farmboy SEC 105 Row 4 Joined Nov 21, 2008 Messages 30 Reaction score 0 Points 6 Apr 12, 2009 #1 Was wondering if we are going to get single paper tix as usual- or going to barcode bs like my iowegian cousins. See benefit of card but prefer individual tix. Thoughts?? TIA farmboy
Was wondering if we are going to get single paper tix as usual- or going to barcode bs like my iowegian cousins. See benefit of card but prefer individual tix. Thoughts?? TIA farmboy
Ski U Mah Gopher Member of the Tribe Joined Nov 12, 2008 Messages 7,994 Reaction score 1,290 Points 113 Apr 12, 2009 #2 Probably single paper, with a barcode reader. Like hockey, Twins, Vikings, etc.
farmboy SEC 105 Row 4 Joined Nov 21, 2008 Messages 30 Reaction score 0 Points 6 Apr 12, 2009 #3 I guess that would be good as I share tickets with my brother (UM 92). Sometimes don't see each other between games. farmboy
I guess that would be good as I share tickets with my brother (UM 92). Sometimes don't see each other between games. farmboy