1500: Coordinators express confidence Jerry Kill will remain with Gophers


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Nov 11, 2008
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On Sunday, while Kill was at home resting, Claeys texted the head coach to tell him there was no need to come into the office, given the change in Gophers' typical Sunday with the team heading into a bye week. The coaches met with players briefly in the morning before dismissing them for the rest of the afternoon.

"I do know this, and all you can do is go by his doctor, who they say is one of the best, he claims that when he gets his medication regulated they'll have great control over this," Claeys said. "In the doctor's eyes, he's getting closer to being able to control it."

"I'm telling you, there are two things about that guy, he's the greatest competitor I've ever been around, and he's the most caring person I've ever been around," Claeys said.

"He is who he is. He loves the University of Minnesota. He loves the state, our football team ... As long as he feels he can keep (the program) going the same direction he'll keep battling. It's frustrating, don't get me wrong. But you won't find a more competitive person and a more caring person. I don't have any concerns."


Go Gophers!!

"I do know this, and all you can do is go by his doctor, who they say is one of the best, he claims that when he gets his medication regulated they'll have great control over this," Claeys said. "In the doctor's eyes, he's getting closer to being able to control it."

Okay, I know that this will sound almost Souhandian...but didn't we hear this last year and the year before that?

Okay, I know that this will sound almost Souhandian...but didn't we hear this last year and the year before that?

Let's all come to an agreement. Discontinue commenting on Kill's health, and just focus on how this football team performs. If they continue to show little improvement for another two years, Kill will be gone. If the team turns the proverbial corner, and shows decent improvement year over year, then all is well. Let's make Kill's health a moot point from now on.

Let's make Kill's health a moot point from now on.

But it's not...

I don't believe his seizures affect the product on the field & am very much against Souhan but I'm also not blind to the way a potential recruit could view it & to just pretend it doesn't matter is just ignorant...

But it's not...

I don't believe his seizures affect the product on the field & am very much against Souhan but I'm also not blind to the way a potential recruit could view it & to just pretend it doesn't matter is just ignorant...

While you worry about recruiting...I worry about a team not having it's coach on the sideline for multiple games a season and neither Limegrover nor Claeys willing to come down to the sideline. Makes you wonder who is running the show during the game???

While you worry about recruiting...I worry about a team not having it's coach on the sideline for multiple games a season and neither Limegrover nor Claeys willing to come down to the sideline. Makes you wonder who is running the show during the game???

As long as the W's are there it won't matter but if we continue to lose & Kill's health is still a concern people will definitely scapegoat it...

But it's not...

I don't believe his seizures affect the product on the field & am very much against Souhan but I'm also not blind to the way a potential recruit could view it & to just pretend it doesn't matter is just ignorant...

no one is saying it doesn't matter. they're not going to fire him now and doing so would hurt the program much worse than you can imagine. if your concerns become real, it will show on the field. if it shows on the field, he'll be gone for his inability to win. the negative press the "u" would get for forcing him out or into another position would have far worse effects on recruiting than Kill's health. there are plenty of kids and parents out there who will WANT to play for Kill for the very reasons you believe they'll be scared away. you know how many young kids who are probably inspired by Kill? he has a very good reputation as a compassionate coach. just let it play out. we hired the man knowing his condition, you can't turn on him now.

As long as the W's are there it won't matter but if we continue to lose & Kill's health is still a concern people will definitely scapegoat it...

One parallel I see (albeit a weak one) is the situation with the Indianapolis Colts last year. When Chuck Pagano went down with cancer, Bruce Ariens stepped into the head coach role and adjusted his way of coaching to fit what was needed. He moved from the booth to the sideline, interacted with his players, and took a field general's approach to his new role. When Kill is out, no one changes anything...Limegrover and Claeys are still in the booth and the TIGHT END COACH is the supposed sideline "head coach". Meanwhile, he's on the sideline with the plays on his arm and focusing on his role solely as it has to do with tight ends. I don't see any leadership, no one rallying the troops...and this cannot be conducive to a winning organization on gameday. If everyone wants to make Kill's health a moot point, that's fine...but let's have a better plan in place when his health issues arise is what I guess I'm trying to say.

