A problem Brewster Has


Well-known member
Nov 22, 2008
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"It could be relatively soon," he said. "It's not going to be long. I think the hire will be an absolute knockout. An absolute killer shot."

So, he let his mouth run off again, and really, for me, a killer shot is not Josh Heupel, a killer shot would have been a no brainer, guy with a ton of talent and experience who has decided he's fed up with where he is and wants to go somewhere were he'll be appreciated -- kind of like when Tubby decided he'd like to come here.

A killer shot would be Mike Shannahan coming to be our OC, he wouldn't recruit, he'd teach Brewster how to be a head coach and spend the next 5 years hanging out with the college kids, loving life and getting a nice ice house up on Mille Lacs.

Now I think if Huepel accepts the position, this is a good risk hire, of an upcoming talent that could work out to be a legendary decision.

Instead, I'll be trying to reconcile exactly what about Heupel is the Kill Shot? We need experienced Coordinators to carry the load, because Brewster has not proven he can, and in his own words has repeatedly discussed why it was important to bring guys with experience and talent into the fold at the coordinators because of his deficiencies.

He failed miserably with Everett Withers for that reason. Withers may ultimately be a fine DC, but he wasn't ready with us and did not get the guidance he needs because Brewster doesn't have the experience and knowledge to bring him along.

I'm concerned about Huepel for the same reasons.

I know this continues to keep me in the "Not Loyal To Brewster" camp, but I'm fine with that unless and until he proves his decision making is above reproach.

I support the Gophers and always will. What I do not support is hiring a guy who is now lashing out blindly and making the same mistakes repeatedly when the program was ready to take a step forward, not 6 back.

As some have mentioned, worst case scenario is in 2-4 years or whatever our bone-headed AD and the geniei on this board determine is the adequate length of time to let Brewster not be a good coach is, at least the cupboard will not be bare when the new coach arrives.

Others suggest that coaching is overrated and all that matters is recruiting. Take a look at Cosgrove's performance at Nebraska if you need an example of how bullsh!t that line of thinking is. The incoming players kept getting better, yet the performance on the field deteriorated. I wonder if that was because of the coaching maybe, because it obviously wasn't the recruiting and the talent on the field and the success they've had going into the NFL suggests maybe it wasn't the talent, but the coaching.

How many position coaches have mentored two Heisman winners in the last ten years? That is why hiring Heupel will be well regarded and I don't even want to get in to a discussion of defining kill shot."

Re: a problem Brewster has

So you needed two threads to make your point? You can sit down now.

Brewster is who he is--take him or leave him. No one (except obsessive Internet posters with a personal agenda who hang on every word of a college football coach) pays any attention to stuff like this.


Play-calling and coaching duties can be split up quite sharply. So I don't know how to react to this hiring.

I will say this. You can win a state championship in high school football with only having 10 offensive plays in your pocket. Better 10 plays you've absolutely mastered than 25 plays you don't. I would say you can be a pretty good college team with 25 plays absolutely mastered. I guess my point is that we're not looking for an Xs-and-Os wizard, but somebody to tighten things up.

This isn't high school. We should expect a coordinator that brings the whole package, coaching, game planning and recruiting. We are a Big Ten university, we should expect no less.

Brewster has not provided any real direction to the program and having a revolving door of coordinators is taking this program backwards. I don't care what Brewster calls the next hire, he is just running his mouth again.

Play-calling and coaching duties can be split up quite sharply. So I don't know how to react to this hiring.

. I would say you can be a pretty good college team with 25 plays absolutely mastered. I guess my point is that we're not looking for an Xs-and-Os wizard, but somebody to tighten things up.

Don't be such an idiot Studwell(SARCASM!;);):D;)) Logic be damned! To summarize Cali and all the "newcomers fans" (;)) , as long as Brewster and Maturi are still breathing and above-ground there is no chance that the Gophers will win a game, sign a decent recruit or make a dollar. Unless of course that dollar is the last dollar that some poor old Gopher fan has.

