A simple request for all Gopher Fans to assist in keeping out the smelly hordes....

Nov 17, 2008
Reaction score
This is a little long, but please read. The important request and contact info is near the bottom.

There was an earlier thread concerning a post made over on the Gopher's Scout.com message board by a d-bag Becky fan (RoseBadger) "claiming" that he and eleven other friends had supposedly concocted a way to obtain and use already purchased 2009 U of M student season tickets (at the student season ticket rate of $77) from their drunken sconnie friends who supposedly attend the U of M and are not fans of football. He went on to claim that they will get into the student section (camping out to get into the first row) at TCF Bank Stadium with these student tickets by using their “sconnie friends” U of M U-card picture ID’s with the supposed student tickets. I don’t like the sound of that plan any more than the rest of you.

Hoax or not this topic got me to thinking. U of M student season tickets should be for and USED ONLY by legit U of M students. Gopher game day is for U of M students and fans and it is important we try and keep it that way. As a MN tax payer who in my own small way helps fund the construction of our new stadium as well as fund the student aid many of those attending the university receive I am not interested in helping to “subsidize” extremely affordable student season tickets which can then possibly be re-sold to punk ass Becky and/or Hogeye fans by U of M students looking to make a quick buck off of that generosity.

As a fan and “regular” ticket holder completely willing to pay FULL PRICE to get into the new on-campus stadium it is my expectation that Joel Maturi and the U of M Athletic Dept. instruct their ticket administration staff and their game-day ticket takers (whether they be U of M employee or third party contractors) to STRICTLY follow the set-forth policy of “a U of M picture ID must match exactly the person presenting a U of M Student ID and a student priced ticket” and to not get lazy about it ever. If not, they confiscate the U-Card and the U of M student it actually belongs to has some questions to answer and perhaps a fee to get it and its priviledges back.

I would hope that the ticket administration office is going to require some "training" with their ticketing staff and ticket takers before the stadium opens to make sure they all “fully understand” that not following the policy regarding student ticket use is not going to be acceptable under any circumstances.

I have sent an email to the guy at the U of M who is in charge of this process to encourage that training and those conversations DO TAKE PLACE with the ticket staff and ticket takers well ahead of the stadium’s opening and I respectfully suggest that others (especially Gopher fans who are ticket holders) do the same to reinforce this expectation.

The gentlemen’s name is: Dan Cohen (U of M Customer Relations Manager). You can contact him directly at [email protected] or call (612) 624-5280. Might be a good idea to carbon copy (cc) Joel Maturi ([email protected]) on the email as well - I did. We all saw how quickly the U responded to emails today asking about the general policy. I am sure they will do the same on this request.

Though I completely agree with the idea of keeping rival fans out of the student section, there are quite a few Wisconsinites who attend the U who may turn to the red when we play them. Iowans don't go to college.

lets be honest

lets be honest, we are talking about the Wisconsin and Iowa games so really only ONE game a year that they really have to check closer. I don't think many MSU, Indiana, Penn State fans go to school in Minnesota but a lot of Iowa and especially Wisconsin kids go to school here and tons of their fans live in the Twin Cities. Show up wearing a red shirt, expect to get profiled too.

Though I completely agree with the idea of keeping rival fans out of the student section, there are quite a few Wisconsinites who attend the U who may turn to the red when we play them. Iowans don't go to college.

even though those students would be bitches and would apparently have no concept of alma mater first that would be okay by me. AS LONG AS THEY ARE CURRENTLY ATTENDING THE U OF M and their U of M student id matched up with the student ticket that they purchased and presented - which was provided to them at an oh so conveniently low price of $77 by the state of minnesota and its tax payers!

lets be honest, we are talking about the Wisconsin and Iowa games so really only ONE game a year that they really have to check closer. I don't think many MSU, Indiana, Penn State fans go to school in Minnesota but a lot of Iowa and especially Wisconsin kids go to school here and tons of their fans live in the Twin Cities. Show up wearing a red shirt, expect to get profiled too.

damn right! i am all about profiling on gopher game days! ;)

My only problem with requiring that the student ID picture (and person) matches the ticket (or use a swiping method and matching the face to the face on the student ID) is that there may be a lot of people who cannot make games but couldn't get rid of their tickets. I know 7 Saturdays per fall is not that much, but weddings, work, funerals, tests, etc happen to students. I say if they are wearing maroon/gold (preferably gold in the student section) and at least HAVE a student ID, let them in. I think if it is way too huge of a hassle to give tickets to other students, we may see some empty sections in the student area for a few games.