One parallel I see (albeit a weak one) is the situation with the Indianapolis Colts last year. When Chuck Pagano went down with cancer, Bruce Ariens stepped into the head coach role and adjusted his way of coaching to fit what was needed. He moved from the booth to the sideline, interacted with his players, and took a field general's approach to his new role. When Kill is out, no one changes anything...Limegrover and Claeys are still in the booth and the TIGHT END COACH is the supposed sideline "head coach". Meanwhile, he's on the sideline with the plays on his arm and focusing on his role solely as it has to do with tight ends. I don't see any leadership, no one rallying the troops...and this cannot be conducive to a winning organization on gameday.

Fair point.

no one is saying it doesn't matter. they're not going to fire him now and doing so would hurt the program much worse than you can imagine. if your concerns become real, it will show on the field. if it shows on the field, he'll be gone for his inability to win. the negative press the "u" would get for forcing him out or into another position would have far worse effects on recruiting than Kill's health. there are plenty of kids and parents out there who will WANT to play for Kill for the very reasons you believe they'll be scared away. you know how many young kids who are probably inspired by Kill? he has a very good reputation as a compassionate coach. just let it play out. we hired the man knowing his condition, you can't turn on him now.

Perhaps it is playing out right now?

One parallel I see (albeit a weak one) is the situation with the Indianapolis Colts last year. When Chuck Pagano went down with cancer, Bruce Ariens stepped into the head coach role and adjusted his way of coaching to fit what was needed. He moved from the booth to the sideline, interacted with his players, and took a field general's approach to his new role. When Kill is out, no one changes anything...Limegrover and Claeys are still in the booth and the TIGHT END COACH is the supposed sideline "head coach". Meanwhile, he's on the sideline with the plays on his arm and focusing on his role solely as it has to do with tight ends. I don't see any leadership, no one rallying the troops...and this cannot be conducive to a winning organization on gameday. If everyone wants to make Kill's health a moot point, that's fine...but let's have a better plan in place when his health issues arise is what I guess I'm trying to say.

honestly now, how often do we see a head coach rallying the troops during the game? be honest. think of how many times you see a coach doing that. it's usually the position coaches doing that stuff. all that matters to me is how they perform on the field. if they stink it up, it doesn't matter what the reason is. the coaching staff will be gone in a couple years. we could have Urban Meyer as a head coach right now and it won't make much difference. the players are who they are, the skills they learn are already in place, the play calling is in place (even though it sucks) and a head coach at this point isn't going to make much of a difference unless there's a critical call that needs to be made. as far as i can tell, we won't be in any games where critical calls will make a difference. we're going to get beat down by everyone, including and especially Indiana. Their strength is our weakness. We lose by at least 14 to Indiana. By at least 14 to NWU. By 20 or more to Wisc and tOSU. So maybe an important on-field call could make a difference vs. MSU and PSU. Then again, I haven't been impressed with Kill's on-field calls anyways. We have much bigger problems than Kill's health. We have a bad team.

Why should it be moot? Coach had missed parts of 5 games in 4 years. This year he has missed the coaching equivalent of 6 or 8 weeks to a working Joe. And we have no idea what happens during the weak. After WIU a quoted Paget made it sound as though his seizures are much more frequent. How much practice time is he missing? Word had it Kill seized on Tuesday as well.

The U is in a tough spot with this. Coach was hired with knowledge of his history. He was given an extension already. We can't afford a buyout and we are in a real pr pinch of he is relieved or re assigned. But, he is hired to be on the sideline and if he can't do that what is he being paid for?

