I think I have it figured out....for now! Thanks!looks like you used the picture button. The new board doesn't handle pictures like the old one did. The best way to get them to show up full size is HTML that I know of. Some web guys will probably critique me...but that is how I've done it for the past number of years.
Eli Ward
<img src="http://www.frontiernet.net/~bchaffee/psu2003/images/05minnesota/mchugh1.jpg"></IMG>
Kyle Theret
<img src="https://a248.e.akamai.net/media.bigtennetwork.com//photo/2010/10/30/Sanzenbacher_20101030210257_640_480.JPG"></IMG>
<img src="http://www1.pictures.gi.zimbio.com/Kyle+Theret+Northwestern+v+Minnesota+byFjlmUqH0_l.jpg"></IMG>
and lastly...the peak of the Brewster era...after beating Purdue in 2010.
<img src="http://slog.cstv.com/runandshoot/*MinnesotaD.jpg"></IMG>
Gary Russell
Anyone else notice that the Michigan player has "Mason" on his back with a certain Mason in the background? It doesn't take much to entertain me.
We will see the Illinois game after hammering deer in Wisconsin.
He's poorly photoshopped in. Also he's on the Michigan sideline for some reason.