To be honest, I am also fine with the idea of people selling student tickets in general. I went to a Wisconsin game 3 years ago, got student tickets, waited in line early and was in the front row of section P at Camp Randall. It was nice to experience their student atmosphere while still being a student, and by and large would be very tough to say there were a LOT of MN fans present there. A few bits of red in the student section isn't a big deal - they'll get hassled and made fun of and are most likely there with some friends enjoying a game. It's only a problem when students are able to buy multiple tickets to the game and sell them to WI fans for 2x or 3x price, with the result being 500 people in red there. If we win some games, this won't happen, especially if all you have to have is a student ID. I doubt students will be willing to sell their student ticket and ID for a day to some random Sconnie in hopes they get it back after the game.

My only problem with requiring that the student ID picture (and person) matches the ticket (or use a swiping method and matching the face to the face on the student ID) is that there may be a lot of people who cannot make games but couldn't get rid of their tickets. I know 7 Saturdays per fall is not that much, but weddings, work, funerals, tests, etc happen to students. I say if they are wearing maroon/gold (preferably gold in the student section) and at least HAVE a student ID, let them in. I think if it is way too huge of a hassle to give tickets to other students, we may see some empty sections in the student area for a few games.

To be honest, I am also fine with the idea of people selling student tickets in general. I went to a Wisconsin game 3 years ago, got student tickets, waited in line early and was in the front row of section P at Camp Randall. It was nice to experience their student atmosphere while still being a student, and by and large would be very tough to say there were a LOT of MN fans present there. A few bits of red in the student section isn't a big deal - they'll get hassled and made fun of and are most likely there with some friends enjoying a game. It's only a problem when students are able to buy multiple tickets to the game and sell them to WI fans for 2x or 3x price, with the result being 500 people in red there. If we win some games, this won't happen, especially if all you have to have is a student ID. I doubt students will be willing to sell their student ticket and ID for a day to some random Sconnie in hopes they get it back after the game.

fully agree. however the solution to that is simply to emulate what penn state will be doing starting this season. their policy is if you chose to purchase student season tickets and can not make it to a game(s) for whatever reason then your student ticket goes back into a queue a few days prior to the game for other legit students (in this case U of M) to purchase (by lottery or whatever the process would be) who were not able to get their own student tickets that year.

that way a student ticket is still purchased and used by only students of the university in question. i am not in favor of students being able to sell on the open market a student ticket which is essentially subsidized by the state & university to keep it's face value artifically low. student tickets should only be FOR use by students of the school in question.

the problem with the u card i.d thing is that often your u card looks way different then you do now. I still have mine from freshman year and a lot of people look a lot different then they did when they were freshman. It would for sure be a step in the right direction i dont know how well a ticket taker could scrutinize i.d's. i would be pretty pissed off if i didnt get into a game right away because they didnt think it was me. A way around this maybe making the student in question recite his i.d. number off the top of his head...it would be tough for a non student to remember the 7 digit number especially after a few beers

the problem with the u card i.d thing is that often your u card looks way different then you do now. I still have mine from freshman year and a lot of people look a lot different then they did when they were freshman. It would for sure be a step in the right direction i dont know how well a ticket taker could scrutinize i.d's. i would be pretty pissed off if i didnt get into a game right away because they didnt think it was me. A way around this maybe making the student in question recite his i.d. number off the top of his head...it would be tough for a non student to remember the 7 digit number especially after a few beers

or if there is a question as to whether the person presenting a student ID is in fact that person shown on the U-Card then the ticket takers can just simply ask them to produce two pieces of ID which would not be illegal to do. 1.) their U-Card (which will be a requirement no matter what) and 2.) some form of a goverment issued ID card. problem solved whether one has put on that "freshman 15" or not! ;)

the name, height, etc. match up and you are golden. if not, well then tough sh!t becky or hogeye interloper. and i will be taking that U-Card from you thank you very much!

As I said on one of the many parallel posts related to this, the U-card should be getting a makeover if it is going to be taking on this role. Enabling it to be used in proximity readers, instead of damage prone magnetic strips would provide a much more realistic procedure for game day operations. The durability of the cards is quite degraded over the last decade. I can foresee a headache inducing nightmare as hundreds of drunkards realize they have scratched their magnetic strips, which are currently far more fragile than your average cc.

