Advice on possibly buying season tix for next year

Triple D

Well-known member
Sep 28, 2010
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I might split some (2-3) season tix next year with someone I work with. Neither of us has had Gophers season tix before. Any advice on where to try and sit, best seats for the price, tailgaiting, special promos, etc. for a newbie?

I am a U grad, does that get me anything extra?



One choice is to decide if you want to be in the sun or not.

With the east-west orientation the sun is more of a deal.

Since the visitors side is to the north, then it gets the sunshine. The home side is in the shade.

Visitors side is hot in the summer/early fall sun...but the rays feel good by the time we get to October and certainly November.

Mrs. Billd and I are in 212...sunny-side for the visitors...and like it just fine.

Good luck with your decision. There are no bad seats at The Bank.

Go Gophers! Merry Christmas!

A lot chillier on the visitors side upper deck than the home side, especially in the later months.

Disagree that visitor side is chillier, definitely not the case if sun is out.

Per Jeff Horton: "It's only cold if you are losing."

A lot chillier on the visitors side upper deck than the home side, especially in the later months.

This is backwards.

The home side is shaded in the fall and can be 10-20 cooler easily than the visitor side. In 2009 the Illinois game was the last home game of the year (I believe) and unseasonably warm. People on our side (visitors) had t-shirts on; people on the home side in the shade were practically bundled up.
We chose the visitor side for the late season sun and are glad we did.

If the weather is a big deal to you, sitting in the top 3-4 rows on the home side, the overhang is very nice during the rain, and the views are still very good. As a bonus, there's no one behind you to complain when you're standing up the whole game (though it's also a detriment, since you can't force anyone to stand by standing yourself, and the folks up there don't get terribly into the game.)

My only personal requirement is to stay away from the end-zones as much as possible. But, like it was said before, there really aren't many bad seats, so a lot of it is personal taste. We're planning on moving up towards the front of the upper deck next season, but hopefully staying on the home side, since I don't like wearing sun glasses.

If the weather is a big deal to you, sitting in the top 3-4 rows on the home side, the overhang is very nice during the rain, and the views are still very good. As a bonus, there's no one behind you to complain when you're standing up the whole game (though it's also a detriment, since you can't force anyone to stand by standing yourself, and the folks up there don't get terribly into the game.)

My only personal requirement is to stay away from the end-zones as much as possible. But, like it was said before, there really aren't many bad seats, so a lot of it is personal taste. We're planning on moving up towards the front of the upper deck next season, but hopefully staying on the home side, since I don't like wearing sun glasses.

Definitely agree with the top 3-4 rows(lower level). Can see the whole field and still close to action. Midfield would be nice but if you are in a corner take the home side end zone corner. Direct view of scoreboard which is nice when action is at the opposite end.

Since I agree that there is no bad seat in the place, I would just figure out how much you want to pay and if having a natural seat back is important to you. I sit in the middle of the upper-deck on the visitor's side on about the 20 yard line (they are some of the few seats that have backs that you don't have pay extra money for) and I think they're great

1. Not a bad seat in the Bank but I'd suggest a Chair-Back vs. Bench Seating.
2. Sun or Shade side? We have two upper deck shade (home) side and the wife likes this view better than lower deck. Also less glare on home side. We have 6 on the upper deck visitor side and the turf appears shiney or wet. We've only been there for a half of a game vs. Northwestern - but it is much warmer.
3. What do you want in your gameday experience? The band, the Cheerleaders, Goldy, the Victory walk, view of the scoreboard, Tailgating, Goal Line Club, is parking an issue? All questions & concerns should be considered. For us its a huge family & friends celebration that lasts from sun up to sun down.

Good luck with your selections Triple D and welcome to Gopher Nation!

Agree with BilldGopher.

1. First, decide if you want to sit in the sun or shade. I personally sit in the sun (sec212, just a few rows in front of BilldGopher) and wouldn't trade it for anything. I love the hot sun at the start of the season, knowing it's going to be the last time I can take in the rays for the year. Then in the late fall the sun provides an extra 10 degrees of warmth compared to the home side.

2. How important is it to hear the marching band? When they play on the field much of the time they are facing the home side so the visiting side gets a more muffled sound. Also, if you are sitting close to the student section then you might be a bit behind them during the game and have trouble hearing them.

3. In the upper deck as you get towards the open end of the stadium you will have a significantly angled view of the scoreboard.

4. Lower deck is very close to the action but the upper deck gives you a great view of the entire play developing. Personal preference here. Like others have said, there isn't a bad seat.

