A serious proposal for a new "winner take all" grudge rivalry competition for reusse.


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Jul 30, 2010
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A serious proposal for a new "winner take all" grudge rivalry competition for reusse.

Put reusse and barrerio (sp? who cares?) on the air in competing head to head time slots to see which of them will get the highest rating by Arbatron or which ever rating agency scores those radio popularity ratings. I really A.M. serious about this (even though barrerio (sp? who cares?) is now on F.M. banwidth. It could be a grudge match...fight to the finish between a heavy-weight misanthrop and a skin-head sociopath. A.M.'s bashe & trasher vs. F.M.'s trasher and basher.

doogieman could act as a yes-man/straight man/set-up guy for both of them! Didn't he have a history with barerrio(sp? Why bother?)/hartman back in his kfan wannabe days ? And, he currently has that kstp connection thing going on even though it's a really "schmidtty" one, at the moment.

These two faces made for radio jockeys have both been around entirely too long. They had plenty of head to head encounters back when they both worked for the strib, but that was when they could hide behind reams of paper and gallons of ink.

To make this interesting, it would be good for the managements of kfan and kstp radio to both guarantee that the loser would be either taken off the air, OR, would be moved from the afternoon slot to the latest time slot that each station operates in. It would be even MORE meaningful if a FORCED retirement was demanded by management.

For two such sleezy-mouthed individuals, it is amazing that they have NEVER had the courage to take each other on. Both are notorious negative cheap-shotters. Both present themselves as somewhat distressed bashers and trashers of the Minnesota Sports scene. Now, this IS true of all the professional sports teams in town. And: they both save their "best" for The U.

Perhaps, what really makes this potential rivalry ESPECIALLY special is the fact that they both do their most mean spirited work by routinely attacking University of Minnesota college sports.

Plaster their pictures all over town to hype this UGLY event. Ali had his "...thriller in Manila..." fight. reusse can have his "...trasher from the tribune..." barerrio (sp? Doesn't matter) could go with his "...bad, bald and bitchy...." campaign.

Really, with these two, there can be NO winner. They are both real losers. But bring 'em on and may the meaner-spirited, more cynical and whining basher lose. In fact, may they end up in a dead heat tie for the title of radio loser of the year in the Greater Twin Cities media market area.

Believe me, those two each deserve to lose to the other. These two could each easily wear the title of "...the Twin Cities sports talk radio BIGGEST LOSER of 2011...

Doesn't it really challenge the senses of sports fans out there who have been bombarded by these two for decade after decade on the air waves and in the morning news rags? Of course, other than just brief appearances many years ago on one of the "home town" Sunday Night Sports Shows, barrerio (sp? Too many bad-hair days) just NEVER stuck around tv. Live shots of that guy proved to be too painful to the sensibilities of the viewing public. In that regard, even the challenged reusse appears to be a poster-boy with a huge presence just made for t.v. compared to this barrerio (sp? why bother) skin-head.

Will his viewing public manage to put reusse "over the top" in this "beauty-contest" to determine how this rivalry-rating-battle to the finish will conclude? Or, will these combatants in this UGLY sports media rivalry destroy each other? IF so, they had BOTH best watch their backs. With doogieman sensing the "blood in the water..." will this younger, (BUT growing older with each day that passes), wanna-be shark move in and take over the WHOLE local sports media market as soon as the hold of the elders has been shattered as a result of their intense and "no-holds-barred" on-going feud and rivalry? Doogieman: this MAY be your big chance. Will this "battle of the Titans" pave the way for a newly annointed basher & trasher ...in an exciting" pluck and luck story, of the journey from being a 'wanna-be" to actually being a basher & trasher? (doogieman certanly does come off as one of the "pluckiest and lucky-est" working sports media members in this market. And, IF he gets the chance...I hope he'll TAKE the chance and DANCE this dance! This could be IT doogieman! This may be the opportunity of a lifetime! Out with the old...and IN with the "less" old!

I really am serious... (wink, wink)

; 0 )

LOL. That was actually pretty good. Nice work.

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