Perhaps it is playing out right now?

certainly. i agree with that. but i think he's going to get his 4 or 5 years unless he resigns. firing him would be ugly. for better or worse, he's our coach for now and he represents the "U" well. we're just at the "beginning" of letting it play out. know what I'm saying?

Why should it be moot? Coach had missed parts of 5 games in 4 years. This year he has missed the coaching equivalent of 6 or 8 weeks to a working Joe. And we have no idea what happens during the weak. After WIU a quoted Paget made it sound as though his seizures are much more frequent. How much practice time is he missing? Word had it Kill seized on Tuesday as well.

The U is in a tough spot with this. Coach was hired with knowledge of his history. He was given an extension already. We can't afford a buyout and we are in a real pr pinch of he is relieved or re assigned. But, he is hired to be on the sideline and if he can't do that what is he being paid for?

no one disagrees with you. but there's nothing to be done now unless he resigns. what i meant by "moot" is there's nothing the "U" can do right now. just let it play out. everyone with half a brain sees what's happening. but just let it play out. i want to win as much as anybody, but this is one time to just sit tight, don't knock the man, be compassionate, swallow hard, and let this play out. everyone sees what's happening. just leave it alone. Norwood Teague and Jerry Kill will take care of this.

honestly now, how often do we see a head coach rallying the troops during the game? be honest. think of how many times you see a coach doing that. it's usually the position coaches doing that stuff. all that matters to me is how they perform on the field. if they stink it up, it doesn't matter what the reason is. the coaching staff will be gone in a couple years. we could have Urban Meyer as a head coach right now and it won't make much difference. the players are who they are, the skills they learn are already in place, the play calling is in place (even though it sucks) and a head coach at this point isn't going to make much of a difference unless there's a critical call that needs to be made. as far as i can tell, we won't be in any games where critical calls will make a difference. we're going to get beat down by everyone, including and especially Indiana. Their strength is our weakness. We lose by at least 14 to Indiana. By at least 14 to NWU. By 20 or more to Wisc and tOSU. So maybe an important on-field call could make a difference vs. MSU and PSU. Then again, I haven't been impressed with Kill's on-field calls anyways. We have much bigger problems than Kill's health. We have a bad team.

This is what we call irrationally pessimistic.

Why should it be moot? Coach had missed parts of 5 games in 4 years. This year he has missed the coaching equivalent of 6 or 8 weeks to a working Joe. And we have no idea what happens during the weak. After WIU a quoted Paget made it sound as though his seizures are much more frequent. How much practice time is he missing? Word had it Kill seized on Tuesday as well.

The U is in a tough spot with this. Coach was hired with knowledge of his history. He was given an extension already. We can't afford a buyout and we are in a real pr pinch of he is relieved or re assigned. But, he is hired to be on the sideline and if he can't do that what is he being paid for?

That's not a good comparison at all. There's a lot more to being a coach than just being there on game day. I'm not trying to downplay the concern, I just don't think that is a fair way to look at it.

Like others have said, if this truly does effect the team negatively enough, then we will continue to not see major improvement in the win column. When that happens, he will not be our coach anymore.

Why should it be moot? Coach had missed parts of 5 games in 4 years. This year he has missed the coaching equivalent of 6 or 8 weeks to a working Joe. And we have no idea what happens during the weak. After WIU a quoted Paget made it sound as though his seizures are much more frequent. How much practice time is he missing? Word had it Kill seized on Tuesday as well.

The U is in a tough spot with this. Coach was hired with knowledge of his history. He was given an extension already. We can't afford a buyout and we are in a real pr pinch of he is relieved or re assigned. But, he is hired to be on the sideline and if he can't do that what is he being paid for?

Claeys said he has missed less than 5 practices. Dantonio has missed more games than Kill. Paterno was little more than a figure head for his final 5 years and with his leg injury, I don't think he could come down at halftime that whole season.
I get that it is a big deal and everyone wants to talk about it. But it really does need to be judged by the performance on the field. Losing amplifies everything. The bye week is coming at a good time for coach to get some rest and spend some time with his doc getting a handle on things.

as i quoted before, pessimism is just a convenient word that irrational optimists apply to wisdom and logic.

