2014 Magazine Preview Issues

Breakin' The Plane

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Jan 15, 2010
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Lindy's has theirs on the newsstand already, others should be rolling out shortly. Haven't read much from Lindy's yet, but they had the Gophs 52nd in the nation, 8th Big 10 and Maxx and Epping, 2nd team; Mortell and Cobb 3rd team All Conference.

I'm going to take a pass on reading any of these pre-season predictions or clicking on the links. That is, unless someone actually predicts the Gophers to be good (which I doubt will happen). Last year is a perfect example of why I don't intend to invest my time in these predictions.

I usually pick these up to learn about other teams. Phil Steele's mag is the best, IMO but that doesn't come out until June.

The Gophers will "overachieve." We slide up to a New Years Day Bowl game.

I really want the Capital One or Outback Bowl. Tampa or Orlando.

Didn't Phil Steele have the Gophers going 0-8 in the B1G last year?
I don't think he does W/L, just picks conference finish. He did have them last in the division, but also had them in the Pizza Bowl, so that's at least 2-6. The 0-8 you're thinking of was from a poll on his website. There was a thread on here about it, but I'm too lazy to link it.

Besides a below average fire starter these mags have some utility at giving insight into the national consensus pecking order or reputation based on program history and recent success or failure. As a naive lad I bought these types of publications and breathlessly paged to the MN section to see where we were predicted to finish.

Decades later I have come to the lead pipe conclusion that the average gopherholer has better or equal insight into the probable wins/losses of our team relative to these national writers.

We will have a better reading into the program by the start of October. Then the statistical analyses of the superb MV at TDG is the person to listen to.

If you were a betting man, who would you have meeting in the 2014 Big Ten championship game?

I'd go with Nebraska vs. Michigan State, though Iowa has about the most favorable conference schedule we're ever gonna' see; Maryland and Indiana as the cross-overs, while getting both Nebraska and Wisconsin at home.

I'd say Nebraska and OSU, but MSU will be right there. Expectations are back up in Iowa. Perfect time for them to fall flat on their face.

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