About Pickle Rick & Colorado


Well-known member
Sep 21, 2015
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A lot of teams hold up signs with fun symbols on them to signal in plays (and / or for misdirection), including a bunch of dudes signaling sings in from the side lines. Gophers do it... I think everyone does.

But Colorado had a weird situation going on. They had one sign guy, who held up one symbol at a time.

I was watching and in the first half, every time they held up Pickle Rick ... it was a pass... every time I watched, pickle === pass. The sign was held up well before the play started. Gopher players looked to their own sideline, then a few at Colorado's sideline too.

The second half rick was a run most of the time although I stopped looking closely.

Now I know jack squat about signaling in plays, and maybe Pickle Rick wasn't even the actual sign, but it was the weirdest thing that it was so predictable / reliable of an indicator. That couldn't seriously have been the sign right?


Sanford hasn't been known to be full of creativity

I was at a St. Paul Saints game a number of years back and we were right behind the Saints dugout. The opposing team dugout had two guys with blaze orange sleeves signaling pitches to their catcher. Halfway through the first inning, I was calling out every pitch correctly (either a fastball or breaking ball) to the on deck batter for the Saints. Finally, one guy came back from an at-bat and said "what are you seeing from the signals". I said, just look at the coach standing outside the dugout...hand on top of dugout is a fastball, by his sides is a breaking ball.

Word got around the Saints dugout, and the Saints scored a LOT of runs that game.

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