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  1. Go4POV

    Gophers' top-seven next season, but they have PLENTY of options - Tony Liebert

    It’ll be an interesting season, for sure. The experience of this veteran team is a valuable asset, and I would assume that all of these guys will be hungry to advance to The Dance. To me, keys will be chemistry, leadership, and avoiding injuries. Mixing in a lot of new personalities from varying...
  2. Go4POV

    Season Ticket renewal timing

    I still have no idea wtf you are talking about. Are you implying some sort of conspiracy theory? Are you supporting Royce White’s run for U. S. Senate? Suggesting that he is improperly accused of misappropriating campaign funds? Do you listen to his podcasts? Did I say Haskins was the worst...
  3. Go4POV

    Season Ticket renewal timing

    You are choosing to misconstrue what I said. Of course I am not suggesting that Clem’s scandal is the reason for all ills that have followed. I’m not ignorant. I simply said it caused a deep wound that was difficult to recover from.
  4. Go4POV

    Season Ticket renewal timing

    WTF are you talking about? Are you saying cheating is okay as long as you win? I was a season ticket holder at the time this happened (were you?). You think it wasn’t devastating to the fan base? Of course it was. Most of us, me included, loved Clem. Please cite one time in all of my posts that...
  5. Go4POV

    Season Ticket renewal timing

    Haskins cheated — I guess you could call that defiance. I’d call it costing the program a wound they’ve struggled to recover from.
  6. Go4POV

    Season Ticket renewal timing

    Renewed ours yesterday. Have had season tickets since Musselman was coach, going to games since Lou Hudson played (my dad brought me).We’re going to ride this out. See what happens. The game is more fun live. Plus, I actually think the team might be better than last year.
  7. Go4POV

    Doogie says Payne got “north of $500K, more than entire Gophers” payroll

    Total BS. My guess is that Garcia alone is getting 4-500k, and that Dinkytown A does have closer to the 1 million as previously reported.
  8. Go4POV

    'Rare in this climate': Parker Fox applauds Dawson Garcia's loyalty

    Agree. Pitino did not put massive recruiting effort into any MN h.s. player. Probably never saw the inside of a h.s. Gym, or knew the route from Edina to Prior Lake. Would not have had Coffey if it were not for Ben Johnson.
  9. Go4POV

    'Rare in this climate': Parker Fox applauds Dawson Garcia's loyalty

    Wow! For a holy man, you sure don’t know your Jesuits. They sure ain’t Lutherans 🙂!
  10. Go4POV

    Season Ticket renewal timing

    We have until June 6. Why renew before then?
  11. Go4POV

    'Rare in this climate': Parker Fox applauds Dawson Garcia's loyalty

    They’re Catholics, after all! My word!
  12. Go4POV

    'Rare in this climate': Parker Fox applauds Dawson Garcia's loyalty

    Are you suggesting that Marquette cheats? :)
  13. Go4POV

    'Rare in this climate': Parker Fox applauds Dawson Garcia's loyalty

    We can disagree on the use of the term ironic, but my main point is that Garcia has been strategic about his career, plus responded to family loyalties. He has parlayed staying a Gopher into a decent NIL senior year, plus if he plans to ever be in business in the Twin Cities, he has improved his...
  14. Go4POV

    Big Ten Basketball Program Faces Serious NIL Tampering Allegation

    Tampering? Cheating? Not in college basketball! I’m shocked!
  15. Go4POV

    'Rare in this climate': Parker Fox applauds Dawson Garcia's loyalty

    Not at all ironic. He didn’t want to play for Pitino, and his family situation has changed since he was a high school senior and decided to play for Marquette. When Buzz was fired there, he was offfered a wonderful opportunity to play at North Carolina, one of the historically premier basketball...
  16. Go4POV

    Oregon transfer Brennan Rigsby commits to MN

    Me too! We certainly don’t have it yet, nor did we have it last year.
  17. Go4POV

    Oregon transfer Brennan Rigsby commits to MN

    You are assuming this is the replacement for Hawkins, as though this is the final kid we’re getting from the portal. Sure hope not!
  18. Go4POV

    Oregon transfer Brennan Rigsby commits to MN

    Point taken, but obviously depends on Asuma’s readiness and whether Cam comes back. Would be great to (finally) have a 8-9 man rotation.
  19. Go4POV

    Oregon transfer Brennan Rigsby commits to MN

    We need at bench … at minimum.

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