Brewster should take the Ruesse approach and say that " Minnesota sucks. It will always suck. You shouldn't go to school, work or spend any money here." His mesage to recruits should have been "No decent Assistant Coach is ever going to come here, and even WHEN they do they will be lousy so go sign somewhere else please. "

The sooner we fire everybody employed at the University (except for Tubby) the better off we will be!

It's admittedly a novel approach but it would make a lot of people around here very, very happy. :confused:

Stud is correct

Ice man or whatever is delusional. The non informed posters here put way too much into a coordinator. The guy from Oky would be great. Did someone really mention Shanahan? Oh yea, why do so many block heads on this board dislike optimism? Many here have never been in charge of anything, particularly their mouth!

Ice man or whatever is delusional. The non informed posters here put way too much into a coordinator. The guy from Oky would be great. Did someone really mention Shanahan? Oh yea, why do so many block heads on this board dislike optimism? Many here have never been in charge of anything, particularly their mouth!

Read it again; I was agreeing with Studwell........


Shanahan? Seriously? Why not Chuck Noll, Tom Landry, Paul Brown, or Ara Parseghian?

Shanahan obviously won't take the OC job but he will be here this spring to help Brewster as an advisor/consultant.

"It could be relatively soon," he said. "It's not going to be long. I think the hire will be an absolute knockout. An absolute killer shot."

So, he let his mouth run off again, and really, for me, a killer shot is not Josh Heupel, a killer shot would have been a no brainer, guy with a ton of talent and experience who has decided he's fed up with where he is and wants to go somewhere were he'll be appreciated -- kind of like when Tubby decided he'd like to come here.

A killer shot would be Mike Shannahan coming to be our OC, he wouldn't recruit, he'd teach Brewster how to be a head coach and spend the next 5 years hanging out with the college kids, loving life and getting a nice ice house up on Mille Lacs.

Now I think if Huepel accepts the position, this is a good risk hire, of an upcoming talent that could work out to be a legendary decision.

Instead, I'll be trying to reconcile exactly what about Heupel is the Kill Shot? We need experienced Coordinators to carry the load, because Brewster has not proven he can, and in his own words has repeatedly discussed why it was important to bring guys with experience and talent into the fold at the coordinators because of his deficiencies.

He failed miserably with Everett Withers for that reason. Withers may ultimately be a fine DC, but he wasn't ready with us and did not get the guidance he needs because Brewster doesn't have the experience and knowledge to bring him along.

I'm concerned about Huepel for the same reasons.

I know this continues to keep me in the "Not Loyal To Brewster" camp, but I'm fine with that unless and until he proves his decision making is above reproach.

I support the Gophers and always will. What I do not support is hiring a guy who is now lashing out blindly and making the same mistakes repeatedly when the program was ready to take a step forward, not 6 back.

As some have mentioned, worst case scenario is in 2-4 years or whatever our bone-headed AD and the geniei on this board determine is the adequate length of time to let Brewster not be a good coach is, at least the cupboard will not be bare when the new coach arrives.

Others suggest that coaching is overrated and all that matters is recruiting. Take a look at Cosgrove's performance at Nebraska if you need an example of how bullsh!t that line of thinking is. The incoming players kept getting better, yet the performance on the field deteriorated. I wonder if that was because of the coaching maybe, because it obviously wasn't the recruiting and the talent on the field and the success they've had going into the NFL suggests maybe it wasn't the talent, but the coaching.

Withers was ready to be DC, as he proved the following year at North Carolina - he just wasn't ready for the lack of talent that Mason left behind. A lot of Roof's success was thanks to players Brewster recruited for him - with Roof's help, of course.

Great hires

Cali - you make some very well thought out points. They are just not valid on Brew's Football Forum.

These hires are great for the University of Minnesota and I just can't wait to get that last drop of coaching perfection here. Brew said they are killer shots so you have to take him at his word and be positive. It is much funner anyway to be a fan if you are positive instead of a questioning negative person. It really is.

Heupel was the best player in the land running an offense. That gives him huge street cred to call the offense here in Gopher Nation in my book.

