AD Search - Trev Alberts of Nebraska - Omaha

Matt Millen was the worst NFL GM of the last 20 years (at least) and was only hired by the Lions because he and Ford got drunk together 5 days a week. Great choice.

He's not my choice. I just thought if we were throwing out ridiculous candidates based on playing experience, TV time as a commentator, and dubious credentials in a leadership position, I'd put Millen into the discussion. Makes as much sense to me as Alberts.

It is nice to see that you have noticed that wren never let facts get in his way of his agendas. This man may not be the most intellectually dishonest poster here but he is way up there near the top. You sir are now a Kaler apologist.:)

Here is the official UNO report and study that led them to make the moves they made.

You are a sad, sick one killboy...

; 0 )

imthewalrus said:
How much money did they make with wrestling?????????? Also, the bottom line is that wrestling and football were making it pretty much impossible for their athletic department to work with all the Title IX mandates and all the non-revenue sports that they were supporting. The numbers were not going to work for them to take football into D-IAA and pay for 27 more scholarships. They were relying more nd more on incereasing state subsidies (which had increased from 1.5 million per year to over 5 million a year in the face of the school having to make cuts in academic programs, etc.) By moving Hoops into a Division I situation, they will be able to accept "big paydays" for scheduling road games to to "big-time hoops programs' home courts..." Maybe Tubby will pay them to come to Minneapolis... ; 0 )...or they can go Kentucky or Carolina...or Duke...

Actually, all the rest of their remaining sports, plus the soccer pogram that they will add will be Division I going forward. Much of it is also dependent upon their invitation to join the Summit Conferencee.

READ THIS for a better picture of the FACTS:

I say that Trev Alberts is putting a GREAT PLAN in place for UNO and the city of Omaha. Omaha represents a fairly large portion of the population in the state of Nebraska...

; 0 )

Thanks for not responding to any of my comments in the last post. Please reference GoAupher post to see how much money the wrestling program made as I already referenced. They got rid of a revenue producing sport to add a basketball program that few will likely follow is
not a way to generate revenue. Please tell me more about Nebraska, Omaha, and the fan support there in the state. I had no idea after growing up there after all and still having my entire family live there.

First off Wren, the wrestling program actually made money(please see GoAupher post above). I can tell you that few if will likely care about the Division 1 basketball team at UNO, that market belongs to Creighton and UNL (primarily Creighton). It will not be a cash cow as you state in Omaha, especially with UNL investing in a brand new practice facility, arena, and coach and Creighton being 7th in attendance this year. Do you think these Creighton fans will all of a sudden start showing up at UNO games instead of Creighton or UNL, not likely? The hockey program was doing okay (at least attendance wise) long before these moves. It is a relatively new program that the fans have supported from inception, it took a leap after hiring Blais. They were Division 1 long before these moves. This is a guy that is so childish and petty that he walked off the set at ESPN right before taping because they wouldn't give him a spot on gameday outside the studio. How professional is that? Never mind the fact that he was a bumbling, stumbling, idiot on-air.

This is from the study that Trev Albert based his recommendations upon...please note that Wrestling was being subsidized and the ability of the school to continue to do so was very much in question...

"...b. Wrestling is unlikely to sustain its success in Division I, given that it will have fewer grants-in-aid than it does presently. If UNO no longer sponsors wrestling, the opportunity to compete in wrestling at the collegiate level still will remain at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (Division I) and the University of Nebraska Kearney (Division II)...."

The moves that Trev Alberts recommended as AD were made as a result of a very thorough study of the facts. How much time have you spent studying those facts of life that the UNO Athletic Department was faced with????????

; 0 )

imthewalrus said:
This is from the study that Trev Albert based his recommendations upon...please note that Wrestling was being subsidized and the ability of the school to continue to do so was very much in question...

"...b. Wrestling is unlikely to sustain its success in Division I, given that it will have fewer grants-in-aid than it does presently. If UNO no longer sponsors wrestling, the opportunity to compete in wrestling at the collegiate level still will remain at the University of Nebraska–Lincoln (Division I) and the University of Nebraska Kearney (Division II)...."

