U of M from putting in a rule that states student ticket admittance requires 2 forms of ID including a U-Card?

they should just not allow anyone to wear red in the student section period. screw'em

What do you mean they don't have the legal right to see a person's drivers license? What law restricts the U of M from putting in a rule that states student ticket admittance requires 2 forms of ID including a U-Card?

I'm pretty sure they can put that rule in place ahead of time, but if they don't I'm also pretty sure the rent a cops don't have a legal right to ask you on the spot "hey, i'm not sure this is you, prove it". Even the police can't do that without probable cause.

GopherLady and I had an informal dinner with some ticketing and marketing people in Gopher Athletics four or five years ago, in which they stated all of these grand ticketing plans that would instituted when the new stadium opens.

Looks like nobody followed up on their good ideas.

Not surprised.

they should just not allow anyone to wear red in the student section period. screw'em

I honestly think this is the best policy along with checking IDs.

You pick the major colors.

Red, Green, Black, Gold (metal), Blue, and you say it is not allowed.

Or you say no gear representing an opposing school.

Make it a student group, with its own board and rules.

I honestly think this is the best policy along with checking IDs.

You pick the major colors.

Red, Green, Black, Gold (metal), Blue, and you say it is not allowed.

Or you say no gear representing an opposing school.

Make it a student group, with its own board and rules.

I like the idea of saying that gold is the only color allowed in the section. I would be fine with restricting maroon to create uniformity in the section because it looks pretty cool when the section is all gold.

Student IDs

I used a 15 year old student ID to get two bucks off a pitcher of beer a couple of weeks ago.

I'm pretty sure they can put that rule in place ahead of time, but if they don't I'm also pretty sure the rent a cops don't have a legal right to ask you on the spot "hey, i'm not sure this is you, prove it". Even the police can't do that without probable cause.

in my book the need for probable cause "goes out the window" when we are talking about becky and/or hogeye fans! ;)

maybe if they took their time checking every single id thoroughly, then more people would show up earlier? Ever think of that? I say its a damn good thing to check every id.

They can do this at the same time that the security guards give everyone the ole' alcohol/weapons/food/drugs/fireworks/sextoys pat-down. Just like at the hockey games. It doesn't slow anything down because it already is slow due to the pat-down process we all have to go through.

Hell, if they want to check 2 id's, i say bring it on!!! if they have the right to pat my groin to make sure im not sneaking in jagermeister, they have every right to question who i am!

I used a 15 year old student ID to get two bucks off a pitcher of beer a couple of weeks ago.

I still use my ID to go to the movies cheaper.

They really should consider switching it up every few years, or figuring out how to make it expire.

If you really do hit up school for 10 years, you could at the very least get a new ID like you get a new license.

maybe if they took their time checking every single id thoroughly, then more people would show up earlier? Ever think of that? I say its a damn good thing to check every id.

They can do this at the same time that the security guards give everyone the ole' alcohol/weapons/food/drugs/fireworks/sextoys pat-down. Just like at the hockey games. It doesn't slow anything down because it already is slow due to the pat-down process we all have to go through.

Hell, if they want to check 2 id's, i say bring it on!!! if they have the right to pat my groin to make sure im not sneaking in jagermeister, they have every right to question who i am!


As someone who will be likely kept from the student section for the time since I graduated in '05, I have to say that I am happy that it looks like the U will be checking to make sure people in the student section are students. Even though I will be forced to pony up the money to pay for a real-person's ticket this year, it will be worth it, if the U does its due diligence and keeps out all opposing kids (including the 12 from this thread who each will lose 83 bucks) from the student section.

Since it seems I will not be sitting with the students (tear), I will be doing my part to lively up the other section I will be in, to be a lot more like the student section. In terms of being loud, minus the 3 kids puking by halftime, and the 4 passed out in the third quarter.

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