A plea to the State of Minnesota Basketball Squad

finally something fun to read after a gopher loss.

i am getting sick of all this emo crap.

THAT'S WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT!!! Originally Posted by Moonlight
Mr. GHerbs,
While I sympathize with your perspective...the basketball team can run... Studwell is just a little cocky...when he sucks (which by all standards he did...tonight)

Somebody gets it!!!
Thank you!


Studwell's daily ritual...

After taking a day away from this thread, I'm amazed at the number of posts about nothing...people must like talking about nothing...oh wait, now I'm talking about nothing!!!!!:mad:

Let's try to stay focused on the purpose of this thread please. I think that perhaps Coach Brewster should be named as an assistant coach for Tubby. Coach Brewster could provide some much needed offense for the Minnesota Golden Gopher Men's Basketball Team.

19 posts for Studbad on this thread that he started.....A new record on a thread started by Studbad. Congratulations Studbad, you are a very good example of a bad example.

Let's try to stay focused on the purpose of this thread please. I think that perhaps Tubby should be named as an assistant coach for Brewster..

GA, you are a verified GENIUS.

Tubby for football waterboy!!

19 posts for Studbad on this thread that he started.....A new record on a thread started by Studbad. Congratulations Studbad, you are a very good example of a bad example.

19 posts and all you can come up with is "Studbad"?!?

Oh Doctor Yawn...do behave!!

No, no, no.

You just can't bluntly slam somebody. It has to be done in a manner which makes *you* look even stupider. That's the humor in it: that you're ironically mocking yourself. This is a subtle, but important, move for any quality poster on GH.

Take this thread for example: I have successfully managed to take up four pages with nothing but inane, idiotic gibberish.

I have nothing to add, just want to keep this post alive. #78 Woohoo!

i hope today we can post about convincing gopher victory and not nothing, but if we can't alltimetwinsfanscoopersaurus can eat some more TRITON


thrown by TRITON son of Azur

and secret overlord of the University of California San Diego Campus

HA! Your puny Triton has no effect on me, sire! Not when I have the power of NEPTUNE ON MY SIDE!


Sent by the very God of the Seas Himself!


And his Triton will hurt much more than yours will! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!

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