Across enemy lines: Q & A with The Minnesota Daily’s Mike Hendrickson


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Nov 12, 2008
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DI: Minnesota’s offensive line versus Illinois’ defensive line could be Saturday’s key matchup — how do see that panning out?

MH: Minnesota’s O-line has been hit with a few injuries lately, but it looks like most of its guys are coming back. Arguably their best offensive lineman, Jonah Pirsig, is still out for the game against Illinois with a left arm injury. Minnesota didn’t rush for as many yards against Rutgers as I thought they would, so maybe that played into it as well. But I agree with you, the Minnesota O-line and the Illinois D-line is definitely one of the more interesting matchups of the game because Illinois’ D-line is so strong.

DI: With Illinois’ quarterback situation up in the air, would Minnesota have more of a problem containing a running quarterback like Chayce Crouch or pocket passers like Wes Lunt or Jeff George?

MH: Definitely the running quarterback. I think they faced two running quarterbacks this season — Trace McSorely of Penn State and Giovanni Resigno of Rutgers. Both of those quarterbacks had good games. It seems they have had trouble with running quarterbacks, and it’s definitely an interesting matchup if Illinois goes with Crouch.

In the second sentence of his first answer, Mike Hendrickson says that Leidner is having the best season of his college career. I stopped right there.

Okay, I lied. In his second response, Hendrickson is asked how the offense uses Smith and Brooks, and he completely neglects the question, instead pointing out that Smith has had more carries this year, but Brooks was better last year.

In his response to the third question Hendrickson refers to Damarius Travis as a "very strong safety."

I won't provide clicks to an illinois website, what other responses can you share?

In the second sentence of his first answer, Mike Hendrickson says that Leidner is having the best season of his college career. I stopped right there.


Mike Hendrickson: I think Leidner will be lucky to get drafted. I think by his standards, this has probably been his best season at Minnesota, but at the same time, his best game of the year was against Indiana State — that’s an FCS opponent. So in games that have mattered, he hasn’t been what he should be in order to get drafted.

Okay, I lied. In his second response, Hendrickson is asked how the offense uses Smith and Brooks, and he completely neglects the question, instead pointing out that Smith has had more carries this year, but Brooks was better last year.

In his response to the third question Hendrickson refers to Damarius Travis as a "very strong safety."

You must really hate this Hedrickson guy. :cool:

MH: For most of the season, Rodney Smith has gotten more carries, but that’s more due to Brooks having an injury that occurred some time in early August that kept him sidelined for the first two or three games. Smith this year has really established as one of the better running backs in the Big Ten, and last year, Brooks was better than Smith.

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