A look back; NSD 2011 - Do these ratings mean anything & keeping perspective


Kill Believer
Dec 20, 2011
Reaction score
I grabbed this list from the rivals site in order of their Rivals ranking. Since most of the 2012 recruits won't play this coming season, I'm always curious to see those from the year before who are more likely to play. I realize Kill's recruits (2012) have a better chance to play but I wanted to start a discussion on where these guys are at after redshirting or not, and to compare the hype some of these kids get versus real impact on the field. I don't want to kill any of the fun of today and the new guys coming in, but thought it was appropriate to talk about this subject.

(Example: Quentin Garderner a high 3* versus Marcus Jones a low 2* who was a huge impact before getting injured.)

Tommy Olson OL 3 stars
Quinn Bauducco LB 3 stars
Joshua Campion OL 3 stars
Quentin Gardener WR 3 stars
Drew Goodger DE 3 stars
Steven Montgomery DB 3 stars
Max Shortell QB 3 stars
Peter Westerhaus LB 3 stars
Michael Amaefula DE 3 stars
Joe Bjorklund OL 3 stars
Foster Bush OL 3 stars
David Cobb RB 3 stars
Devin Crawford-Tufts WR 3 stars
Ge'Shun Harris WR 3 stars
Grayson Levine DB 3 stars
Jephete Matilus LB 3 stars
Kyle McAvoy OL 3 stars
Luke McAvoy OL 3 stars
Malcolm Moulton WR 3 stars
Theiren Cockran DE 2 stars
Marcus Jones DB 2 stars
John Rabe TE 2 stars
Derrick Wells DB 2 stars
Dexter Foreman QB 2 stars
Cedric Thompson DB 2 stars

The jury is obviously still out on this class and we won't know for a few years. What we can take some hope from is that some of the "2 star" guys: Jones, Rabe, Wells, Thompson, saw action right away. Cockran is supposed to have some "specialness" according to Kill, so we'll see what he does this spring/fall.

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