A simple request for all Gopher Fans to assist in keeping out the smelly hordes....

free market

I am not trying to be a dick on this one and you may disagree with students selling their tickets but I am not sure how it is anyone's business what a student chooses to do with their ticket. A student has a right to buy a student ticket and he/she has a right to give them away or sell them or trade them or do whatever they want with them, Its called a free market, if a student wants to sell their tickets for a small profit why can't they? have none of you ever bought tickets to an event from a scalper? be honest. Its funny if you think some kid who is getting paid peanuts to take tickets is going to give a crap about checking ID's. And can you imagine how that would slow the lines to get in? some one has to pat you down and check your bag, then someone has to check your ID, then someone takes your ticket, get real. Last year I did not buy tickets, someone always was able to find a ticket that was going to go unused to the games, A ticket used is better than an empty seat.

I am not trying to be a dick on this one and you may disagree with students selling their tickets but I am not sure how it is anyone's business what a student chooses to do with their ticket. A student has a right to buy a student ticket and he/she has a right to give them away or sell them or trade them or do whatever they want with them, Its called a free market, if a student wants to sell their tickets for a small profit why can't they? have none of you ever bought tickets to an event from a scalper? be honest. Its funny if you think some kid who is getting paid peanuts to take tickets is going to give a crap about checking ID's. And can you imagine how that would slow the lines to get in? some one has to pat you down and check your bag, then someone has to check your ID, then someone takes your ticket, get real. Last year I did not buy tickets, someone always was able to find a ticket that was going to go unused to the games, A ticket used is better than an empty seat.

there is so much wrong with your post it is funny. a student priced (subsidized) ticket is not the same as a normal general admission ticket. so your lame "free market" rant does not hold water in regards to student tickets. as a non U of M student you will not be getting into the stadium with a student ticket that does not match up to a U of M student picture ID. that is the school's new policy and i am sure they will be telling all of their ticket folks that is what they are going to be required to follow each game. the sooner you get that through your THICK SKULL the better!

so go ahead and waster your money trying to obtain a student ticket which the ticket takers are not going to accept anyways. just quit bringing your stupidity about the subject here to GH!

I am not trying to be a dick on this one and you may disagree with students selling their tickets but I am not sure how it is anyone's business what a student chooses to do with their ticket. A student has a right to buy a student ticket and he/she has a right to give them away or sell them or trade them or do whatever they want with them, Its called a free market, if a student wants to sell their tickets for a small profit why can't they? have none of you ever bought tickets to an event from a scalper? be honest. Its funny if you think some kid who is getting paid peanuts to take tickets is going to give a crap about checking ID's. And can you imagine how that would slow the lines to get in? some one has to pat you down and check your bag, then someone has to check your ID, then someone takes your ticket, get real. Last year I did not buy tickets, someone always was able to find a ticket that was going to go unused to the games, A ticket used is better than an empty seat.

And the U has the right to regulate this "free market" as they see fit. Enjoy.

Also, see the bolded. That was LAST YEAR. In case you hadn't noticed the student section is filling up on its own just fine without your "help" filling, er, taking a seat that an actual student would have purchased.

teacher, somebody's budging!

Bronko, you seem angry. Why not challenge that anger into a real issue of injustice, we are talking about tickets to meaningless sports games. Also do you know any ticket takers personally? you know what tickets they will accept and what tickets they will reject? They can be told policy until they are blue in the face, my guess is most don't really care one way or another about tickets, they are getting paid to sit in a chair and let you into the stadium. The only difference between a student ticket and a general ticket is the price.

Bronko, you seem angry. Why not challenge that anger into a real issue of injustice, we are talking about tickets to meaningless sports games. Also do you know any ticket takers personally? you know what tickets they will accept and what tickets they will reject? They can be told policy until they are blue in the face, my guess is most don't really care one way or another about tickets, they are getting paid to sit in a chair and let you into the stadium. The only difference between a student ticket and a general ticket is the price.

angry? no. tired of ignorant trolls like yourself who have no clue what they are talking about? yes.

seriously, please just SHUT UP already!!

fully agree. however the solution to that is simply to emulate what penn state will be doing starting this season. their policy is if you chose to purchase student season tickets and can not make it to a game(s) for whatever reason then your student ticket goes back into a queue a few days prior to the game for other legit students (in this case U of M) to purchase (by lottery or whatever the process would be) who were not able to get their own student tickets that year.

that way a student ticket is still purchased and used by only students of the university in question. i am not in favor of students being able to sell on the open market a student ticket which is essentially subsidized by the state & university to keep it's face value artifically low. student tickets should only be FOR use by students of the school in question.


i nominate you to head up homeland security in the good, ole USA...:D:D:D

then, you could apply your considerable talent, energy and creativity to plugging our porous border(s) ;););)

angry? no. tired of ignorant trolls like yourself who have no clue what they are talking about? yes.

seriously, please just SHUT UP already!!

The funny thing is Bronko you didn't even attend the U of MN, do you get called out by alumni from your school for "not knowing what alma mater means" as you like to bring up in an earlier post.

and hear come all the other idiots from the board.....with demand being up i know if i see a 40 year old in the student section i am going to let someon know (security) you dont belong there. Also i dont think you are getting the concept of this looking at the i.d flyingdouchbag, they wont card everyone genious, but if there is a guy who looks 30 or someone wearing the wrong colors they will scrutinize them more. it's like getting carded at the liquor store

and yeah my friend is a ticket taker

Just because someone is 40 doesn't mean they are not a student, it could be someone who is going back to school. But it does give cause to check if they really are a student. I don't think it would add much more time to check ids. Just have the person patting you down look at the ID - it is a current U of M ID? Is it your picture? It would take less time than to pat you down.

There are some restaurants that require a jacket and tie. (Never been to such a place myself). But the old gag in movies is that if you show up without a jacket and tie, they will give you a loaner, usually a tacky jacket and a clip on tie. How about those students who show up in the opposing team's colors be given a loaner gold T-shirt. Just accumulate a pile of old, worn out gold t-shirts, and if someone shows up wearing red, you direct them to the line for those that don't understand the concept. They can wear a stained, worn out gold t-shirt if they want to attend.

Just because someone is 40 doesn't mean they are not a student, it could be someone who is going back to school. But it does give cause to check if they really are a student. I don't think it would add much more time to check ids. Just have the person patting you down look at the ID - it is a current U of M ID? Is it your picture? It would take less time than to pat you down.

There are some restaurants that require a jacket and tie. (Never been to such a place myself). But the old gag in movies is that if you show up without a jacket and tie, they will give you a loaner, usually a tacky jacket and a clip on tie. How about those students who show up in the opposing team's colors be given a loaner gold T-shirt. Just accumulate a pile of old, worn out gold t-shirts, and if someone shows up wearing red, you direct them to the line for those that don't understand the concept. They can wear a stained, worn out gold t-shirt if they want to attend.

i like it...maybe have a stockpile for each opposing team and put on each one depending on the team---pathetic badger fan--- so they will still be wearing gold but also will still be able to be pointed out and abused by the students

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