After Further Review

I am actually hoping Keith and Ekpe can add 2 or 3 apiece as well. If Cockran really is good, and Hageman is double teamed, the other DE should have opportunties. Keith is really quick.

Coach Claeys said on the Big 10 Network he expects the defense to be better. All three classes have all the defensive calls down. There is competition at every position, we tackle better, we are making fewer mistakes, and we are faster.

2011 PPG 31.7
TO 9
Sacks 19

2012 PPG 24.7
TO 20
Sacks 26

Projected Defensive Stats

2013 PPG 18.5
TO 24
Sacks 35

If the physical ball control offense takes time off the clock and keeps the defense fresh they could be even better. I think this offense is looking to be more like the Bowl Game 55 rushes 19 passes.

I think the point of the over/under is to pick a number that is in the middle somewhere and a pretty likely number to get, not what you think the max is.

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