Because Badger fans didn't but enough tickets tonight?
If Coyle fires him it looks bad on him....and if he doesn't it looks bad as well. Ben has sold him on next year...just a hunch

Tough loss because it was the easy things that got us beat. No movement on offense, poor FT shooting, and a truly odd decision to switch all 5 spots on defense. It's almost like the coaching mattered....

Oh FFS. See how they respond? In the final regular season game of yet another wasted season?
See how they respond?

Good lord. What are you hoping to learn Sunday?
Some voters are "undecided" the day before election day....

I hope Coyle was at the game or listening to the BTN and heard how loud the Barn was at the end of the game from Badger fans at the Barn. This is the result of a bad coaching hire that has resulted in the worst Gopher teams in Gopher basketball history.
Mr Coyle this is the result of your hire. Fix it!

Am I wrong or did the chant start “fuck the Badgers”?? I swore that’s what I heard the first time when the announcers were commenting on it on TV. I laughed at it, but maybe it was let’s go badgers.???

Am I wrong or did the chant start “fuck the Badgers”?? I swore that’s what I heard the first time when the announcers were commenting on it on TV. I laughed at it, but maybe it was let’s go badgers.???
I think it was "Duck Boat Ryan"!

Finally got home from the traffic jam that was Dinkytown. That was the most packed I’ve seen the barn in a long time (albeit 40% badger fans) but made it very fun nonetheless. The team played great defense, but struggled to score, couldn’t rebound when frank mitchell wasn’t on the floor, and relied on Garcia a bit too much late. But regardless gave a great team the run for their money and sold a million beers to the obnoxious Lakeville faithful.

I think tonight probably has to be a plus in Coyle’s eyes- selling out the arena and competing well vs a top team. But unlike this forum that likes to decide the coaches fate game by game, it will be an interesting decision. The 2-9 home record will be the biggest concern, yet (hopefully) finding a way into the B1G tournament and outperforming pre season projections will be a plus. Coyle will have to decide if the revenue share is a good time for a change in regime or an opportunity to see what Ben can do with some financial backing. Unlike most I think Ben has potential to be a good coach, but similar to Pitino we just put him in a tough spot by hiring him way way too early.

I don't disagree but I think he stays
My hunch tells me he is gone. From a leadership perspective, he just simply hasn't produced. Market conditions, tough luck, whatever. He is ultimately responsible for identifying and filling gaps, and that includes money and resources. He's compensated to produce wins. He has not done so. There is no getting around it.

Wisconsin doesn't have super star talent on this team. What they do have is an offensive system where the players and ball move with purpose and rhythm. It doesn't matter who they have in there. They all know and execute the same thing. That is coaching. Our players stand around with their hands under their armpits like their coach, unless we think the 4 Watch 1 Dribble is some revolutionary effective offensive scheme that just needs a better dribbler.

Nice guy. Not #1 HC material, at least not at this point in his career.

Finally got home from the traffic jam that was Dinkytown. That was the most packed I’ve seen the barn in a long time (albeit 40% badger fans) but made it very fun nonetheless. The team played great defense, but struggled to score, couldn’t rebound when frank mitchell wasn’t on the floor, and relied on Garcia a bit too much late. But regardless gave a great team the run for their money and sold a million beers to the obnoxious Lakeville faithful.

I think tonight probably has to be a plus in Coyle’s eyes- selling out the arena and competing well vs a top team. But unlike this forum that likes to decide the coaches fate game by game, it will be an interesting decision. The 2-9 home record will be the biggest concern, yet (hopefully) finding a way into the B1G tournament and outperforming pre season projections will be a plus. Coyle will have to decide if the revenue share is a good time for a change in regime or an opportunity to see what Ben can do with some financial backing. Unlike most I think Ben has potential to be a good coach, but similar to Pitino we just put him in a tough spot by hiring him way way too early.
So Ben put together a squad that was predicted dead last and because they are 3rd or 4th to last that makes him worthy of keeping. Can't make that kind of thinking up right there. smh

23 points from Minnesota kids. I get there are a lot of them at WI, but this was not about that (I expected it to be tbh but Blackwell and tonje destroyed us)

No its more than Blackwell and Tonje. Its about Mn players who are clearly legitimate BIG players who shun staying home. I would gladly take these kids as Gophers. I get it that we cant get them all but kids staying home like Asuma, Perich, etc. make a clear statement that playing for the Gophers matters. Somehow we have failed in that regard. Some one more in tune to our failure can list those who got away. I know NIL, etc is a big disparity and a significant factor in our demise.

