A first for me today


Jan 26, 2013
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In my 40 plus years of watching the Gophers, something happened that I had never done before.... I changed the channel early in the 2nd half to watch golf. What a great decision, so peaceful no screaming at the TV or at Tubby. The sun will come up tomorrow but this team is going nowhere with Tubby as the coach. I just can't take anymore!!

I was spinning during the game, helped me remain sane.

In my 40 plus years of watching the Gophers, something happened that I had never done before.... I changed the channel early in the 2nd half to watch golf. What a great decision, so peaceful no screaming at the TV or at Tubby. The sun will come up tomorrow but this team is going nowhere with Tubby as the coach. I just can't take anymore!!

After the Illinois debacle I stopped watching two games ago for my own well-being. I thought maybe my watching the games was a bad luck charm, considering the Gophers pulled it off against Wisconsin, but I see that's over after a whupping today at Iowa. Been a lifelong Gopher fan and never purposely missed a football or basketball game before Thursday.

This is the good part. After being angry a good portion of Gopher game days/nights for the better part of 1 1/2 months now, I feel complacent and almost feel "no big deal" that the Gophers won Thursday and lost today. After not watching the game, I feel much better than had I watched it. If my apathy is starting to set in, perhaps it's easier to understand why half the state is apathetic toward major Gopher sports.

No point guard in this year's class; none for next year either. Dre's a very good player, but he's not a good ball distributor. In fact, no one on this team is, which is one of the big reasons they struggle. They have a bunch of self-made scorers and no one who understands the passing game, including the quick passing play that makes a zone futile.

Welch must be in the doghouse, because his skill set seems suited to beating a zone. I see he got 7 whole minutes today. If a D-1 team can't beat simple half court zone schemes, some major changes are obviously needed.

Although I moved into "whatever will be, will be" mode a few games ago, this today still upset me a lot. I could feel my face flush with red as the 5-point halftime deficit went to 7, then 9, 13, 15, 17...and my team was unable - and then unwilling, with Tubby playing all subs - to do anything about it. So upsetting and embarrassing, but I can't stop watching. They're my team.

I didn't watch most of the 2nd half. Best decision i've made in a while.

In my 40 plus years of watching the Gophers, something happened that I had never done before.... I changed the channel early in the 2nd half to watch golf. What a great decision, so peaceful no screaming at the TV or at Tubby. The sun will come up tomorrow but this team is going nowhere with Tubby as the coach. I just can't take anymore!!

You were in the game longer than the players were.

In my 40 plus years of watching the Gophers, something happened that I had never done before.... I changed the channel early in the 2nd half to watch golf. What a great decision, so peaceful no screaming at the TV or at Tubby. The sun will come up tomorrow but this team is going nowhere with Tubby as the coach. I just can't take anymore!!


I find myself turning to the golf channel more and more these days...... I even took the dog out for a walk with about 8 minutes left in the game. My brother in law called me while walking and started bitching about the game......I told him don't bother, because I was busy picking up dog sh*t, (sadly that beat watching the crap I saw on the TV)

Although I moved into "whatever will be, will be" mode a few games ago, this today still upset me a lot. I could feel my face flush with red as the 5-point halftime deficit went to 7, then 9, 13, 15, 17...and my team was unable - and then unwilling, with Tubby playing all subs - to do anything about it. So upsetting and embarrassing, but I can't stop watching. They're my team.

Agreed. No matter how frustrate I get, I still keep watching and hoping for wins.

Yep, this team is very tough to watch. They've no senior leadership and they're mush in regards to mental toughness. With the Bucko's getting trashed by Becky, Wed in Columbus will be a bloodbath.I won't be watching, I've seen enough horrid basketball.

I have to admit that I bailed early in the second half.

I was hoping this bunch could somehow manage to go 10-8 going into the BIG but I just don't see that happening. Maybe 8-10 which might be good enough for a low seed.

I'll be watching Wednesday but only because the local sports bar has all you can eat wings for $5.95 and I would rather watch the Gophers lose than the Wild or T-Wolves or whoever else plays is due to lose that night.

I usually try to find possitives in each game, or look to see young guys getting better for next year, but there wasn't one single thing I can pull from this one. Brutal night with a brutal stretch coming up. Tough tough year to be a gopher basketball fan.

Wait, wait, wait. I hope you guys tried drinking heavily during games first, before you thought just shutting the TV off was a good idea. I understand drinking isn't for everyone, but it is for every Gopher fan. How can it not be? Calling Dr. Don, calling Dr. Don. We need DR. DON, STAT !

Watch with some Buffalo Trace on the rocks - coping mechanism ACTIVATED. Plus its easier to fall asleep and forget what happened immediately thereafter.

I'm in full DVR mode now this season. I fast forwarded for most the second half when it got to a 12 point lead and it was apparent they had no idea how to face the zone.

I was out helping my daughter sell Girl Scout Cookies and heard the radio description about the first half. I almost wept openly because the team was up 27 - 8 during the first half and ended up trailing 34 -29 at halftime. This play is just unacceptable and so schizophrenic.

That was the first time I've stopped watching before the end as well. The inability of TUbby to ever make adjustments is so incredibly frustrating. As much as well all like to talk about how ugly the Badgers play, our "offense" against a zone is even more ugly. Speaking of which, why don't teams always play zone against us? I realize it hurts with rebounding, but have we ever shown the ability to not sh!t ourselves against a zone?

In my 40 plus years of watching the Gophers, something happened that I had never done before.... I changed the channel early in the 2nd half to watch golf. What a great decision, so peaceful no screaming at the TV or at Tubby. The sun will come up tomorrow but this team is going nowhere with Tubby as the coach. I just can't take anymore!!

This thread might be a bigger indictment of Tubby than anything. When the diehards start bailing, the AD has a big problem. I was still willing get get my hopes up at 21-5 that maybe they'd figured something out. Now, I agree with 'whatever will be will be.' I hope we win 3-4 more. I hope we win 1-2 in the NCAA's. But I no longer really expect either one.

I hope Norwood was entertaining some big hitters with deep pockets and happened to tune in the Iowa fiasco on the BTN.

I will say as far as Senior leadership, Trevor is a beast and he try's hard every second of every game, I find myself just focusing on him and appreciating the effort he always puts in. Rodney on the other hand, where does he drift off to sometimes!

I've stopped watching all Gopher games entirely. Be it football or basketball. Frankly, it's just not worth it for me to get worked up over it any longer. I'll still read about them here and on other sites and hope they do well but, after 40+ years of having my teeth kicked in, it's no longer enjoyable.

I am now so happy my nieces baptism was on the same weekend as this game. I would have been a mess if I were at the game yesterday.

We were planning to leave my parents place after the game but decided to leave with about 8 minutes left in the game. I didn't say a word in the car for at least two hours.

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