A Very Specialist Christmas Fundraiser


Well-known member
Oct 8, 2011
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This was mentioned in the Mortell tweets thread but I really feel like it is deserving of its own thread. If there are issues with promoting something like this I am sure the mods will take it down but in the meantime I would encourage all Gopher Holers to jump on board if you can. We are bombarded by so many negative stories involving athletes and celebrities these days that it is refreshing to see a kid like Mortell going out of his way to use his status to help others.


Was just about to make a separate thread myself, nice work. Definitely deserving of its own attention.

Also worthy of note, the Specialists were able to raise their initial $10K goal in about 12 hours, so they upped it to $25K.

Get on there and kick a little money their way (get it? 'kick'?) - a good cause, 'tis the season, and a great frontman in Mr. Mortell.

Wow. Got an email from Peter thanking me for my donation, with the correct donation amount. Even if it was a cut and paste it was a nice gesture.

Wow. Got an email from Peter thanking me for my donation, with the correct donation amount. Even if it was a cut and paste it was a nice gesture.

Yep that was a very cool and unexpected touch. Mortell just proves time and again that he "gets it". I will be very surprised if he isn't successful in whatever path he takes after college.

This seems like such a great idea. How long before the NCAA steps in and says it's some type of a violation?

Slow news day so thought this was worth a bump. They have raised over 15K at this point en route to their goal of 25K. Going to be able to make a lot of kids really happy this holiday season.

Slightly over $2K from their goal. Bump.

This kid is really amazing. I've done tons of fundraising and it's HARD, he makes it look easy. That's an insane amount for a college kid to raise in such a short time.

And yes, he did do personal emails to every person. He apologized for getting mine to me late, he said I was #164 or something (and that was days ago...so many donors. Kudos to all the Gophers fans who opened their hearts and pocketbooks too.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">People always ask me, "What is your all-time favorite moment as a Gopher?"

Here you have it: <a href="https://t.co/hMp1Ql34u1">pic.twitter.com/hMp1Ql34u1</a></p>— Peter Mortell (@PMortell37) <a href="https://twitter.com/PMortell37/status/679825001130799105">December 24, 2015</a></blockquote>
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Isn't the University Of Minnesota Athletics looking for a professional fundraiser?

Peter will be an excellent addition to the cause.

Godspeed Peter Mortell and Merry Christmas!

The video Gopher Lady posted is well worth watching. Thing I found amazing about that is that at the end Mortell mentions that they spent a little over 7K on that trip. Meaning there is at least another 18K to go! Unbelievable what he did in such a short amount of time. Hopefully there will be a followup video about what they did with the rest of the money. Have no doubt it will be amazing. In his tweet Peter says this was his favorite moment as a Gopher, just a hunch but I think the day he delivers everything to the kids will top this. Merry Christmas everybody!

It is heartbreaking to see cancer patients and their families at the university hospitals, anything you can do go a long ways to lift up spirits. Doing something for older children is absolutely wonderful. People do notice.

On a personal side note, my late sister spent many months in and out of University Hospital for her cancer treatments. I feel a deep sense of gratitude to the nursing staff and other care providers, counselors, social workers, volunteers, and priest/pastors. There is a whole community there of people who help with your struggles.

Merry Christmas and God Bless You Peter Mortell!!! What you are doing is sincerely heartfelt.

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