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  1. T

    Yes, we have a style of play!

    From a Reddit user: "Gophers impressive ability to make every single game turn into slop and endless meltdowns by at least one team is something to behold." It's not a style that many choose to employ but it seems to be working for us right now!
  2. T

    What good is the NCAA?

    They can't enforce the one-time free transfer rule. They can't enforce the true intent of Name Image Likeness and CBB has turned into outrageous pay-for-play arena where the compensation for many players is larger than what players could receive in secondary professional leagues worldwide. And...
  3. T

    College Basketball Transfer Portal Thread - 2024

    Transfers are starting to trickle into the portal now that many teams' seasons have concluded so I don't think it's too early to post about notable transfers. This guy (Peter Filipovity) just hit the portal. He will be a 5th year player (played three seasons for Maine and one for a junior...

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