GopherHole Staff GopherHole Admin Staff member Joined Nov 3, 2008 Messages 5,245 Reaction score 1,571 Points 113 Wednesday at 4:31 PM #1 What grade would you give the Gophers 2024-2025 basketball season?
U USAF Well-known member Joined May 24, 2019 Messages 9,291 Reaction score 11,726 Points 113 Wednesday at 4:32 PM #2 Seriously?
Unregistered User Wild animal with a keyboard Joined Jan 17, 2010 Messages 15,777 Reaction score 6,410 Points 113 Wednesday at 4:33 PM #3 I’d give them an “F”, but then they may have to repeat a year. And no one wants a repeat of this year.
I’d give them an “F”, but then they may have to repeat a year. And no one wants a repeat of this year.
G Go4 Well-known member Joined Feb 12, 2009 Messages 4,254 Reaction score 967 Points 113 Wednesday at 4:34 PM #4 easy f. bye felicia
Off-GridTNgopher Well-known member Joined Dec 3, 2010 Messages 1,933 Reaction score 1,586 Points 113 Wednesday at 4:34 PM #5 D. Couple.good wins... many many bad losses..
Ope3 Baseball Grid Addict Joined Dec 12, 2008 Messages 11,020 Reaction score 8,393 Points 113 Wednesday at 4:35 PM #6 The Gophers went 0-4 in Big 10 Games on Peacock, including today. Grading them on those alone I would go with an F. I'm glad I don't have Peacock.
The Gophers went 0-4 in Big 10 Games on Peacock, including today. Grading them on those alone I would go with an F. I'm glad I don't have Peacock.
M mplarson7 Well-known member Joined Nov 24, 2011 Messages 3,230 Reaction score 1,077 Points 113 Wednesday at 4:36 PM #7 I give them a D solely because they didn't finish last as predicted.
S scools12 Well-known member Joined Mar 30, 2009 Messages 11,050 Reaction score 7,962 Points 113 Wednesday at 4:36 PM #8 This has to be a D.
F FinnGopher Well-known member Joined Mar 27, 2023 Messages 1,428 Reaction score 1,819 Points 113 Wednesday at 4:36 PM #9 The record says "D" for disastrous.
WindyCityGopher Well-known member Joined Apr 8, 2013 Messages 4,128 Reaction score 3,927 Points 113 Wednesday at 4:39 PM #10 D for "Damn, they sucked" (I actually gave them an F)
E El Amin Fan Well-known member Joined Jul 23, 2012 Messages 3,002 Reaction score 1,005 Points 113 Wednesday at 4:41 PM #11 D- wasn't an option so I rounded down. F.
Otis Well-known member Joined Aug 13, 2014 Messages 5,856 Reaction score 3,037 Points 113 Wednesday at 4:42 PM #12 D, which unfortunately is a passing grade.
Ski U Mah Gopher Member of the Tribe Joined Nov 12, 2008 Messages 7,994 Reaction score 1,290 Points 113 Wednesday at 4:45 PM #13 D - they made the Big Ten Tournament. The only way they would get an F was to finish 16-18 in the B1G.
D - they made the Big Ten Tournament. The only way they would get an F was to finish 16-18 in the B1G.
nitramnaed Well-known member Joined Nov 19, 2012 Messages 2,600 Reaction score 1,918 Points 113 Wednesday at 4:53 PM #14 D. They won some games.
BleedGopher Well-known member Joined Nov 11, 2008 Messages 62,478 Reaction score 19,387 Points 113 Wednesday at 5:54 PM #15 I went with an F. I don't care what pre-season predictions are, that's a meaningless barometer to me. Go Gophers!!
I went with an F. I don't care what pre-season predictions are, that's a meaningless barometer to me. Go Gophers!!
Zeppelin Gopher Well-known member Joined Nov 20, 2008 Messages 4,346 Reaction score 2,640 Points 113 Wednesday at 5:57 PM #16 The first portion of the season (leading up until the Michigan game): Big fat F The stretch from Michigan through winning in Lincoln: C The last 3 games of the season: regular F
The first portion of the season (leading up until the Michigan game): Big fat F The stretch from Michigan through winning in Lincoln: C The last 3 games of the season: regular F
GopherBlood777 Well-known member Joined May 17, 2019 Messages 3,886 Reaction score 4,868 Points 113 Wednesday at 6:00 PM #17 I voted F as this grade is a totality of his 4 years. His only chance for success was making the dance. That would be an A. Anything short of that is an F. No more in between at this point.
I voted F as this grade is a totality of his 4 years. His only chance for success was making the dance. That would be an A. Anything short of that is an F. No more in between at this point.
CentralGopher Well-known member Joined Feb 5, 2009 Messages 3,232 Reaction score 1,443 Points 113 Wednesday at 6:04 PM #18 On a pass/fail he’d get a fail for not making the tournament