1977 Minnesota vs. Maryland Bowl Game


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Jun 5, 2009
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I now have a copy of the 77 Minnesota vs. Maryland football bowl game . Action picks up in 2nd quarter with Minnesota up 7 to 3. Nice video and audio. Looking to trade for Gopher games from 60's,70's, 80's. Nice footage of the 77 team. Barber, Kitzman, Avery, Weber, Stewart, Hunt. Contact me at [email protected] if interested.

I have nothing to trade, but I would love to see that game. Maybe Youtube?

I remember that game. One series had Kitzman running 5 yard pops up the gut until they stopped him, then they did not know what to do.

If the Gophers had played the second half the way they played the first, they would have won that bowl game. It was also the year they beat Mich. Was just in a conversation this morning with a Mich fan that still bemoans that game.

I was just a kid living in rural Connecticut, with no cable TV or anything that could pick up Mizlou Sports. I remember tuning my
am radio for 2 hours trying to find the game through the static. I finally got to hear the last 3 minutes. I would LOVE to see
that game posted to Youtube, even all these years later!

Not interested, but I was at that game, an alum of each school (but rooting for the Gophers). That was the team that knocked off both Washington and Michigan, causing one network sports guy to refer to the Rose Bowl that year as "the Gopher bowl."

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