5. As far as tailgating you have 3 options. A) Pay the donation fee and get a prime spot by the stadium. If you are splitting the seats perhaps this is a viable option? B) Tailgate in St. Paul, which probably has the largest concentrated amount of people tailgating in the same location. C) Tailgate on the West Bank, which has smaller lots but offers a more collegiate feel as the 1 mile walk to the stadium is actually pretty fun. They do offer shuttles from the west bank too.

Good luck w/ your decision and see you next year!

If you are a recent U grad (last 3 years) you can get the 'recent alumni' tickets. They are in section 230 (I think, but my friends that got them always came down and sat in the student section.), and are slightly discounted.

Couple of other thoughts to add on to what others have put.
- The benches are roomier because they are meant to support chairback if needed in the future. So you have more width and legroom than the chairbacks. I'm tall so that matters to me. To others its NBD.
- The angle thing as you get closer to the board isn't as big of an issue as you'd think. We're in the first couple rows of 246 (on the aisle by 245) and we can see the board just fine. Probably more of an issue if you get higher up in 246 though.
- It can get windy near the open end.
- I don't mind the shade, I just wear layers.
- Seriously not a bad seat though. You'll be happy whatever you choose.

Everyone is hitting the nail on the head. The sun vs shade thing is the main consideration. My seats are on the home side, and I also had one seat on the visitor side in 2009 before moving it closer to my other four, last year. Early season games can be VERY HOT with the sun in your face on the Visitor side. Downright steamy. But, on the Home side most of the seats are in the shade even early in the season and especially late in the year. It is cooler, no doubt. It is a matter of personal preference. For me, I went with the logic that you can always put more clothes on, but you can only take so much off. I have liked the home side and the little perks that come with it: The band usually faces us when they are on the field and we get the best view of downtown Minneapolis. In terms of seeing the action on the field, all the seats in the stadium are quite good. You can't go wrong

I can't believe no one has brought this up. Section selection may depend on your preference of standing or sitting.;)

Couple of other thoughts to add on to what others have put.
- The benches are roomier because they are meant to support chairback if needed in the future. So you have more width and legroom than the chairbacks. I'm tall so that matters to me. To others its NBD.
- The angle thing as you get closer to the board isn't as big of an issue as you'd think. We're in the first couple rows of 246 (on the aisle by 245) and we can see the board just fine. Probably more of an issue if you get higher up in 246 though.
- It can get windy near the open end.
- I don't mind the shade, I just wear layers.
- Seriously not a bad seat though. You'll be happy whatever you choose.

Very true. I sat in 236 last year for the Cal game. When people walked in front of me I didn't need to stand or even move my feet to let them through.

Best tailgating spot for the value is at the East Bank Flats behind Comstock Hall. $10 to park which INCLUDES tailgate privileges, most of the spots back up to a grassy field so you have plenty of space for all your equipment, nice view of the river, and only about a 15-min WALK (not bus) to the game. Can't beat it.

Very true. I sat in 236 last year for the Cal game. When people walked in front of me I didn't need to stand or even move my feet to let them through.

Agreed. And for like $45, you can get the cushioned seat and back installed. They're very comfortable plus provide more room.

Agreed. And for like $45, you can get the cushioned seat and back installed. They're very comfortable plus provide more room.

Thanks guys, keep the information coming.

That was one of my questions, I went to the NIU game this year and saw TCF for the first time(ironic that Kill is now our Coach, is that destiny?) I sat in the Upper Level, closed end and did notice the portable seat backs. It was evident to me that the Gophers had been busing high school teams in and giving away free tickets judging by all of the kids wearing jerseys around us, how long has that been going on? It was kind of annoying as some of the kids were rowdy and scrambling all over the seats by us and not paying too much attention to the game, but then again it was becoming a blow-out.

We tailgated at 27th and University and I think my friend pays a season pass of $250 but if I'm splitting tickets paying more is an option for a closer/bigger/better lot.

Is the $45 per game or per season for the cushion seat backs, and is it worth the extra money?

And generally what is the price level difference between:

a) Bench seat
b) Chair back
c) Regular chair seat

I could check on the stadium site but I like the feedback from the fans.

Oh, and what section has the best view of the cheerleaders!!

Best tailgating spot for the value is at the East Bank Flats behind Comstock Hall. $10 to park which INCLUDES tailgate privileges, most of the spots back up to a grassy field so you have plenty of space for all your equipment, nice view of the river, and only about a 15-min WALK (not bus) to the game. Can't beat it.

Ssshh, don't tell anyone! ;)

Thanks guys, keep the information coming.