Would it have mattered? In the scheme of things probably not. But it does send a message. Players like Asuma, Perich Lindenberg, Johnson, Gopher hockey players, ladies basketball, etc need to be commended for their loyalty. Stay home and play for the home team.

No its more than Blackwell and Tonje. Its about Mn players who are clearly legitimate BIG players who shun staying home. I would gladly take these kids as Gophers. I get it that we cant get them all but kids staying home like Asuma, Perich, etc. make a clear statement that playing for the Gophers matters. Somehow we have failed in that regard. Some one more in tune to our failure can list those who got away. I know NIL, etc is a big disparity and a significant factor in our demise.

Would it have mattered? In the scheme of things probably not. But it does send a message. Players like Asuma, Perich Lindenberg, Johnson, Gopher hockey players, ladies basketball, etc need to be commended for their loyalty. Stay home and play for the home team.

Maybe an 18 year kid just wants to try something else? I just don't understand why we still care so much about this "locking down the border".

Wisconsin hasn't drawn away the elite NBA level Minnesota kids like Suggs/Jones/Holmgren. They have pulled kids like Crowl/Illikainen/Wahl/Winter that develop into nice players but primarily because Wisconsin does a far better job developing players and their offensive/defensive sets just look so much better than what we throw out there. How many wide open lay-ups and dunks did Wisconsin have last night? Gard >>>> Johnson. It really starts there. It's not because Crowl "shunned" Minnesota. Minnesota provincialism is what got us Ben Johnson.

No one expected to win so what’s there to pile on with. Let’s see how they respond on Sunday.
When is the last time we expected to win against Wisconsin?

Gawd, this basketball program at Minnesota. LOL

When is the last time we expected to win against Wisconsin?

Gawd, this basketball program at Minnesota. LOL
It's truly pathetic. But it does demonstrate most Mn bb fans expectations.

As has been the case of most Minnesota-Wisconsin games in Ben’s years, the Gophers scratch & claw & hustle and stay close for 35 minutes. The Badgers maintain their composure; execute their offense with precise spacing; make their shots; can their free throws; (yes, get the key calls: Mitchell fouls out & Tonie stays in the game); and excel in “winning time”. It’s coaching. It’s a tradition of winning. BTW, the presence of Badgers fans last night is assuming mythical proportions. It was about 10,000 to 4000 (still too many) and we’re a non-factor (we were commenting how quiet they were even when the Gophers were shooting free throws) into the last two minutes when the front runners came alive on the cusp of victory. (The Packer fans at US Bank Stadium have much more of a vocal presence throughout the game.)

Maybe an 18 year kid just wants to try something else? I just don't understand why we still care so much about this "locking down the border".

Wisconsin hasn't drawn away the elite NBA level Minnesota kids like Suggs/Jones/Holmgren. They have pulled kids like Crowl/Illikainen/Wahl/Winter that develop into nice players but primarily because Wisconsin does a far better job developing players and their offensive/defensive sets just look so much better than what we throw out there. How many wide open lay-ups and dunks did Wisconsin have last night? Gard >>>> Johnson. It really starts there. It's not because Crowl "shunned" Minnesota. Minnesota provincialism is what got us Ben Johnson.
Locking down the border is what Ben was hired to do. Record aside Ben failed in what he was hired for. Zero reason to keep him another year.

Wow, the Tonje charge (not called) and the missed FTs are the game.
That and the fifth foul on Mtchell. He had position and got backed in by I think it was Winter, they made all four free throws and both times it should have been Minnesota's ball. Rather than a 1 point deficit or maybe even a lead they are down 7.

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