Recent content by Costa Rican Gopher

  1. Costa Rican Gopher

    New 2025 committ

    Touche'. I stand corrected. He did get a Monroe offer. The point remains. He was not highly recruited, and really had no shot of ever getting an LSU offer regardless of who else they recruited.
  2. Costa Rican Gopher

    New 2025 committ

    Not to be a downer, but for perspective Ford also didn't get offers from La Monroe or La Lafayette & they are not bringing in the #1 & #5 running backs.
  3. Costa Rican Gopher

    New 2025 committ

    I'm very happy with this addition, especially late in the game. He doesn't have top end speed & played at low level of competition in HS. I still think he could be a good player for us, like Mo was. He may not have homerun speed so to speak, but you can have a great career hitting lot's of...
  4. Costa Rican Gopher

    McDonald in portal

    I think he was hoping to get some coverage snaps at nickel, that Jai'ointe McMillan is getting instead. You'd think it would have been the smart move to ask for a red shirt, and stay here with Henderson & McMillan both graduating after the season. In theory, he would have been in a good spot...
  5. Costa Rican Gopher

    All Things Stand Up Comedy

    I'd never been to see stand-up until about 18 mos ago, and absolutely love it. In that time my girlfriend and I have seen: -Samuel Comroe at Laugh Camp in St Paul. He was so good, we went to see him again in Des Moines. Highly recommend. - We built a weekend vacation to Phoenix last February...
  6. Costa Rican Gopher

    Let the music play - new Concert Reviews/Experiences

    First time I'd been there. As a guy who pretty much grew up in that theater, I liked it a lot more than I thought I would. Thought nostalgia might ruin it for me, but it was great. Sort of that Huntington Bank Stadium "there are no bad seats in the house" feeling. I could have been anywhere in...
  7. Costa Rican Gopher

    Let the music play - new Concert Reviews/Experiences

    Black stocking cap/white t-shirt kid. The kid was an absolute savage! You would have thought he was whacked out on crank at a Slayer concert in 92'. Just a big, wild, inappropriately thrashing, dummy. People around me in our my section couldn't stop watching him. The group was amazing, and Kim...
  8. Costa Rican Gopher

    Tropical Vacation Destination Ideas

    Costa Rica & the Dominican Republic are both great choices. Sun Country flies to both Guanacaste (Costa Rica) & Punta Cana (Dominican Republic) affordably Oct-Apr. Two very different experiences culturally as CR is Central American & the DR is Carribbean. Either way you go, I suggest getting...
  9. Costa Rican Gopher

    Tropical Vacation Destination Ideas

    Not a huge fan. If you just want a nice beach you can find one a lot closer, for a lot less money. My .02
  10. Costa Rican Gopher

    Gophers' top-seven next season, but they have PLENTY of options - Tony Liebert

    Don't you have to work Edmonds into the rotation too? He's not just a big body, the guy can play.
  11. Costa Rican Gopher

    Gophers' top-seven next season, but they have PLENTY of options - Tony Liebert

    Odukale's not here to sit, imo. The guy can defend, is our only 3 with any size, and has started 80+ college basketball games in his career.
  12. Costa Rican Gopher

    Gophers' top-seven next season, but they have PLENTY of options - Tony Liebert

    And the nice thing is, for the bulk of them this is their last season, so no quitting mid-season, or threatening to transfer.
  13. Costa Rican Gopher

    Toledo’s Tyler Cochran commits to Minnesota.

    That's my hope. That Betts can help us there against bigger wings. He appears to have the agility to defend the spot, and a nice shooting stroke. Despite being in the program 2 years, he's still really young.

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