That was one of my questions, I went to the NIU game this year and saw TCF for the first time(ironic that Kill is now our Coach, is that destiny?) I sat in the Upper Level, closed end and did notice the portable seat backs. It was evident to me that the Gophers had been busing high school teams in and giving away free tickets judging by all of the kids wearing jerseys around us, how long has that been going on? It was kind of annoying as some of the kids were rowdy and scrambling all over the seats by us and not paying too much attention to the game, but then again it was becoming a blow-out.

We tailgated at 27th and University and I think my friend pays a season pass of $250 but if I'm splitting tickets paying more is an option for a closer/bigger/better lot.

Is the $45 per game or per season for the cushion seat backs, and is it worth the extra money?

And generally what is the price level difference between:

a) Bench seat
b) Chair back
c) Regular chair seat

I could check on the stadium site but I like the feedback from the fans.

Oh, and what section has the best view of the cheerleaders!!

- No idea on the HS kids. If you were upper level closed end then you were prob right next to the student section. Its possible the U was turning over extra student seats to HS teams.
- The $45 cost of seatbacks for the benches is per seat/per season.
- There is no difference in season ticket cost between benches and chairbacks. However, all chairback seats between the 20's have some level of per seat/per season donation required (either $100, $250, or $500 depending on location). So if you are interested in chairbacks the seats between the goal lines and 20's on both sides are the best bang for your buck.
- As a bench seat guy, I don't think seatbacks are necessary. That said, you'll want a blanket or something under your butt when its cold and my back does sometimes get tired and sore from not having something to lean against. You are allowed to bring portable seatbacks into the stadium so long as they don't attach to the bench or have metal framing.
- The one other thing about chairback seats is that you get beverage holders. Not a big deal but just another thing to note.

Is the $45 per game or per season for the cushion seat backs, and is it worth the extra money?
YES, they are worth it! I'm in 235 and have had the padded chairbacks both season. They are $45 per season, not game. Those around me that we know who are on the benches will sit in the padded seats until I get there, hoping I won't show and they can have them. No blanket needed underneath you during the cold games, since the pad keeps you nice a warm.

I like the section, as I can see everything happening, but am thinking of trying to change it up this year and move a bit closer.

The price for the cushioned back rests isn't bad, but you will have to decide for yourself if it is worth it. Some people's backs start to ache after sitting on bleachers for a whole game. If yours does, then it might be worth it, if not, it may not. If you can watch a basketball game while sitting on the bleachers and not be uncomfortable, you probably won't be uncomfortable watching a football game on bleachers.

The price for the cushioned back rests isn't bad, but you will have to decide for yourself if it is worth it. Some people's backs start to ache after sitting on bleachers for a whole game. If yours does, then it might be worth it, if not, it may not. If you can watch a basketball game while sitting on the bleachers and not be uncomfortable, you probably won't be uncomfortable watching a football game on bleachers.

Another nice thing about the cushioned backrests is that they mark your seat location precisely. People can't surreptitiously encroach on your territory....

Another nice thing about the cushioned backrests is that they mark your seat location precisely. People can't surreptitiously encroach on your territory....

this is the main reason I have them. I do like them. Worth the $$ in my opinion.

As per the seatbacks issues, it's a complete waste, as you will obviously be standing for 90% of the game, like the rest of us awesome real fans.
Also, I've never noticed the benches being too cold to sit on. But I also never understood why people like seat warmers in cars, so maybe it's just that my ass is impervious to cold.

This is backwards.

The home side is shaded in the fall and can be 10-20 cooler easily than the visitor side. In 2009 the Illinois game was the last home game of the year (I believe) and unseasonably warm. People on our side (visitors) had t-shirts on; people on the home side in the shade were practically bundled up.
We chose the visitor side for the late season sun and are glad we did.

Not if the wind is blowing - less protection on the North side.

Best tailgating spot for the value is at the East Bank Flats behind Comstock Hall. $10 to park which INCLUDES tailgate privileges, most of the spots back up to a grassy field so you have plenty of space for all your equipment, nice view of the river, and only about a 15-min WALK (not bus) to the game. Can't beat it.

is that by the hospital? I feel like that's the spot my dad and his friends park. i thought it was pretty decent, not too many people though. (if it is the same spot we're talking about.)

I had a spot in the 4th st ramp and used it only during the 11am games. I usually tailgated down by the river flats, its nice down there, during the USC game the lot was filled with tailgaters, that was nice to see.

As for seats, my brother and I are in 152, the end section in the open end of the stadium, we sacrificed a view of the scoreboard but turning around isn't that big of a deal to watch replays.

That and for every game we have a different set of cheerleaders to critique. BTW South Dakota's cheer squad was aweful...but we were rewarded with 4 USC song girls, which was very nice to see.

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