2009 Unscientific Survey Summary: Part I


Active member
Nov 20, 2008
Reaction score
First, I want to thank all who participated in this year's GopherHole Unscientific Survey!

There were 171 participants this year (with a couple postings after the survey closed). In 2008, 179 participated and in 2007 there were 228 respondents to survey questions.

The following are the tabulated results for this year's survey:

1) Age: The median age for this year's survey is 36.42. (2007 - 37.55; 2008 - 34.16)

2) Age brackets for the 2009 survey:
The youngest respondent was 16 yoa and the eldest were two 69 year-olds.

16-20: 5 (2.92%)
21-30: 72 (42.11%)
31-40: 43 (25.15%)
41-50: 28 (16.37%)
51-60: 15 ( 8.77%)
61-70: 8 (4.68%)

3) The # of years as a Gopher fan (median): 24.48 years

4) Minnesota Native: Yes -131 (76.61%); No - 40 (23.39%)

5) Current Address:

Metro - 97 (56.73%)
Outstate - 17 (9.94%)
Other States - 49 (28.65%) See listings later.
Outside U.S. - 7 (4.0%) See listings later.
At-Large - 1 (.68%) See listing and comment later.

6) Post Secondary Degrees and Schools:

University of Minnesota - 72 (42.11%)
Other Colleges - 75 (43.86%)
None - 24 (14.03%)

A.A. - 3
BA/BS -143
MA/MS - 39
Doctorate -9

Working toward/enrolled:
High School Diploma - 1
BA/BS -15
MA/MS - 9
Doctorate - 6

7) Attend at least one Gopher game per year: (many respondents attend more than one sport/game)

Yes - 138 (80.70%)
No - 33 (19.30%)

Football - 124
Basketball - 78
Hockey -8

8) Season Ticket Holder: (many respondents hold football and basketball season tickets, a couple participants hold football, basketball, hockey and/or WBB season tickets)

Yes - 111 (64.91%)
No - 60 (35.09%)

Football - 99
Basketball - 45
Hockey - 5
WBB - 1

9) Location of fans in other states:

Alaska - 1
California - 1
Colorado -3
Connecticut - 1
D.C. - 1
Florida - 2
Hawaii - 1
Idaho - 1
Illinois - 5
Indiana - 1
Iowa - 4
Kansas - 1
Kentucky - 1
Lousiana - 1
Massachusetts - 1
Michigan - 1
Nevada - 2
North Carolina - 2
North Dakota - 1
Ohio - 3
Pennsylvania -4
Rhode Island - 1
South Carolina - 1
Texas - 2
Virginia -1
Washington - 2
Wisconsin - 5

Locations outside the U.S.

Belgium - 1
Canada - 2
Dominican Republic - 1
Qatar - 1
Peru - 1
South Korea - 1

At-Large: Studwell55 did not give his current address. Instead he said, "I can see the ocean." However, he did not say whether it is the Atlantic, Pacific, Arctic, Indian, or Antarctic (aka: Southern) Ocean that he can see. As a result, he is given an at-large designation.

I'll hold some of my comments about the survey and the site-related remarks of the respondents in another thread.

Go Gophers!!

This is great stuff DL65. Fun reading.

That's pretty neat that there are so many people on this forum from so many states and countries. The power of the Internet and passion for the Gophers colliding.

Thanks DL! Hope the fanbase at games gets younger, just like it has here ( I can say that being an old guy).

admins - can this be given a "sticky" at the top of the forum?

DL65 put a lot of work into it and i am sure many would like to review. having it tacked to the top of the forum for a few days will certainly help people find it quicker. thanks for your consideration.

I think he's got a Miller Beer poster with a Beach babe featured back dropped by the ocean...in his mothers basement. But i guess that's still at large since we don't really know where he lives.

I didn't know HS diploma counted, cause im working towards one of those.....but anyways, w00t im da youngest!

First off, DL65, thanks for compiling all this info - it's very interesting. Just one very minor nitpick - when you say "median" on the ages and years of attendance, you really mean "mean" instead, right?

A mean is an average, a median is the middle number. Just a quick example, if you have 3 numbers: 1, 3, 11, then:
mean: 5
median: 3
Since you gave the "median" with 2 decimal places, I assume you averaged all the numbers together to produce the mean.

Both median and mean are interesting numbers, and I'd guess based on your dividing ages into decades that the true median age is probably 31 or 32.

I stand corrected!

Golden Elephant,

You're correct! I should have said mean.

Go Gophers!!

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