The same could be said about the phrase "Kool-Aid drinkers".

Things are almost never as good or bad as people think. It's usually somewhere in the middle.

no one is saying it doesn't matter. they're not going to fire him now and doing so would hurt the program much worse than you can imagine. if your concerns become real, it will show on the field. if it shows on the field, he'll be gone for his inability to win. the negative press the "u" would get for forcing him out or into another position would have far worse effects on recruiting than Kill's health. there are plenty of kids and parents out there who will WANT to play for Kill for the very reasons you believe they'll be scared away. you know how many young kids who are probably inspired by Kill? he has a very good reputation as a compassionate coach. just let it play out. we hired the man knowing his condition, you can't turn on him now.


Regardless of your or my opinion of Kill or our performance this year on the field, the simple truth is that if the U fired or asked Coach to step down before the end of the season it would have such a negative ripple effect on everything sports related at the U that we would be working to fix it for 10 years. Running Kill off would be the single worst PR move in U history...worse PR than the cheating scandal IMO.

So you all can keep wasting energy on talking about it and debating it, but it doesn't matter. Ain't going to happen. Likely scenario is if Kill has another one, he takes a leave of absence to get it under control and comes back in a month or two to resume his duties.

Let's all come to an agreement. Discontinue commenting on Kill's health, and just focus on how this football team performs. If they continue to show little improvement for another two years, Kill will be gone. If the team turns the proverbial corner, and shows decent improvement year over year, then all is well. Let's make Kill's health a moot point from now on.

Let's agree on this instead. Our comments and desires will have no impact on Kill's future with Minnesota. Teague has that job, so we can say whatever the hell we want. A likely 0-8 in the Big Ten may mean Jerry doesn't see year 4, although I think he will and should. It ain't up to us, so we might as well speculate.

honestly now, how often do we see a head coach rallying the troops during the game? be honest.

In almost every game I watch. Kids make bonehead plays and come to the bench and the Head Coach chews them out. Or he's on top of calling timeouts and communicating with the team. Especially when he's the one calling the plays. So yes, I see it lots.

Regardless of your or my opinion of Kill or our performance this year on the field, the simple truth is that if the U fired or asked Coach to step down before the end of the season it would have such a negative ripple effect on everything sports related at the U that we would be working to fix it for 10 years. Running Kill off would be the single worst PR move in U history...worse PR than the cheating scandal IMO.

So you all can keep wasting energy on talking about it and debating it, but it doesn't matter. Ain't going to happen. Likely scenario is if Kill has another one, he takes a leave of absence to get it under control and comes back in a month or two to resume his duties.

IF, and that's a huge if, the U decided it was time to make a change they would make a deal with Kill to announce he's stepping down. That would be the only way to handle it PR wise. But I agree, I can't see it happening during the season. All bets are off once that MSU game is over...

Regardless of your or my opinion of Kill or our performance this year on the field, the simple truth is that if the U fired or asked Coach to step down before the end of the season it would have such a negative ripple effect on everything sports related at the U that we would be working to fix it for 10 years. Running Kill off would be the single worst PR move in U history...worse PR than the cheating scandal IMO.

So you all can keep wasting energy on talking about it and debating it, but it doesn't matter. Ain't going to happen. Likely scenario is if Kill has another one, he takes a leave of absence to get it under control and comes back in a month or two to resume his duties.

Ya'll said the same thing about Brewster not being fired mid-season... then he was fired mid-season...

Ya'll said the same thing about Brewster not being fired mid-season... then he was fired mid-season...

I don't see anyone calling for Kill's head. It's more of a concern as to whether he can do the job, as well as concern for Jerry Kill the person.

In Basement Brew's case, EVERYONE was calling for his head. Fans, donors, the media etc. The U had little choice but to can him.

Not the same thing at all.

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