First Wednesday is in a couple short weeks and I can't wait to see who the young lads we sign are to strap on the maroon and gold and kick some ass this fall!

It is simple, really. You are either bothered when Brewster talks like this, or you aren't. I personally am not.


I stand corrected and apologize.

I mentioned Shannahan.

Ice man or whatever is delusional. The non informed posters here put way too much into a coordinator. The guy from Oky would be great. Did someone really mention Shanahan? Oh yea, why do so many block heads on this board dislike optimism? Many here have never been in charge of anything, particularly their mouth!

Because hiring him would be a "Kill Shot". It ain't going to happen and I know it, but that would fit hyperbolic quote number 275 from Tim Brewster.

Tim Brewster could heed your warning to be in charge of his mouth and then MAYBE, he could be positive without being ridiculous.

Withers was ready to be DC, as he proved the following year at North Carolina - he just wasn't ready for the lack of talent that Mason left behind. A lot of Roof's success was thanks to players Brewster recruited for him - with Roof's help, of course.

He really proved that this year? Must have been a different coach I saw given the D at NC regressed statistically this year vs. last year (at last look, which did not include the bowl game), although going somewhere with a strong defensive HC was a good choice for him to learn and grow.

Like I said, he could be a good DC if he learns how to coach and not curl into a ball and cry every time he looks at the offense of the other team.

umm, not really

To summarize Cali and all the "newcomers fans" (;)) , as long as Brewster and Maturi are still breathing and above-ground there is no chance that the Gophers will win a game, sign a decent recruit or make a dollar. Unless of course that dollar is the last dollar that some poor old Gopher fan has.

You should work on your paraphrasing that is not what I said.

I have said:

Maturi should be fired for hiring Brewster, and I still believe that regardless of what happens 6 years down the road.

Maturi is very good at about 60% of his job, and is a very highly functioning Assoc. AD, but is completely clueless, reactionary and incompetent when it comes to the big decisisons and how to act in certain circumstances (like when he decides to fire coaches too late, and doesn't really have a plan in place to replace them.

Brewster doesn't know how to coach -- which he has proven for two years to be the case.

That We should expect more from Brewster as a recruiter (this was said right after he was hired) to show us something in that little period of time that he could bring in better players. A lot of you whined and jumped down my throat on that, but lo and behold, he actually did just that, as I thought he would.

That I consider Brewster's recruiting an incomplete in that he has gotten some good players to commit to come here, but so far the best have not gotten into school. He gets an incomplete as those issues appear to be working themselves out and when they are in and contributing, then it would be fair to evaluate him.

That when we were 7-1 the lack of discipline in coaching the players was evident and would catch up to us this year, which it did.

That we would be fornicated if Brewster didn't work on keeping Roof here. Time will tell on this, but Cosgrove is not an inspiring choice, but maybe the year off did him so good.

That Brewster needs to work on keeping kids and coaches here or we're going to be stuck with the same "he needs three years" arugment for the next 6 years.

That unless Brewster significantly improves his coaching ability, no matter how good the team gets, we'll lose games we shouldn't because he will get outcoached.

I stand by those things. It's hard to get excited when the coach shows so many flaws and lacks the ability to deliver on the things that come out of his mouth.

Lou Holtz talked like Brewster does, but then delivered. Brewster has delivered on SQUAT of the crap that has come out of his mouth, and yes, that bugs me because, like it or not, outside of this board, people do pay attention to these things and they do judge the program negatively when the coach talks a big game and delivers very little.

Those things do not tie back to as long as both are living and breathing we'll never win or get a recruit or anything else

You should work on your paraphrasing that is not what I said.

I have said:

Maturi should be fired for hiring Brewster, and I still believe that regardless of what happens 6 years down the road.

Maturi is very good at about 60% of his job, and is a very highly functioning Assoc. AD, but is completely clueless, reactionary and incompetent when it comes to the big decisisons and how to act in certain circumstances (like when he decides to fire coaches too late, and doesn't really have a plan in place to replace them.