The moves that Trev Alberts recommended as AD were made as a result of a very thorough study of the facts. How much time have you spent studying those facts of life that the UNO Athletic Department was faced with????????

; 0 )

Well the financial data that Alberts presented as part of his study was dramatically different that what he submitted to the NCAA. So he either lied in the study he presented to the media or he lied to the NCAA. So he either committed NCAA violations or lied to the public. Neither is a good quality to have in a AD. Being that the NCAA has not come after him and being that the documents supposedly supporting his statements were miraculously deleted, my vote is he lied to the media and in fact the NCAA financial data was correct.

Thanks for not responding to any of my comments in the last post. Please reference GoAupher post to see how much money the wrestling program made as I already referenced. They got rid of a revenue producing sport to add a basketball program that few will likely follow is
not a way to generate revenue. Please tell me more about Nebraska, Omaha, and the fan support there in the state. I had no idea after growing up there after all and still having my entire family live there.

The beauty of a Division I rated hoops team is the fact that UNO will be able to score some really big pay days for being the cupcakes...or Washington Generals...for some of the big time programs around the country that need ooc wins so they can try to qualify for the dance in March. That money will help pay for the Title IX stuff and some of the remaining non revenue sports. You know the drill. Wrestling just couldn't accomplish that going into the future. NO schools really make ANY money with wrestling...wrestling is really a luxury sport that some of thebiggest and richest athletic directors keep around...

Also, in the future, UNO anticipates having a larger female enrollment than they currently have. That means MORE Title IX scholarships will be needed. (Women are, indeed going to run the world eventually because women are getting more education than men. It's even going to impact the world of college athletics more in the future than it does today...

; 0 )

Well...well...well gopherfalseidol: I looked back but all I could find was that gofoolsaupher making a statement that UNO's wrestling team made was asserted that for the 209-2010 year the wrestling team made $143,000.00 Sorry, but I have also found that the wrstling team ws subsiddized with grants, etc, so that would not be a sustainable profit. And it just was NOT feasable to take the Wrestling team up to Division I because it would throw the Title IX situation all out of whack. THAT is a "no, no" you know. So, it seems that you were quoting a statement that claimed money was made...but...I saw no reference to any thing that could really be of help to the UNO athletic programs going forward. They have a real IMAGE problem in the Omaha and UNL areas with their D-II status... So, thanks for nothing, I think...Wrestling and Football at UNO would forever keep that school from doing athletically what it needed to do to capture any kind of Market Share in the Omaha Market.

It seems as though their athletic department was not going to be able to satisfy Title IX mandates going into the future with their current structure. Their Division II status didn't fare well when compared to UNL and also to the Division I status of co-Omaha resident pal, good friend and fellow university, Creighton.

I've been to a few Creighton events and, in fact have supported Creighton very well with tuition payments and contributions and have travelled quite often across the waste lands of iowa all the way to the borders of Nebraska and have spent a fair amount of time in the fair city of Omaha. It's much like a warmer Minneapolis without the darn vikings, twins, t-pukers and wild, you know...

UNO apparently has been suffering an identity challenge when comparing itself to UNL and Creighton's Division I status in various the study that YOU referenced in your quotation from me.

You do try to be a "snippy little person..." don't you?

; 0 )

imthewalrus said:
Well...well...well gopherfalseidol: I looked back but all I could find was that gofoolsaupher making a statement that UNO's wrestling team made money. So, it seems that you were quoting a statement that claimed money was made...but...I saw no reference to any dollar figures...only a gross generalization. So, thanks for nothing, I guess...

It seems as though their athletic department was not going to be able to satisfy Title IX mandates going into the future with their current structure. Their Division II status didn't fare well when compared to UNL and also to the Division I status of co-Omaha resident University, Creighton.

I've been to a few Creighton events and, in fact have supported Creighton very well with tuition payments, contributions and have travelled quite often across the waste lands of iowa all the way to the borders of Nebraska and the fair city of Omaha. It's much like a warmer Minneapolis without the darn vikings, twins, t-pukers and wild...

