2024 Gopherhole Pick'ems final standings


Well-known member
May 18, 2010
Reaction score
Pick'ems sponsored by GopherHole

outlast all posters during the 2024 Pick'em season to take top honors with 44 points. Will take home $75.00 for his party.
Tech Machine was just behind in 2nd place with 43 points. His money bag consists of $50.00.
Gophers7NatTitlesBadgers0 finished in 3rd place with 42 points. He took third due to the first tiebreaker as he had picked them to score 24 points which was exactly what the Gophers scored. His piggy bank is now $25.00 richer!
JayBobDobbins also had 42 points, and finished in 4th place after losing due to the tie breaker by just a few.
MGGopher finished in 5th place despite only able to pick 4 games in the final week with 41 points.
pk2 placed 6th with 40 points
Texan Gopher finished in 7th place also with 40 points, but lost out by one point to pk2 in the tie breaker.

goldenboy, Tech Machine and Gophers7NatTitlesBadgers0 please contact GopherHole Staff (PM) with your current address for payment.

This year we had a total of 73 participants off and on. Some dropped off early after falling behind. This was actually a mistake for some due to the long season to accumulate points.

During the final weekend, goldenboy and Gophers7NatTitlesBadgers0 both picked all 6 games correctly.
Congratulations to you two.

Enjoy the bowl games without the stress of picking the winners this year!
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Wow. I’ve often been close, and had a couple of 0-fer weeks this season. But I also had a few perfect weekends. It was a weird weekend with some wild endings to games. Somehow I ended up getting them all right. Had the first tiebreaker, too.
Thanks for managing it all, #2Gopher. We all appreciate the work you put in.
Now for the bowl game. Go Gophers!

Thanks @#2Gopher !! You’re a real gem for doing this year after year! And thanks to the GH staff for their support of the contest as well. Hats off to thee!

Enjoyed doing this, but didn't enjoy the mistakes that I made this season. It is my way of contributing to this board much like many of you have contributed as well in different fashion. Thanks to GopherHole for their support of the prizes for this. Without them, that part wouldn't happen.

Now if we can only clean up game day thread a bit.

Thanks for your work on this and giving us something xtra to look forward to on gameday.

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