A plea to the board...

No I'm not a professional like Doc.

Can I bring twenty of my closest friends?? They don't drink much either.

Quit while you're ahead! You've butchered Doogie on this board, and he's willing to not only meet with you, but buy you beer? Doogs...you are a better man than I! ;)

I would like the full report on this man-date after it happens!

Ok - I missed the origin of this inside joke - what is this about? I feel left out!

I don't even remember exactly when I noticed it, but it was a week of really heavy negativity. (I guess they all blend in). I started to notice that people instead of putting a (period) and 2 spaces, they would type 3 periods. I got tired of defending schemes and motions and what not and decided to entertain myself with mentioning how often people did this.

It definitely isn't attributed to one person. I know Gopher Pops, NewEngland_Gopher, TE, and doogie are a few of many who do it. I wouldn't lump those types into one category. It really took off when someone tried to let me know that they were just using eclipses, like I didn't know what it meant. So now the (dots) can be used to express some thoughts that of course are not included in the post :).

I decided it was my new form of forum entertainment. I find it much more entertaining then slamming my head against the virtual wall of debunking the weber myth engineers.

.... oh crap forgot to throw some dots up in this ... explanation. (Now it is up to you to decide what I omitted with my lethal use of dots).

GL, I can see it now when Doogie and Schnoods meet for a beer:

Schnoods: "Doogie? Hi. I'm Schnoodler."

Doogie: "Hi Schnoodler, Nice to meet you in person, finally."

(Drink a beer together in silence}

Schnoods: "Thanks for the beer, gotta run."

Doogie: "Same here, see ya."

The end. :)

GL, I can see it now when Doogie and Schnoods meet for a beer:

Schnoods: "Doogie? Hi. I'm Schnoodler."

Doogie: "Hi Schnoodler, Nice to meet you in person, finally."

(Drink a beer together in silence}

Schnoods: "Thanks for the beer, gotta run."

Doogie: "Same here, see ya."

The end. :)

I'll probably make him endure the silence of two beers.

Schnoods, you truly are a brute for abuse!

The drama builds. Post meeting, will Schnoodler become a blathering factless negative poster? Will Doogie start to think on both sides of issues? Grab your popcorn folks.

So has Doogie dumped Bronco already for Schnoodler? Whatever happened to THE DATE AT THE BARN episode or is that just for the basketball channel? I can't keep up.

can I go on this man date? I would reveal my other 4 monikers.

can I go on this man date? I would reveal my other 4 monikers.

Yeah, why can't we have a GopherHole Twin Cities summit of some kind? There could be two hours dedicated to airing of grievences. And then feats of strength.

I'd like to go b/c I keep imagining that Schnoodler is http://www.jaylondonlive.com/, but I keep getting debunked since, his pros are more lengthy then the one liners of Jay London. However, I do wonder if Schnoodler is the 4th guy form the left on the evolutionary chart :).

(shoot...should I be using dots or smiley faces ... dammit)

So has Doogie dumped Bronco already for Schnoodler? Whatever happened to THE DATE AT THE BARN episode or is that just for the basketball channel? I can't keep up.

What's ticking me off is apparently I'm the ONLY one of Doogie's "rather then admit I'm wrong I'll demand a real name" club that HASN'T been asked to lunch!:cry:

Hell, I'd bet DARREN has even asked Paul Allen to have a drink with him.:mad:

What's ticking me off is apparently I'm the ONLY one of Doogie's "rather then admit I'm wrong I'll demand a real name" club that HASN'T been asked to lunch!:cry:

Hell, I'd bet DARREN has even asked Paul Allen to have a drink with him.:mad:

I don't know I'd be worried you be Carrottop at Joe Sensors, bring a trunk of emoticons with you :p:D

What's ticking me off is apparently I'm the ONLY one of Doogie's "rather then admit I'm wrong I'll demand a real name" club that HASN'T been asked to lunch!:cry:

Hell, I'd bet DARREN has even asked Paul Allen to have a drink with him.:mad:

We can do lunch. Let me know what your schedule allows.

So has Doogie dumped Bronco already for Schnoodler? Whatever happened to THE DATE AT THE BARN episode or is that just for the basketball channel? I can't keep up.

Bronko and I never finalized details ... apparently he was banned ... when he is back on here, we will get that done.

Yeah, why can't we have a GopherHole Twin Cities summit of some kind? There could be two hours dedicated to airing of grievences. And then feats of strength.

It's a little late for that.

We will have to wait for next Festivus.

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