Recent content by Replacement Gopher

  1. R

    Bye PJ - hello this guy

    Let's get it over with and move on. May I suggest:
  2. R

    I don't know where my fandom goes from here...

    I came to the same realization with the Vikings in 09 and the Gophers in 21 when PJ proved to be dumb - then I was like... wayment, who is dumber: me or PJ? Nothing has changed with the program since I hit a similar moment/post as the OP...
  3. R


    No clue. His insane infatuation with time of possession???
  4. R

    This is Lunacy

    He had his chances and simply didn’t get it done…
  5. R

    2024 Gopher Football is a watershed moment.

    “Fleck is not going to go out like a bitch”????? Okay. Have you seen how he plays for field goals, consistently punts the ball on the other teams side of the field, runs out the clock, etc……
  6. R

    Brian Murphy: P.J. Fleck's tone-deafness is ear-splitting

    Post of the day! I didn’t even watch the WI cause I’m “tired of that shit”.
  7. R

    Let's slow down on the Fire PJ Chatter

    Except this conversation has been going on for three seasons…. How slow do you want it to be?
  8. R

    Post Game Thread: Gophers Look Abysmal in Home Loss to Badgers

    Ha!!! You can’t make it up. Didn’t even watch. PJs dumbass has lost me. Thank god for Tulane. Beyond dumb coach has made it easy for me to let go and move on. Roll Green Wave!!!!
  9. R

    An amazing collection of things I didn’t see coming

    We all saw #4. He ain’t it and continues to prove time and time again that he is just plain dumb.
  10. R

    It’s Time

    Thread police come out. Embarrassing. Fellow die hard Gopher fan posts his frustrations on a message board because, well… nobody else wants to hear about Gopher football. And the thread police come out. I mean…
  11. R

    Gutless Playcalling

    Ha!!! PJ is dumb. Plain and simple. It’s been clear since 2019.

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