G4L has to be a meta meta troll masquerading as a progressive, sort of Like Colbert used to do on the comedy channel. It’s so stupid and extreme it’s funny.
The following contains some made up statistics. I will allow that I’m a bit older than some, younger than others, politically split, but I’ve seen enough in my short time orbiting the sun the last several decades to make me skeptical of a great many things. For example I understand most people ( I’d say 90+ percent) are at least partly motivated in their daily activities and political leanings by selfish ideals (often cloaked as altruism or humanism) which behavioral economists and fundraisers will probably support with hard data, maybe 10 percent are white collar sociopaths (eg the stupid ****ers in private equity or pick your financial industry that progressives fixate on), a similar number lack social or academic skills and are in and out of the prisons (that right wingers fixate on), and that both genders are capable of histrionics, lying, and underhanded motives at times and some people are even good at lying to themselves to explain away “events”.