2024 Gopher Hockey Offseason


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Feb 4, 2014
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Holy cow, Jimmy Snuggerud made the right decision and he's coming back.

I was hating on him a lot lately thinking he was already out the door. If he comes back with a renewed focus and energy, I'll take all that BS back.

Source? Someone on SS.com posted the same but I haven't seen something to confirm.

EDIT: nvm saw the tweet. I was as critical of Jimmy as anyone this last couple months, but there's no denying this team is way better next year with him back.

Gotta wonder if this helps Pitlick stick around too?
Not sure it will really matter. Most likely is it helps Chesley his former NTDP teammate come back the third year, not that he was really likely to leave.

Not sure it will really matter. Most likely is it helps Chesley his former NTDP teammate come back the third year, not that he was really likely to leave.
That would be good - Chesley is one of those guys I could see the Caps making a push to sign. Not likely, but would not shock me.

Prediction time:
At least two of the four 5th years move on
Two of Pino/Strobel/Begley/Rud enter the portal

Prediction time:
At least two of the four 5th years move on
Two of Pino/Strobel/Begley/Rud enter the portal
Fish and Michel can go, and those guys can follow them. Adios

Koster and Nevers I'll take back. I'm hoping Koster's down year was a result of him never being 100% from the knee injury.

Fish and Michel can go, and those guys can follow them. Adios

Koster and Nevers I'll take back. I'm hoping Koster's down year was a result of him never being 100% from the knee injury.
Koster never seemed quite 100%. A lot of times those knee injuries not only have the physical healing part, but the mental too, getting to where they can trust their knee again. It took me probably close to 2 years before I really felt comfortable letting it rip like I did before tearing my ACL.

Koster never seemed quite 100%. A lot of times those knee injuries not only have the physical healing part, but the mental too, getting to where they can trust their knee again. It took me probably close to 2 years before I really felt comfortable letting it rip like I did before tearing my ACL.
Yeah I mean not being surrounded by the NHL level talent of the 2022-23 team obviously explains some of the drop in play, but there's just no way he was at 100% last year when you compare the Koster of last year/two years ago to this year's version.

Would love his leadership back too. Seems like a guy that bleeds maroon and gold.





Obviously a fair chance we see some departures from the above, and Wood is unknown right now, but if Airey is up to the task, I don't hate that roster.

Wood and Snuggerud are kind of similar in that they aren't the best skaters. I would not put both with Moore.


I think Nevers can move on if you get Wood...

I'm still holding out hope that Stramel hits the portal and comes home to the Gophers. Put him on Line 2 with Snuggie or Wood. That's potentially 2 very high productive lines. Championship caliber lines.

If Wood goes elsewhere, and with Snuggy back, I'll slot this team in as about 7-10 in the country again next year. I'll currently say 10th because goaltending is a MASSIVE concern. A guy coming back with a .865 save percentage and 130 career minutes and ZERO goalie set to compete with him is unacceptable.

Get Wood and bring in a good goalie and I'll easily call them top 5.

Who is that guy? He follows 15K people, always an interesting sign about credibility.

FYI for everyone. The Tweet will appear if you change the "x.com" to "twitter.com" in the spelling. For example:

Thank you! I was wondering why my tweets only provided the link. I’ll try that moving forward.

DTA seems to be doing good work everywhere but basketball.
I think they did work for basketball too keeping some people. Just not enough to keep Payne who I bet is getting a million somewhere and will be in the elite eight next year. I can’t blame the kid.

I think they did work for basketball too keeping some people. Just not enough to keep Payne who I bet is getting a million somewhere and will be in the elite eight next year. I can’t blame the kid.
Payne getting $1M? I highly, highly doubt it.

Holy cow, Jimmy Snuggerud made the right decision and he's coming back.

I was hating on him a lot lately thinking he was already out the door. If he comes back with a renewed focus and energy, I'll take all that BS back.
This is a really nice piece on Snuggerud. He acknowledged his 2nd half slump himself, and is partly what motivated him to come back.


This is a really nice piece on Snuggerud. He acknowledged his 2nd half slump himself, and is partly what motivated him to come back.

Nothing but respect for people that accept responsibility. Sadly, it's very rare today. Glad he's coming back!

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