25 Worst College Football Towns in the Country

Obviously some bias against Minnesota because they talked about cold weather and showed a game that took place a month after home games are done.

Minneapolis is a bad football town because it's cold. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Green Bay and Chicago must be awful football towns too.

Yeah, I love the Gophers but in some respects I think it's true. We don't have a very good following when it comes to the students. The media in this area isn't at all college football (or college sports in general) savy. I don't think the average sports fan in the area is a very good college sports fan.

It reminds me of that segment with Sludge (i've talked about it here) where he descibes being a student at the U from 98 to like 03 and said that he didn't go to games because they were so bad. If you compare our run from 99 to 03, most schools would LOVE that caliber of team. SLudge was a HS kid who was interested in sports and the culture around Gopher football, even he wasn't interested.

I love the U and I love the Gophers, but right now, the culture around college football stinks (with the majority of TC sports fans). It's getting better. TCF has helped a lot, I think Kill will help a lot, but there also needs to simply be a change in culture. Hopefully it comes, hopefully we win enough that the average sports fan will start demanding more QUALITY coverage from the media, and it will snowball.

Minneapolis is a bad football town because it's cold. That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. Green Bay and Chicago must be awful football towns too.

They are awful college football towns.

Yeah, I love the Gophers but in some respects I think it's true. We don't have a very good following when it comes to the students. The media in this area isn't at all college football (or college sports in general) savy. I don't think the average sports fan in the area is a very good college sports fan.

It reminds me of that segment with Sludge (i've talked about it here) where he descibes being a student at the U from 98 to like 03 and said that he didn't go to games because they were so bad. If you compare our run from 99 to 03, most schools would LOVE that caliber of team. SLudge was a HS kid who was interested in sports and the culture around Gopher football, even he wasn't interested.

I love the U and I love the Gophers, but right now, the culture around college football stinks (with the majority of TC sports fans). It's getting better. TCF has helped a lot, I think Kill will help a lot, but there also needs to simply be a change in culture. Hopefully it comes, hopefully we win enough that the average sports fan will start demanding more QUALITY coverage from the media, and it will snowball.
Except none of this was mentioned. It basically said, gophers can't win, minnesota is too cold.

True, but it has nothing to do with being cold.

I agree. I was just kind of ignoring Bleacherreport because it's absolute bogus. It's a banned word on the ESPN boards.

To the original point though, is Mpls a good college football town? I don't really think so.

If you compare our run from 99 to 03, most schools would LOVE that caliber of team.

That would be roughly a 60% winning percentage and we were competitive in so many of those games. Maybe, it wasn't a BCS caliber team; however, a period during that time frame deserved more respect. Take out Mason's first two years and the rebuilding year of '01 and his overall winning percentage would be strong. Overall, 53% in a decade's work is laudable. The local media is terrible to boot.

Honestly, the weather in Madison and Iowa City are not much different -- shame on this rag for including a pic of the mid-December nfl game.

Cold weather? The Gophers aren't playing outdoors in December - that's a foolish criticism.

If you want to critique the Twin Cities for college football, you focus on lukewarm student support & running second to the Vikings for the "football dollar."

No it wasn't posted here because it is Bleacher Report.

The picture was when the vikes played at tcf lol what a joke

Kill will start winning and college football in mpls. will be hot. What does a sports fan in mpls. watch? RRRRRRRRRRRicky RRRRRRRRRubio?

Kill will start winning and college football in mpls. will be hot. What does a sports fan in mpls. watch? RRRRRRRRRRRicky RRRRRRRRRubio?
No, Adrian Peterson and Jared Allen will be competing with the Gophers football team.

I am surprised that Bloomington, Indiana is not on this list. I can't imagine gameday atmosphere is better there then here. I couldn't disagree more with his argument about the weather. We have had almost fantastic weather for all of about 1-3 home games (all depends on your opinion.). I, personally, don't think we have had a really bad weather game there myself and I have yet to miss a home game. But, that is just me.

e.bigelow said:
I am surprised that Bloomington, Indiana is not on this list. I can't imagine gameday atmosphere is better there then here. I couldn't disagree more with his argument about the weather. We have had almost fantastic weather for all of about 1-3 home games (all depends on your opinion.). I, personally, don't think we have had a really bad weather game there myself and I have yet to miss a home game. But, that is just me.

Bloomington actually has a great tailgate and party scene on game days.

I, personally, don't think we have had a really bad weather game there myself and I have yet to miss a home game. But, that is just me.

Agreed. I'll take 45º and cloudy over just about anything.

Obviously it snows 11 months out of the year in Minnesota. As someone who has lived in many parts of the country, it amazes me how some people view our weather.

The only time the weather really is that different in MN compared to places like Michigan is once we get to late November/December. Average high in Minneapolis on Nov. 1 is 50, in Ann Arbor 55. That five degrees makes a huge difference. :rolleyes:


Obviously it snows 11 months out of the year in Minnesota. As someone who has lived in many parts of the country, it amazes me how some people view our weather.

It still amazes me how stupid people can be in many parts of the country. I have friends/family in "hot" states who actually believe what you wrote above. They have no concept of how things really are in the midwest.

Bloomington actually has a great tailgate and party scene on game days.

Definitely one of the drunker and rowdier tailgates in the Big Ten, now if only they could get 25% of them to go into the game for at least a quarter.

Bloomington actually has a great tailgate and party scene on game days.

Can't say I knew that. I just figured with a football team that has been substainially worse than ours over the years, thought it would naturally be worse. Thanks for the info though! Guess that is what I get for assuming. Ha.

Too cold @ TCF? Not for anyone who was at the New Mexico State game. Granted it was early in the season but i'm pretty sure we hit 90 that day.

My dog could poop on my keyboard, randomly hit keys, and that could be a Bleacher Report article. I'm not kidding.


Another example: I could write an article and post it on Bleacher Report about how overrated Bristol Motor Speedway is despite the fact that I've never been to Bristol, TN, much less to Bristol Motor Speedway, and much much less to the fact that I've never actually even attended a NASCAR event. I couldn't name more than a dozen NASCAR drivers yet I'm qualified to write an article about Bristol Motor Speedway?

That's Bleacher Report in a nutshell.

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