Recent content by Gopher53

  1. G

    3 Tickets and Tailgate Pass for Saturday vs. USC

    Tickets are sold - anybody need a parking pass in a tailgate lot? $75
  2. G

    3 Tickets and Tailgate Pass for Saturday vs. USC

    3 tickets in Section 142 row 18 and a tailgate parking pass in Lot C58 right next to Williams/Pavilion for this Saturday's game against the Trojans. $350 for the package Will transfer via Gophersports app
  3. G

    Lot C58 Tailgate pass for Iowa game

    Selling a tailgate pass in Lot C58 (right behind Williams/Pavilion) for this Saturday’s game against Iowa. $100 obo
  4. G

    3 tickets for the Nebraska Game with tailgate pass

    3 tickets for the Gophers vs. Nebraska game under the lights along with a tailgate pass! Section 142 Row 22 Tailgate pass in Lot C58 (behind Williams Arena) Would consider selling tailgate pass alone for the right price Asking $700 for the package These are season tickets
  5. G

    3 tickets to MN/WI game - Section 142 Row 12 with parking!

    3 tickets with parking for this weekends game against WI. Section 142, row 12, seats 8-10 Includes a parking pass in Washington Avenue ramp $225 cash [email protected]
  6. G

    Tickets and parking for IL game - Section 142, row 12

    I have 4 tickets available with parking in Washington Ave. ramp or possibly a tailgate pass in Lot C58. Section 142, row 12 Asking $60 each and parking options can be discussed if needed. Go Gophers! Nate [email protected]
  7. G

    4 tix in section 142 and Washington Avenue ramp pass for the Michigan game!

    4 tix in section 142 and Lot C58 tailgate pass for the Michigan game! I have 4 tickets in section 142 row 12 (seats 7-10) along with a Lot C58 tailgate pass for this weekends game against MI. Lot is located behind Williams Arena. Great seats on the 30 yard line behind Gopher defensive benches...
  8. G

    2 tix for TCU - Sec. 142 - 30 yard line behind Gopher bench

    2 tickets for tomorrow's game against TCU - asking $80 per seat. [email protected] or 763-443-6466 Thanks!
  9. G

    Same day Sun Country flight down and baćk

    A few of us are on the Sun Country flight heading down early and going home after the game. How are people getting to the game from the airport? Cab? Is there any sort of shuttle service that people are using or recommend? Any tips are appreciated. Thanks and go gophers!
  10. G

    2 tickets plus parking for OSU game

    2 tickets in section 142 row 12 plus parking pass in Washington Ave. ramp. $130 for whole package Can meet in downtown Minneapolis tomorrow, south metro, or at the game.
  11. G

    2 tickets for Penn State game this weekend w/ parking

    I unfortunately won't be able to make this week's game so I'm selling my tickets in section 142 row 12 seats 9 and 10. They are on the 30 yard line behind the Gopher bench. Face value is $50/each. Also have a parking pass for the Washington Ave. ramp. $100 takes the tickets and the pass. I...
  12. G

    Howard Pulley Games

    Hey all - Thinking of attending the the HP league games tonight. Are they at the High Performance gyms in Eagan? It will be my first time so any other items to take note of are appreciated as well. Thanks!
  13. G

    4 Tickets vs. Nebraska with tailgate pass

    4 tickets for sale in section 142 row 12 with parking pass in tailgating lot behind Williams Arena. PM if interested.
  14. G

    Looking for tickets to the Iowa game

    Hi all - I have some family that is going to be in town for Thanksgiving and were hoping to join us for the MN/IA game to see the new stadium. Our season tix are in 142, but they don't really care where they sit so if you think you can help us out send me a PM and hopefully we can work something...
  15. G

    Souhan Article/Xavier

    I know the Souhan article in yesterday's Star Trib was a hot topic, but I was just watching college gameday scoreboard on ESPN and the Xavier coach thanked "Gentleman Jim Souhan" for writing his artilce and the extra motivation for his team going into the game. I know it's a hotly contested...

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