Brewster doesn't know how to coach -- which he has proven for two years to be the case.

That We should expect more from Brewster as a recruiter (this was said right after he was hired) to show us something in that little period of time that he could bring in better players. A lot of you whined and jumped down my throat on that, but lo and behold, he actually did just that, as I thought he would.

That I consider Brewster's recruiting an incomplete in that he has gotten some good players to commit to come here, but so far the best have not gotten into school. He gets an incomplete as those issues appear to be working themselves out and when they are in and contributing, then it would be fair to evaluate him.

That when we were 7-1 the lack of discipline in coaching the players was evident and would catch up to us this year, which it did.

That we would be fornicated if Brewster didn't work on keeping Roof here. Time will tell on this, but Cosgrove is not an inspiring choice, but maybe the year off did him so good.

That Brewster needs to work on keeping kids and coaches here or we're going to be stuck with the same "he needs three years" arugment for the next 6 years.

That unless Brewster significantly improves his coaching ability, no matter how good the team gets, we'll lose games we shouldn't because he will get outcoached.

I stand by those things. It's hard to get excited when the coach shows so many flaws and lacks the ability to deliver on the things that come out of his mouth.

Lou Holtz talked like Brewster does, but then delivered. Brewster has delivered on SQUAT of the crap that has come out of his mouth, and yes, that bugs me because, like it or not, outside of this board, people do pay attention to these things and they do judge the program negatively when the coach talks a big game and delivers very little.

Those things do not tie back to as long as both are living and breathing we'll never win or get a recruit or anything else

What players haven't gotten into school? What did Holtz deliver on (I am not sure he promised much other than the only other job he would take would be Ohio State)? How were we "out coached" last year? I think the decision to let Decker play when he clearly wasn't able was a bad decision but I don't remember a lot of out and out gaffes like some of the previous coaches.

"Those things do not tie back to as long as both are living and breathing we'll never win or get a recruit or anything else:....

Kinda does; little bit. Maybe I should have put a comma and "and/or" between you and the new poster "fans".

Holtz delivered?

"Lou Holtz talked like Brewster does, but then delivered." caliGopher

two .500 or so seasons, and a huge number of violations. If that's what you call delivering, please skip my house.

"Lou Holtz talked like Brewster does, but then delivered." caliGopher

two .500 or so seasons, and a huge number of violations. If that's what you call delivering, please skip my house.

To clarify, like I have with Brewster, I am considering the whole body of work when I made the comment about Holtz, not just his stint here.

Holtz talked like that at Arkansas, where he was very successful, Here, where he was on the way to being successful, Notre Dame, where he was very successful and then at South Carolina, where he had some limited success.

The title of your thread should be "A problem I have" It's not Brews problem, It a problem you have with his upbeat personality and his positive outlook on life. I don't see it as a problem but a huge asset to our program.

The title of your thread should be "A problem I have" It's not Brews problem, It a problem you have with his upbeat personality and his positive outlook on life. I don't see it as a problem but a huge asset to our program.

Well said.


The title of your thread should be "A problem I have" It's not Brews problem, It a problem you have with his upbeat personality and his positive outlook on life. I don't see it as a problem but a huge asset to our program.

I have no problem with his upbeat personality and his positive approach. Like Jim Wacker, I wish for nothing but the best. Also like Jim Wacker, I watch the overhyped comments eat away at his credibility and more importantly the credibility of the University of Minnesota's football program. No matter how positive Jim Wacker was, and he was leaps and bounds more posititve than Tim Brewster, his teams were not getting better.

Contrary to the conventional wisdom on this board, you can be positive without being ridiculous.

If we hire Heupel, that's a great hire and a smart, well calculated risk (there are no guarantees) but it will not be a "kill shot" because there are no such things as guarantees.

Brewster makes it infinitely harder on himself because he can't accept the inherent postivies that hiring someone like Heupel brings. He consistently elevates his rhetoric to levels that turn what should be a positive into a negative for the program.

And ultimatley, what I care about is the program.

You should work on your paraphrasing that is not what I said.

