2 QB's = 0 QB's


Well-known member
Nov 20, 2008
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Who is credited for stating that having two quarterbacks means you have no quarterbacks? Bud Grant?
Although Weber hasn't had a great year, I didn't think he was the main problem last night. His numbers were okay, although statistics never tell the whole story. Gray? Well, he looks good coming off the bus, and has intrigued me all year. But, he hasn't been given a full chance to see if he is the answer.
One thing I hope that doesn't continue in 2010 is the same merry-go-round. Commit to one quarterback and let him run the whole game. Stay with that quarterback unless he proves that he doesn't belong. Then, let the next guy in and let him play until he proves that he can't.
Has there ever been a succesful duo at quarterback? I think of Tennessee a few years ago and remember Ainge and ??. I really thought it hurt their team as it often ruined momentum. Same thing last night when Weber had the team going on the last drive and I saw Gray come in, I said, "I don't like this. Please don't fumble."
C'mon coach. Pick one. Only one.

I really thought it hurt their team as it often ruined momentum. Same thing last night when Weber had the team going on the last drive and I saw Gray come in, I said, "I don't like this. Please don't fumble."
C'mon coach. Pick one. Only one.

Wishful thinking imo. We will see much of the same next year.

CW, who do you think was the problem. We were in position 5-6 times where a good throw was a TD. We got none. I'm not saying Gray or Moses is the man, but it's for darn sure Weber is not!

I really hate the play calling. It puts a lot of pressure on the QB. Way too many third and long situations. Pass on first...incomplete. Run on 2nd and ten, two yards. Third and eight. Even if you get four yards on the run at third and six you're not in much better shape. You can only pass.

In the art of war you never want to take away all your opponents options. You want to always leave him with the worst one looking like his best, or your best advantage looking like his best choice. Either way our whole offensive scheme seems to be to take the least likely outcome and going with it thinking they're least able to stop it because it's least expected. In reality we're simply doing what they want us to do, taking the tact least likely to have a good outcome. Which is why we are continually in bad situations. you can't sustain a drive this way. You have to be so dominant or a spread team to do this. We're neither. If you think about it, how many scores are the result of a march down the field? Most involve a long pass or a short field. And if we are trying for a pass first vertical scheme, we're always going to be at the mercy of a great defense, and dependent of a great Oline. I don't like it.

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