A call to Flip

AKA Bomber

New member
Feb 18, 2013
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I know your are watching the Michigan/Florida game right now because that's just what you do 24-7 - basketball. That could be you playing to go to the Final 4 in just 2 short years. I have no idea what went wrong with your discussion with Norwood but lets not let egos get in the way. We wanted you prior to Tubby and the timing was not right. This is OUR last window and many of us who have been following Gopher basketball for the last 25-50 years want you to be the man. I would put money on the fact that the 1st exhibition game next year would be sold out. Can you imagine that? You walking back and forth in front of the bench, lifting your chin and adjusting the tie.

If Norwood wanted to pick your entire staff...he is simply not very bright and WAY over his head. If it was a Ryan Saunders issue, maybe you can bend a little bit for the U of M. Let's be honest, Ryan is set for life. If I was Ryan I would be a little po'd BUT would still would want you to move forward and accept the job for the good of the U of M.

The "dream" staff is in place. Trent Tucker has basically said he would jump at the opportunity to be your assistant. Bring on Jarod Nuness from Baylor and you likely get Tyus Jones. What comes with Tyus? Jahlil Okafor. Add Mr. Showtime, Reid Travis and we could be cutting down the nets in 2 years. Donors would be throwing money at a practice facility like no tomorrow. That is exactly the base to put MN Hoops on the map for years to come.

I am afraid Norwood and Dr. Kaler just don't understand the amazing opportunity they have in front of them because they are not from MN and just don't know how much the fan base/donors want you to walk up on that raised court to Sweet Georgia Brown.

I hope you and Norwood can put everything aside and start negotiations over for the good of the U of M. Yes, there is a chance we could still find an "adequate" coach but I think not hiring you will put us at LEAST 3-4 years behind achieving our goals That is the VERY best case. If they make the wrong hire, well, it will sadly be a ghost town.


I know your are watching the Michigan/Florida game right now because that's just what you do 24-7 - basketball. That could be you playing to go to the Final 4 in just 2 short years. I have no idea what went wrong with your discussion with Norwood but lets not let egos get in the way. We wanted you prior to Tubby and the timing was not right. This is OUR last window and many of us who have been following Gopher basketball for the last 25-50 years want you to be the man. I would put money on the fact that the 1st exhibition game next year would be sold out. Can you imagine that? You walking back and forth in front of the bench, lifting your chin and adjusting the tie.

If Norwood wanted to pick your entire staff...he is simply not very bright and WAY over his head. If it was a Ryan Saunders issue, maybe you can bend a little bit for the U of M. Let's be honest, Ryan is set for life. If I was Ryan I would be a little po'd BUT would still would want you to move forward and accept the job for the good of the U of M.

The "dream" staff is in place. Trent Tucker has basically said he would jump at the opportunity to be your assistant. Bring on Jarod Nuness from Baylor and you likely get Tyus Jones. What comes with Tyus? Jahlil Okafor. Add Mr. Showtime, Reid Travis and we could be cutting down the nets in 2 years. Donors would be throwing money at a practice facility like no tomorrow. That is exactly the base to put MN Hoops on the map for years to come.

I am afraid Norwood and Dr. Kaler just don't understand the amazing opportunity they have in front of them because they are not from MN and just don't know how much the fan base/donors want you to walk up on that raised court to Sweet Georgia Brown.

I hope you and Norwood can put everything aside and start negotiations over for the good of the U of M. Yes, there is a chance we could still find an "adequate" coach but I think not hiring you will put us at LEAST 3-4 years behind achieving our goals That is the VERY best case. If they make the wrong hire, well, it will sadly be a ghost town.


Not to mention hiring Flip would end world hunger and bring peace to every nation. It's just so simple..

Not to mention hiring Flip would end world hunger and bring peace to every nation. It's just so simple..

The best part about hiring Flip is that after he failed here [like he did at his other coaching opportunities] we could put a stake in the heart of this vampire once and for all. Then move on. Might only put us back another 3-4 years.

How have all these other NCAA schools won all those games without Flip?

The best part about hiring Flip is that after he failed here [like he did at his other coaching opportunities] we could put a stake in the heart of this vampire once and for all. Then move on. Might only put us back another 3-4 years.

He failed at Minnesota? He failed in Detroit? Every coach will get fired from Washington. And at some point all coaches not named Phil Jackson will get fired in the nba

If you rank success strictly on nba championships then there are a lot of terrible coaches in the nba.

How have all these other NCAA schools won all those games without Flip?

I know you don't want flip because we have all these great college coaches lining up to coach at Minnesota...this job is only ranked as a "good job" by gopher fans. It's a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# job and if we landed flip we should thank out lucky stars we were able to get a legitimate coach that would want to be here.

The best part about hiring Flip is that after he failed here [like he did at his other coaching opportunities] we could put a stake in the heart of this vampire once and for all. Then move on. Might only put us back another 3-4 years.

Yeah getting that practice facility built would destroy the program.


They have me on suicide watch since word that you declined the job. I want my belt & shoelaces back.

Yeah getting that practice facility built would destroy the program.

There are a lot of teams with practice facilities and losing like crazy. If it were that easy - they wouldn't hire coaches - they'd hire general contractors to run the basketball program.

Your quote and my quote have no relation to each other.

Clicked on the wrong 'reply with' - meant to comment in reference to the 'how was Flip not a success' post. Short answer he was not. Not an abject fail but certainly not a success. Another NBA me too.

There are a lot of teams with practice facilities and losing like crazy. If it were that easy - they wouldn't hire coaches - they'd hire general contractors to run the basketball program.

I get it your not sold on Flip. Losing track of who wants who - who would you be happy with (someone the Gophers have a shot at)?