Further I like the method used by LSU for transferal enabling students to swap ticket rights from one student's card to another. It takes the PSU method to the next level. It's a snap online and it solves the "damn-my-brother-for-scheduling-a-fall-wedding issues" that can arise. A friend studying law who hasn't the time to commit to a whole season has enjoyed several games this way. Further they allow students to take guests to the game in the less in demand games (eg Tulane) drawing from a pool of freed up tickets.

or if there is a question as to whether the person presenting a student ID is in fact that person shown on the U-Card then the ticket takers can just simply ask them to produce two pieces of ID which would not be illegal to do. 1.) their U-Card (which will be a requirement no matter what) and 2.) some form of a goverment issued ID card. problem solved whether one has put on that "freshman 15" or not! ;)

the name, height, etc. match up and you are golden. if not, well then tough sh!t becky or hogeye interloper. and i will be taking that U-Card from you thank you very much!

As I noted in another thread, I'm pretty sure they'd have to spell out the ID requirements clearly in advance, otherwise it would not be legal to require the 2nd form of government ID. If they don't spell it out, it would be no different then the rent a cop at a store demanding your ID for any reason...i.e. not legit and within your rights to refuse. The other issue with not spelling it out or publicizing it in advance is that students wouldn't know to bring the 2nd ID and some U fans would get screwed over.

student ID?

I did not go to the U and I have been out of College for 13 years and I've been buying student season tickets through current students (friends of friends of friends who are not interested in buying their allotment of student tickets) for the last 7 years, whats the big deal as long as the tickets are paid for and being used? If someone has a ticket in hand, let them in.

I did not go to the U and I have been out of College for 13 years and I've been buying student season tickets through current students I know for the last 7 years, whats the big deal as long as the tickets are paid for and being used? If someone has a ticket in hand, let them in.

Student tickets are subsidized for students, not 30 year olds sitting in the student section. In the past we had trouble filling the student section, that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. When a 30 year old steals a ticket from a student, I have issue with that.

it's not stealing tickets form students, they are paid for and they are from students who have zero interest in buying season tickets so they buy their tickets for others

The student you are buying from may have no interest, but considering the student tickets have or will sell out, you are stealing the opportunity from a student who does want them. Thankfully the student section will be full of students this year.

it's not stealing tickets form students, they are paid for and they are from students who have zero interest in buying season tickets so they buy their tickets for others

So let other students who are interested in buying tickets buy them rather then used taxpayer subsidized money to buy your useless ass tickets. Pay full price like the rest of us you cheap bastard.

I did not go to the U and I have been out of College for 13 years and I've been buying student season tickets through current students (friends of friends of friends who are not interested in buying their allotment of student tickets) for the last 7 years, whats the big deal as long as the tickets are paid for and being used? If someone has a ticket in hand, let them in.

Um, one major problem is that letting anyone with a ticket in means more Wisky fans. Unless your logic is everyone with a ticket who isn't a student gets in unless they are Wisky fans. Cause that logic makes a lot of sense.

it's not stealing tickets form students, they are paid for and they are from students who have zero interest in buying season tickets so they buy their tickets for others

And yes, in a sense it is stealing a seat from other students now that there is renewed interest thanks to TCF. If these apathetic U students weren't buying the seat for you they wouldn't buy one at all (by your own admission). Thus, your seat could be picked by another student who wants to be there. Again, this wasn't a big deal at the Dome since there was tons of space. Also, in the interests of full disclosure I should note that I did the same thing myself for a few years after graduation. But it gets a little shadier now that they can limit the student section to 1 seat per ID and still sell out 10K seats. Even if I could, I wouldn't try for a student ticket now.

I am a tax payer so I am subsidizing my own ticket with my own money

Um, the students get the discount because in addition to any taxes they pay when working in MN they also pay student fees. Are you giving the same amount to the U in donations that they pay in fees?

what a tool!

I did not go to the U and I have been out of College for 13 years and I've been buying student season tickets through current students (friends of friends of friends who are not interested in buying their allotment of student tickets) for the last 7 years, whats the big deal as long as the tickets are paid for and being used? If someone has a ticket in hand, let them in.

Do you litter too? Still live at home with mommy? Still try to buy a 12 and under movie ticket?