UNO apparently has been suffering an identity challenge when comparing itself to UNL and Creighton's Division I status in various the study that YOU referenced in your quotation from me.

You do try to be a "snippy little person..." don't you?

; 0 )

Please read the GoAupher post on page 1 and quotes from the article he referenced that specifically lists how much money the program made. I'm sorry I cannot make it any simpler than that. If the words are to difficult to read, I can try and tell the story with pictures. Maybe you can comprehend that.

You are a real tough one, aren't you?

Read this:

"...Well...well...well gopherfalseidol: I looked back but all I could find was that gofoolsaupher making a statement that UNO's wrestling team made was asserted that for the 2009-2010 year the wrestling team made $143,000.00 Sorry, but I have also found that the wrstling team ws subsiddized with grants, etc, so that would not be a sustainable profit. And it just was NOT feasable to take the Wrestling team up to Division I because it would throw the Title IX situation all out of whack. THAT is a "no, no" you know. So, it seems that you were quoting a statement that claimed money was made...but...I saw no reference to any thing that could really be of help to the UNO athletic programs going forward. They have a real IMAGE problem in the Omaha and UNL areas with their D-II status... So, thanks for nothing, I think...Wrestling and Football at UNO would forever keep that school from doing athletically what it needed to do to capture any kind of Market Share in the Omaha Market...."

Those stinking bean counters can make anything look like a my book, IF they were taking grants and being subsidized needs to have that amount subtracted. What the heck is a profit making sport doing accepting grants and being subsidized? Looking into the future they did not feel that was going to be sustained any way...

I guess I can't make it any plainer or simpler for someone such as yourself...

; 0 )

Can we just ban Wren now? He's either trolling or just really really stupid. Either way, someone of more God fearing bones than I should fill out a prayer card for him next time at church.

Can we just ban Wren now? He's either trolling or just really really stupid. Either way, someone of more God fearing bones than I should fill out a prayer card for him next time at church.

How about a prayer card for this blog for all of the lies, hijacked strings and babbling wren seems to enjoy inflicting upon us? He reminds of a little kid who nobody likes and reverts to acting out to get people’s attention.

1. I would stay as far away from Alberts as we can.
2. I can't believe people actually read the books wren writes all the time.

He did drop football and wrestling at UNO....BUT...the athletic department at UNO was LOSING millions and millions of dollars. On a Saturday afternoon in Omaha, do you suppose ANYBODY gave a rip about attending a DII football game when the Huskers were playing? And, DII wrestling is NOT going to pay any bills...but...instead eats up money...

Omaha doesn't have ANY major league sports. The city is in the shadow of Lincoln on Saturdays in the fall and I don't think they much give a rip because EVERYWHERE in the state of Nebraska is in the shadow of Lincoln during football season.

Creighton dropped football half a century ago. BUT, Creighton has the BEST Division I Men's Hoops program in the city of Omaha and in the state of Nebraska. They have made 17 NCAA Hoops Tournaments. Year in and year out, they have averaged between 14,000 and 15,000 per home game. This year, when they have had an excellent team, they have averaged well over 17,000 fans per game for this season. They just advanced in the Tourney with a win over Alabama and will play North Carolina on Sunday.

This year the Creighton Men's Soccer Team advanced to the Final Four in Division I Soccer.

The other Division I sporting event that Omaha has always supported is the College World Series.

UNO has been TOTALLY left out of the Division I scene until their Hockey Program made the jump. That has been very successful for them and Omaha is HUNGRY for Division I sports. When Alberts took over in 2009, the athletic department at UNO was a TERRIBLE mess and was bleeding so much red ink that it is questionable what might have become of their sports programs. With money getting harder and harder to come by, they had to do something BOLD. And, it looks as though Alberts did just that.

He cut football. He also cut wrestling. In the process he made some enemies. BUT, he is bringing Hoops to Division I and he has a Division I Hockey program to try to win the hearts of the sports-hungry Omaha population.