I know you don't want flip because we have all these great college coaches lining up to coach at Minnesota...this job is only ranked as a "good job" by gopher fans. It's a *&^!#*&^!#*&^!#*&^!# job and if we landed flip we should thank out lucky stars we were able to get a legitimate coach that would want to be here.

You don't know that because I don't know that. I just don't think Flip is necessarily the savior of the entire world of basketball like some folks, and I don't think our AD should just lay down to whatever Flip demands.

Why do some posters feel if they haven't heard of the guy he can't be a good coach. Every great coach in the country was an unknown at one time. Flip is not a God, just like Tubby is not a God like some national people think.

There are a lot of teams with practice facilities and losing like crazy. If it were that easy - they wouldn't hire coaches - they'd hire general contractors to run the basketball program.

So we don't need the practice facility, huh? Might want to shoot Norwood an email and let him know. Would save him a lot of trouble.

So we don't need the practice facility, huh? Might want to shoot Norwood an email and let him know. Would save him a lot of trouble.

Sure but Flip isn't the only way we get it. If so hire him as a fund raiser ONLY and then hire a college coach to actually coach. Two different issues.

Flip sounds like he has something going on with he Wolves that interests him more....but I think many of us are ok with that.

I get it your not sold on Flip. Losing track of who wants who - who would you be happy with (someone the Gophers have a shot at)?

First off - I could very much be okay with Flip IF he came to Teague and said "I am not going to hire my old cronies - I am a smart dog and can learn new tricks - I am totally open to looking at college assistants - all I ask is I have a lot of say in who they are not just you - I get it my son is a thorn - can we work around this, he is an alum and cares, we can find a way he contributes and still isn't a 'formal employee' - now can we do a deal?"

Had that been the conversation and Teague said NO then F Teague. But I doubt that conversation ever happened.

As for others - I would look deep into the mid-majors as well as prominent assistants - not just those that have has success this year but those that seem to run solid programs overall. I don't know those circles well enough to name names but looking at Kill - somebody like that except in BB. Or like what Mankato did in hockey [Hastings]. You have to really know the sleepers to finds them and you know they are out there - we just have been clueless in the past.

Flip sounds like he has something going on with he Wolves that interests him more....but I think many of us are ok with that.


"Who gives a sh!t about the Wolves disastrous franchise....keep that garbage off this board. I can't believe anybody in MN cares about that team anymore."


"Who gives a sh!t about the Wolves disastrous franchise....keep that garbage off this board. I can't believe anybody in MN cares about that team anymore."

@darrenwolfson: Teague isn't using a search firm, but he is picking the brain of many for advice. Among those, I'm told: Kevin McHale. He's NOT a candidate.

Go Gophers!!

You don't know that because I don't know that. I just don't think Flip is necessarily the savior of the entire world of basketball like some folks, and I don't think our AD should just lay down to whatever Flip demands.

Why do some posters feel if they haven't heard of the guy he can't be a good coach. Every great coach in the country was an unknown at one time. Flip is not a God, just like Tubby is not a God like some national people think.

I agree with you - flip is not a God, but through the boosters of the program, he has the ability to get the shovels in the ground for the practice facility. If that is all he accomplishes in his stay, we will be ahead in the game. But he can also coach, has good connections and may be able to land a part of the big 3. IMO - this would be an excellent hire in this stage of the game.

@darrenwolfson: Teague isn't using a search firm, but he is picking the brain of many for advice. Among those, I'm told: Kevin McHale. He's NOT a candidate.

Go Gophers!!

He had better be listening to a lot of people - he needs all the help he can get.

@darrenwolfson: Teague isn't using a search firm, but he is picking the brain of many for advice. Among those, I'm told: Kevin McHale. He's NOT a candidate.

Go Gophers!!

Really? Boy, Doogie's really trying to make it up to Norwood now isn't he?

Well that's just perfect and quite convenient. "Hey, I wanted Flip but Kevin McHale, the M Club guy, the guy you all hate from his Wolves days? HE'S the one who told me to bury Flip. Blame HIM not me".

Truly "unbelievable". :banghead:

Sure but Flip isn't the only way we get it. If so hire him as a fund raiser ONLY and then hire a college coach to actually coach. Two different issues.

Here's my argument: Is Flip a sure success? No, but there is no way that the Villa 7 hire will be a sure thing either. I'll take my gamble with the guy that will make getting the practice facility done much easier. If he doesn't work out than in three years we can look for another coach. But at least at that point we'd have the upgraded facilities to help.

You don't know that because I don't know that. I just don't think Flip is necessarily the savior of the entire world of basketball like some folks, and I don't think our AD should just lay down to whatever Flip demands.

Why do some posters feel if they haven't heard of the guy he can't be a good coach. Every great coach in the country was an unknown at one time. Flip is not a God, just like Tubby is not a God like some national people think.

I don't think it's a matter of thinking that the guy we get instead of Flip won't be good. It's just that it's more of a crapshoot. Another situation where we're throwing stuff against the wall to see what sticks. Sometimes they work (Jerry Kill, we hope), sometimes they don't (Dan Monson, Tim Brewster). We don't have a very good track record here.

Of course, Flip is no certainty. Neither is Smart or Stevens, for that matter. But I'll take my chances on a guy who went to four NBA conference finals with two teams before a guy like Enfield, who essentially is being considered basically for winning two games.

I'm a Flip fan, but there are a number of coaches I'd love to have before him -- but none of them are coming. I never thought Teague would seriously consider Flip. The fact that he did, and Flip said no, scares me.

I'm glad Doogie made sure to reinforce that McHale was not a candidate. FFS are people this stupid?

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