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  1. salzie


    Nubin goingb for pick 6 Held them to 3 but defense needs to be better. My God
  2. salzie

    Duck Duck Beers Sightings

    I'm drinking it now Twins pils is better but this is tolerable. I'll be buying at HBS and mix occasional 12er in to continue support but not my go to Best I can describe is grainbelt without the disgusting banana after taste
  3. salzie

    Week 7 Other Games Thread

    Our recent defense doesn't inspire me But when next week will hopefully change tone here a little
  4. salzie

    Week 7 Other Games Thread

    More poor offense
  5. salzie

    Week 7 Other Games Thread

    B1gw sucks
  6. salzie

    Week 7 Other Games Thread

    They have to be in full meltdown Sadly I think @Herd was banned
  7. salzie

    Week 7 Other Games Thread

    So many teams play to Iowas hands
  8. salzie

    Duck Duck Beers Sightings

    Finally picked some up at liquor boy in SLP Chilling in fridge now
  9. salzie

    Week 7 Other Games Thread

    Hopefully we can keep Darius
  10. salzie

    Week 7 Other Games Thread

    Take the points sconi
  11. salzie

    Week 7 Other Games Thread

    Iowa punter is good.
  12. salzie

    Week 7 Other Games Thread

    You never know TOhsu could get with huge scandal and half the roster gets suspended
  13. salzie

    Week 7 Other Games Thread

    Minnesota has proven they can't take anyone lightly
  14. salzie

    The problem with PJ

    Who cares? 2017 was going to be garbage year regardless. Why do people still bring it up? Good Lord
  15. salzie

    The problem with PJ

    Yes, I watched it for years.
  16. salzie

    The problem with PJ

    So what's the second threat?
  17. salzie

    The problem with PJ

    Minnesota has a recruiting ceiling.
  18. salzie

    The problem with PJ

    We had a dual threat QB? Are you thinking croft was an actual threat in passing game?
  19. salzie

    Week 7 Other Games Thread

    Indiana had something cooking and then....

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