Creighton has very competetive Basketball and Soccer and UNO will have competetive Division I Hockey and will bring hoops to Division I. Omaha can be a GREAT market for them. At Lincoln they have great's hoops pretty much is in the tank.In a way, Omaha is a little section of Nebraska unto itself. UNO will now be able to try to get corporate involvement (Union Pacific RR is headquartered there) and the population of the greater Omaha Area involved with their two cash cows. By going Division I in hoops...just think of the great rivalrys they can build with Creighton and that other Division I school down the road in Lincoln. Iowa State is about 175 miles away and the University of Iowa isn't far either. (Creighton beat 3 Big Ten Team in Hoops this past season...natural rivals will help sell tickets at UNO too.) With their Division I Hockey program, they will join Denver and Minneapolis, Mankato, St. Cloud, Bemidji,& Duluth in having Division I Hockey. I'm sure they can bring Ohio State in for hockey games...and Michigan and MSU and wisky and probably even Notre Dame. They could help make Omaha a pretty "happening place" in the world of college D-I Hockey. And, there may be hope there for hoops too. They could bring in Big Twelve teams...Big Ten teams once in a while and spice up the sports scene in Omaha. By bringing UNO into the Summit Conference for Hoops, he is bringing UNO to a NON-FOOTBALL Conference that really does generally play some pretty decent basketball. For UNO's situation, it is a perfect conference affiliation.

I'd say that Uffda has come up with a GREAT candidate here. In fact, Trev Alberts with his gutsy and brilliant moves to totally restructure the UNO Athletic Department by dumping money losing sports and moving up to Division I in Hoops is facing the hard cold facts of life in UNO's situation and is setting them up to survive by having TWO cash cows to save sports at UNO and to capture loyalty from the greater Omaha Area for the University that he is representing. He is trying to capture a part of his market to support the athletic programs that he represents. Somehow Division II Wrestling and Division II Football were just NOT getting the job done in Omaha.

So, I'll have to admit...Trev Alberts has just jumped toward the top of my short list of potential candidates that the U of M SHOULD consider. In fact, I'd have to rate him even higher than Marc Trestman!

Good job of thinking outside the tired, booring and totally predictable old box that too many are stuck in Uffda!

; 0 )

+1. surprisingly, i actually agree with a lot of what wren wrote here. whether or not trev alberts specifically is that guy, i am not sure. but someone willing to make similar bold (even if they are politically unpopular with some) decisions within the U of M athletic department would be a welcome addition, imo.

+1. surprisingly, i actually agree with a lot of what wren wrote here. whether or not trev alberts specifically is that guy, i am not sure. but someone willing to make similar bold (even if they are politically unpopular with some) decisions within the U of M athletic department would be a welcome addition, imo.

Hitler made some bold decisions. Hitler for AD!

Also, wren is banned!!!!! It's a great day!

Hitler Banned dissention Also

Hitler made some bold decisions. Hitler for AD!

Also, wren is banned!!!!! It's a great day!

This post was ridiculous !!!! So much for differing opinions.

Hitler made some bold decisions. Hitler for AD!

Also, wren is banned!!!!! It's a great day!

wow....did you seriously just try to compare supporting a trev alberts-like hire to adolf freakin' hitler? a man who killed millions of people?! get a clue, man. you should be embarrassed for posting something so stupid. :rolleyes:

wow....did you seriously just try to compare supporting a trev alberts-like hire to adolf freakin' hitler? a man who killed millions of people?! get a clue, man. you should be embarrassed for posting something so stupid. :rolleyes:

It's not well publicized but Alberts played a large role in the genocide in Rwanda so the comparison isn't really that far off.

wow....did you seriously just try to compare supporting a trev alberts-like hire to adolf freakin' hitler? a man who killed millions of people?! get a clue, man. you should be embarrassed for posting something so stupid. :rolleyes:
I've done the same thing when it comes to presidential election. "That guy is SO CHARISMATIC when he speaks" "Ya, so was Hitler"

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