1500: Coordinators express confidence Jerry Kill will remain with Gophers

While you worry about recruiting...I worry about a team not having it's coach on the sideline for multiple games a season and neither Limegrover nor Claeys willing to come down to the sideline. Makes you wonder who is running the show during the game???

They've only explained this umpteen million times. Why would you still be wondering? And if all the coaches, including Kill, think that having the coordinators up in the box is best, what would be gained by having them on the sideline?

Regardless of your or my opinion of Kill or our performance this year on the field, the simple truth is that if the U fired or asked Coach to step down before the end of the season it would have such a negative ripple effect on everything sports related at the U that we would be working to fix it for 10 years. Running Kill off would be the single worst PR move in U history...worse PR than the cheating scandal IMO.

So you all can keep wasting energy on talking about it and debating it, but it doesn't matter. Ain't going to happen. Likely scenario is if Kill has another one, he takes a leave of absence to get it under control and comes back in a month or two to resume his duties.


If we were winning 8-9 games per year, would anyone care if Kill missed 2-3 games? I sure wouldn't...

They've only explained this umpteen million times. Why would you still be wondering? And if all the coaches, including Kill, think that having the coordinators up in the box is best, what would be gained by having them on the sideline?

Well, we're 1-3 during those games that Kill goes down during or before the game, with our lone win coming against FCS Western Illinois...so maybe it is worth asking again, even if it has been explained "umpteen million times."

Well, we're 1-3 during those games that Kill goes down during or before the game, with our lone win coming against FCS Western Illinois...so maybe it is worth asking again, even if it has been explained "umpteen million times."

The million dollar question. How important is it to have a head coach on the field at the Division 1 level. IMO, people associated with a D1 program can answer it not a message bored.

I don't see anyone calling for Kill's head. It's more of a concern as to whether he can do the job, as well as concern for Jerry Kill the person.

In Basement Brew's case, EVERYONE was calling for his head. Fans, donors, the media etc. The U had little choice but to can him.

Not the same thing at all.

It's similar in a sense that nobody knows what will happen so by guaranteeing something will or won't happen is just ignorant...

Okay, I know that this will sound almost Souhandian...but didn't we hear this last year and the year before that?

You will continue to hear it. The human body becomes used to or works against some medications. Things change and meds need to be changed or balanced. Hope they get it balanced soon.

If we were winning 8-9 games per year, would anyone care if Kill missed 2-3 games? I sure wouldn't...

Undoubtedly they would by saying they should have won 10-12 games and he still can't do his job.

If we were winning 8-9 games per year, would anyone care if Kill missed 2-3 games? I sure wouldn't...

If we were winning 8-9 games a year I wouldn't need to come here ever again. I'd be too busy rubbing it in the face of my Iowa grad neighbor.

Well, we're 1-3 during those games that Kill goes down during or before the game, with our lone win coming against FCS Western Illinois...so maybe it is worth asking again, even if it has been explained "umpteen million times."

To be fair, the time it happened against New Mexico St., it was way at the end when the game was pretty much lost already. I don't think anyone can say Kill being on the sideline would have changed the outcome of that game.

If you knew anything about his disease, you would know that medication has to be continually adjusted. That's why it's fine then not fine! Wise up!

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