Given Detroit’s proximity to Ann Arbor, it facilitates Big Blue’s filming of his practices: delivery, throwing mechanics, tendencies, etc..
All in the spirit of the rules, of course.
Any chance it becomes a “Sow the Oats” (cover crops in 2024)” address?
“Forget About Micronutrients - I Love Yield”!!
H(Ike). Y(our). P(roduction). R(obustly). R(oundly).
Despite all the Sturm und Drang that was the 2023 season, and as I have posited on this forum several times, Gopher Football is the preeminent value sporting event in the Twin Cities/state of MN. To no surprise, we will be renewing our two seats.
Should maybe check for bamboo fibers in the referee’s flag? Maybe that official was really paid by the Chiefs - an actual, dare I say, false-flag incident. I reviewed the film - there is definitely a second flagger on the grassy knoll on the opposite/Bills’ sideline.
Must be sure of his ability to secure the football. If so, I for one will enjoy not stressing when the ball is handed off - especially on opening/early possessions.
Not sure on numbers but, this board isn’t happy unless it is miserable. My quote in Bleed’s “The Headline Will Read . . . “ post b/4 the last game:
“Gopher Holers, TC Press, Rejoice In Goldy’s 20-16 L To Bucky”