Recent content by GoldyPush-Ups

  1. GoldyPush-Ups

    Hole Poll: What grade would you give Mark Coyle in his decision to hire Ben Johnson as the Gophers coach?

    Nice call-back. I originally voted D because I wanted someone with college coaching experience. Seemed like a no-brainer... was a no-brainer.
  2. GoldyPush-Ups

    Who was your team growing up through HS and College?

    Can't believe I'm about to admit this, but you asked. I was a huge Badgers fan. I grew up in Wisconsin and watched Final Four journeys and players like Brian Butch and Devin Harris and Alando Tucker. I watched them take down players like Greg Oden. I applied to both schools and UW asked me to do...
  3. GoldyPush-Ups

    Shama: Former Gophers basketball player Jamal Abu-Shamala is the organizer of early Tuesday morning pickup games at Lifetime in St. Louis Park.

    Fun college story: I was playing pickup with buddies on a slow afternoon at the rec when Jamal Abu-Shamala, Damian Johnson, and Devron Bostick (if memory serves) walked in and joined the next 5v5 game against us. They didn't split up teams... jerks 😂...
  4. GoldyPush-Ups

    100 Days Out: College football names, games, storylines to follow as we count down to the 2024 season (Year 1 of the Big Ten will be toughest on USC)

    This isn't all that bold once you look at their schedule. They could honestly start 2-4 (or even 1-5) and I wouldn't be surprised.
  5. GoldyPush-Ups

    Doogie says Payne got “north of $500K, more than entire Gophers” payroll

    It's getting really hard to find joy in the thing that was my favorite sport for the first 35 years of my life...
  6. GoldyPush-Ups

    College Basketball has permanently changed

    Turns out the answer to the article is No, Ben Johnson cannot adapt. Fire Ben Johnson.
  7. GoldyPush-Ups

    We need a statement tradition song!

    Not a song but a chant; ever since I stepped foot in that stadium for the opener against Air Force, I thought the crowd should say "Ski"..."U"..."Mah" at each kickoff. As the the kicker hits the ball, the North side yells Ski, the student section yells U, then the South side yells Mah.
  8. GoldyPush-Ups

    All ROWds lead to Wisconsin

    And yet, they still found a way to win, unlike us.
  9. GoldyPush-Ups

    Shama: Voices Need to Speak up for College Football Parity

    This whole thread is whiny and embarrassing to Gopher fans. We are a historic program in one of the two premier conferences. We are the only D1 team in a State that ranks in the top half of States in terms of population. We have a large metro area to recruit from and an enormous (and I'm...
  10. GoldyPush-Ups

    Shama: Voices Need to Speak up for College Football Parity

    Absurd take. We're gonna pick and choose where 18-year-olds get their college degree? Not a chance.
  11. GoldyPush-Ups

    Who’s worse than the Gophers with 2 games left in the entire Big Ten?

    I've seen this sentiment many times on this very board, including multiple times this year. Well geezers, say we manage to beat the BADgers. Is it a successful season? IS IT?!
  12. GoldyPush-Ups

    Uni Watch

    Robitussin cough syrup. And it left just as gross a taste in my mouth.

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