Grow up buddy

I am a tax payer so I am subsidizing my own ticket with my own money

I'm sure you're proud of what you're doing, but it may just be time to put on your grown up pants. Regardless of your or their reasons, student tickets are for students. Either take a class or buy real seats.

Everyone just ignore dutch like we all did with Lawrence 21 and I'm sure he will be back tomorrow making the same toolish remarks with his 5th screenname.....

Whick of your 5 screennames did you use to acquire said seats Lawrence 21??

Have fun not getting in when they ask for your ID. We'll be the ones pointing and laughing at you.

exactly! how did you not see that one coming flyingdutchmanstinks?!? good luck getting your money back from said "student"!

Sorry dutchman, you do not belong in the student section. Buy a real ticket or take a couple classes.

I have to say, you are a cheapskate by taking student tickets as a non-student. Students get a discount because they are already paying a luxury suite's worth of money to the university for that semester.

You didn't even go to the U? Even worse! You cant even say that you earned (past tense) your right for discounted tickets. If your taxes to the state entitle you to cheaper tickets, then every minnesotan should get student tickets. Then the students wouldn't even be the majority in the 'student section'. You see where im going here....?

Im glad you support the gophers, but its time to follow the rules and buy a real ticket. That's what i'll do when i graduate.

I did not go to the U and I have been out of College for 13 years and I've been buying student season tickets through current students (friends of friends of friends who are not interested in buying their allotment of student tickets) for the last 7 years, whats the big deal as long as the tickets are paid for and being used? If someone has a ticket in hand, let them in.

The big deal is that that price is specifically set for STUDENTS, not the general public. It's not really fair of you to pay that much less than the next member of the general public who is paying quite a bit more money for a ticket. What's the point of having a student section if it's filled with anyone who is too cheap to buy a regular priced ticket?

i trust that all of you have taken a couple free minutes.......

This is a little long, but please read. The important request and contact info is near the bottom.

There was an earlier thread concerning a post made over on the Gopher's Scout.com message board by a d-bag Becky fan (RoseBadger) "claiming" that he and eleven other friends had supposedly concocted a way to obtain and use already purchased 2009 U of M student season tickets (at the student season ticket rate of $77) from their drunken sconnie friends who supposedly attend the U of M and are not fans of football. He went on to claim that they will get into the student section (camping out to get into the first row) at TCF Bank Stadium with these student tickets by using their “sconnie friends” U of M U-card picture ID’s with the supposed student tickets. I don’t like the sound of that plan any more than the rest of you.

Hoax or not this topic got me to thinking. U of M student season tickets should be for and USED ONLY by legit U of M students. Gopher game day is for U of M students and fans and it is important we try and keep it that way. As a MN tax payer who in my own small way helps fund the construction of our new stadium as well as fund the student aid many of those attending the university receive I am not interested in helping to “subsidize” extremely affordable student season tickets which can then possibly be re-sold to punk ass Becky and/or Hogeye fans by U of M students looking to make a quick buck off of that generosity.

As a fan and “regular” ticket holder completely willing to pay FULL PRICE to get into the new on-campus stadium it is my expectation that Joel Maturi and the U of M Athletic Dept. instruct their ticket administration staff and their game-day ticket takers (whether they be U of M employee or third party contractors) to STRICTLY follow the set-forth policy of “a U of M picture ID must match exactly the person presenting a U of M Student ID and a student priced ticket” and to not get lazy about it ever. If not, they confiscate the U-Card and the U of M student it actually belongs to has some questions to answer and perhaps a fee to get it and its priviledges back.

I would hope that the ticket administration office is going to require some "training" with their ticketing staff and ticket takers before the stadium opens to make sure they all “fully understand” that not following the policy regarding student ticket use is not going to be acceptable under any circumstances.

I have sent an email to the guy at the U of M who is in charge of this process to encourage that training and those conversations DO TAKE PLACE with the ticket staff and ticket takers well ahead of the stadium’s opening and I respectfully suggest that others (especially Gopher fans who are ticket holders) do the same to reinforce this expectation.

The gentlemen’s name is: Dan Cohen (U of M Customer Relations Manager). You can contact him directly at [email protected] or call (612) 624-5280. Might be a good idea to carbon copy (cc) Joel Maturi ([email protected]) on the email as well - I did. We all saw how quickly the U responded to emails today asking about the general policy. I am sure they will do the same on this request.

and sent over your oh so nicely worded emails to dan cohen as was so respectfully requested?!?! ;)

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