A tip of the hat to iowa fans

Sir Tipsy McStagger

Legend & Gopherhole Watchdog
Sep 28, 2010
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To the morbidly obese hawkeye fans (I counted them by the dozen) I say great job! I applaud your effort to live a normal life, function in society, and your effort to attend a football game that surely included more walking than you've done in the past year did not go unnoticed.

A special nod to the gal in 101. I hope those hot dogs do fall from the sky someday. Keep praying like you were yesterday, and one day it will happen.



The Iowa fans are just lucky that Sid Hartman's dream of a Gopher Stadium on the State Fair Grounds never came to fruition. My guess is some of the "heifers on two feet" that came up from Iowa City would have gone home in a halter instead of a halter-top.

damn, our fan base gets incredibly smug after a good win

Well, we've been saving it up all season. That and the combination of the fodder provided by the Hawkeyes' fans and I was bound to go overboard.

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