Adam Rittenberg: Three BT staffs must seize the moment


Well-known member
Nov 11, 2008
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Minnesota: Tim Brewster and his staff won't survive another poor offensive performance in 2010, so their priorities right now are obvious. New offensive coordinator Jeff Horton is taking the right approach by simplifying things -- more on this in Friday's blog -- and he and his staff need to pinpoint what their personnel can do best. Minnesota needs to be much more physical on the offensive line, and it's up to Horton and O-line coach Tim Davis to get things on track this spring. The staff also must identify playmakers on offense as the unit looked lost after Eric Decker got hurt. The defensive staff will be busy, too, as Minnesota loses nine starters on that side of the ball.

Go Gophers!!

Thanks for the link, but I get much more in depth, insightful opinions from KFAN...scratch that...from people on this board than that "analysis".

Thanks for the link, but I get much more in depth, insightful opinions from KFAN...scratch that...from people on this board than that "analysis".

His job is to fill a Big Ten blog all day even during the dead period we're in right now. It may not be "new" or "insightful", but it's accurate and it's a topic he hadn't touched on with his blog. Rittenburg is a good source for info on the Big Ten. Cut the man some slack.

His job is to fill a Big Ten blog all day even during the dead period we're in right now. It may not be "new" or "insightful", but it's accurate and it's a topic he hadn't touched on with his blog. Rittenburg is a good source for info on the Big Ten. Cut the man some slack.

Can't disagree with any of that.

I strongly agree that Illinois, Michigan and Minnesota are the three staffs that are under the gun and will be very closely scrutinized this year. All three teams may be looking for new coaching staffs at the end of the year.

Tim Brewster simply will not be able to survive another putrid offensive performance this year, especially four years into his coaching tenure. Jeff Horton comes into a very tough spot as he needs to improve right away because he probably won't get two or more years to do it.

Personally, I don't think it is going to come down to wins and losses this year for Brewster to keep his job which is probably very good news for him. I expect him to win 3-5 games with a brutal schedule and a team in a major transition on both offense and defense. Replacing 9 starters on defense is not going to be easy even though there is plenty of young talent ready to show what they can do. Some of them will have to step up right away and hopefully they will be ready to go. On offense, yet another offensive coordinator comes in but in this case I think it will be a good thing. Fisch, like Withers as the DC a few years ago, may end up being successful somewhere else, but he just did not fit in here. What will save Brewster's job is if he can point to a team on the rise, on both offense and defense. If he can show that his offense is coming together and moving the ball a LOT better than last year, I think it will be enough to get at least one more year. A repeat of his 2009 offense four years into his tenure simply won't be good enough to keep his job. I do not think that is acceptable on any level and Maturi will be forced to admit he made a mistake and can him at that point.


what's funny is that all he does is toll the boards and comments on anything about the gophers. I think it's a hoot. not hearing much about his almighty iowa basketball team though, gee I wonder why.

what's funny is that all he does is toll the boards and comments on anything about the gophers. I think it's a hoot. not hearing much about his almighty iowa basketball team though, gee I wonder why.

Iowa's pretty good for a college intramural team.

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