I have said:

Maturi should be fired for hiring Brewster, and I still believe that regardless of what happens 6 years down the road.

Maturi is very good at about 60% of his job, and is a very highly functioning Assoc. AD, but is completely clueless, reactionary and incompetent when it comes to the big decisisons and how to act in certain circumstances (like when he decides to fire coaches too late, and doesn't really have a plan in place to replace them.

Brewster doesn't know how to coach -- which he has proven for two years to be the case.

That We should expect more from Brewster as a recruiter (this was said right after he was hired) to show us something in that little period of time that he could bring in better players. A lot of you whined and jumped down my throat on that, but lo and behold, he actually did just that, as I thought he would.

That I consider Brewster's recruiting an incomplete in that he has gotten some good players to commit to come here, but so far the best have not gotten into school. He gets an incomplete as those issues appear to be working themselves out and when they are in and contributing, then it would be fair to evaluate him.

That when we were 7-1 the lack of discipline in coaching the players was evident and would catch up to us this year, which it did.

That we would be fornicated if Brewster didn't work on keeping Roof here. Time will tell on this, but Cosgrove is not an inspiring choice, but maybe the year off did him so good.

That Brewster needs to work on keeping kids and coaches here or we're going to be stuck with the same "he needs three years" arugment for the next 6 years.

That unless Brewster significantly improves his coaching ability, no matter how good the team gets, we'll lose games we shouldn't because he will get outcoached.

I stand by those things. It's hard to get excited when the coach shows so many flaws and lacks the ability to deliver on the things that come out of his mouth.

Lou Holtz talked like Brewster does, but then delivered. Brewster has delivered on SQUAT of the crap that has come out of his mouth, and yes, that bugs me because, like it or not, outside of this board, people do pay attention to these things and they do judge the program negatively when the coach talks a big game and delivers very little.

Those things do not tie back to as long as both are living and breathing we'll never win or get a recruit or anything else

Uh...Sherm, is that you?


How can someone say "Brewster has delivered on Squat" with a straight face? So far he's delivered on everything he said he would.


That I consider Brewster's recruiting an incomplete in that he has gotten some good players to commit to come here, but so far the best have not gotten into school. He gets an incomplete as those issues appear to be working themselves out and when they are in and contributing, then it would be fair to evaluate him.

Lou Holtz talked like Brewster does, but then delivered. Brewster has delivered on SQUAT of the crap that has come out of his mouth, and yes, that bugs me because, like it or not, outside of this board, people do pay attention to these things and they do judge the program negatively when the coach talks a big game and delivers very little.

These two points are clearly contradictory. The biggest part of winning in college football is putting better players on the field than your opponent. For instance, if Urban Meyer coached the Gophers for a whole year, and Brewster coached the Gators for a whole year, at the end of the year the Gators would still kick the living hell out of the Gophers.

If you acknowledge that Brewster gets an "incomplete" in the realm of recruiting (which involves putting better players on the field than your opponent), then how can you realistically make a statement about whether or not he has "delivered" as a whole? What, in your eyes, will determine if he has delivered? Is it really so simple as winning ONE game last year, and SEVEN this year, including a disheartening late-season swoon?

To make a statement such as "Brewster has delivered on SQUAT of the crap that has come out of his mouth", you ought to at least try to establish some sort of criterion for when he should have delivered something other than squat.

When a 50-year-old man uses terms like killer shot, I tend to tune them out. Trying way too hard to be hip, cool. It's HSish. Just one opinion.

longest worthless thread ever

Its not Brewster with a problem, its the shallow uniformed rubes on this board.


When Brewster is compared to Holtz that would be a very bad thing. It would be like comparing Smith to Haskins. Perhaps they have the same goal, but the methodology of one over the other is quite different. And it appears as though Brewster is willing to be here long enough to actually deliver the good GOODS not just the horse pucky.

"Lou Holtz talked like Brewster does, but then delivered." caliGopher

two .500 or so seasons, and a huge number of violations. If that's what you call delivering, please skip my house.

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