Weber needs to be replaced


Active member
Sep 6, 2009
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I have watched this guy for 3 years now and we have to get him out of there. he throws the ball 3 feet over Bennett's head in the flat. He can't escape the rush. Then he throws a MAJOR pick. Gray comes in and looks dyanamic. Give Gray ONE chance to have a series and watch the difference.

Gray has yet to throw a pass in his college career.

Gray should get some snaps, no doubt. He looked like he was shot out of a cannon on that one run. The QBs should alternate some.

No offense, but you sound like a moron. Weber has played well today. The "MAJOR" pick he threw was on 4th down genius. It would have been better for NW to knock it down.

Has Weber been great so far this year? No. But he hasn't been terrible either. It's a new offense. There are kinks. Screaming for Gray just makes you look like a typical over-reactive fan that always cries for the back-up QB. We have no idea what Gray can do, but it is a huge mistake to think he'd automatically be better.

Yup, after leading a drive like that last TD drive, I think we should bench Weber.... :confused: Way to show why they are playing and you are complaining.

No offense, but you sound like a moron. Weber has played well today. The "MAJOR" pick he threw was on 4th down genius. It would have been better for NW to knock it down.

Has Weber been great so far this year? No. But he hasn't been terrible either. It's a new offense. There are kinks. Screaming for Gray just makes you look like a typical over-reactive fan that always cries for the back-up QB. We have no idea what Gray can do, but it is a huge mistake to think he'd automatically be better.

Here we go again. Senseless name-calling. I love it!

Yup, after leading a drive like that last TD drive, I think we should bench Weber.... :confused: Way to show why they are playing and you are complaining.

"Way to show why they are playing and you are complaining."

See the first post on this thread, Weisbrod.

Weber is average at best. To win a Big Ten Title, a team needs a quality QB. I agree with the original poster, Weber needs to be replaced.

I beg to differ, but to win a Big Ten Title, the defense has to make some stops.

I beg to differ, but to win a Big Ten Title, the defense has to make some stops.
No kidding, but we're talking about QB's in this thread, and a quality QB Weber is not.

OK, magpie, then why aren't you out there showing them how to do it?

I may be a moron with my post masters degrees but I would like to see Mr. Gray throw ONE pass and let's see what happens. I just think Weber is average. Yes, he makes some good plays. But he makes a lot of poor ones as well. He is inconsistent. Give Gray a chance, that's all I'm asking.

OK, magpie, then why aren't you out there showing them how to do it?

This is the dumbest argument you can possibly make. And that is saying something because time and time again you've shown no ability to be anything other than old and illogical.

Weber is average at best. To win a Big Ten Title, a team needs a quality QB. I agree with the original poster, Weber needs to be replaced.

I will give weber 2-3 games yet and then I may feel the same way you do. Until then I will withhold judgement.

give me gray, but what ever you do please keep moses a "piece of pot roast" on the bench he needs to mix in a salad. will he ever see the field? moses that is

Did the Gophers Win?? YES! Can we be happy for a change!

Did the Gophers Win?? YES! Can we be happy for a change!

HAHA!! You don't come around here much do you. It isn;t the hole if they can;t find something to whine about even in victory...

Weber certainly has consistency issues, but I do not think that Gray is quite ready to take over the offense for a full series. I think the coaches are handling the situation well. I think that by giving Gray more playing time he will become more comfortable with the speed and physicality (I love that word) of the game. I remember Gray's first big time hit caused him to fumble the ball. I think the coaches want Gray to get a better feel of D-1 football before throwing him in there for a full series. I do have a feeling that we will see Gray throw the ball next week against the Badgers and head the offense on two or three consecutive plays. I believe that as the season progresses so will Gray's role in the offense.

I think the expectations for Weber are greater this year, and do need to be tempered by having to adjust to a new offense. Also, they have been tinkering with his throwing motion, which has to be awkward for him. Otherwise, it is always the other guy who can bring the exciting charge and the big plays.

I do wonder what Weber will be like when Decker graduates though? It may be better either for him to see his worth in the draft, though I suspect he will be a low round pick if not UDFA. At this moment, he probably will be an UDFA and hope he can catch on to a pro teams PS.

The OL looked a little better today at least.

Let's see...the offense scored 35 pts. Yep, bad Qback.

Wow, I think it's time for a lot of people to spend less time on the message board and more time on the sidelines. You could be making so much money putting in the right players! Hurry up! Go! Apply for a coordinator position somewhere! Don't come back!

Wow, I think it's time for a lot of people to spend less time on the message board and more time on the sidelines. You could be making so much money putting in the right players! Hurry up! Go! Apply for a coordinator position somewhere! Don't come back!

This is a fan forum, obviously people are going to have opinions on who should be playing and who shouldn't. Telling people that they should get hired as coordinators makes as much sense as the person telling someone to go on the field and show them how to play.

Regarding Weber, what is frustrating is the lack of development/improvement since he came on the scene as a freshman. As a freshman he looked pretty good. Sadly, he seems to be close to that same player. I'd also like to see Gray worked in more and more.


Yes Weber needs to be replaced. I am sure that just because he has completed more passes then any other QB in Gopher history, does not mean he is any good. (He did under or over throw a couple of receivers today....) The "U" should yank his scollie and give it to some one who really deserves it and will complete every pass. How stupid is Brewster for even playing Weber? Even though the Big Ten announcers stated today how much faster and more talented the Gopher players are compared to prior teams, we should fire Brewster for not taking us to the Rose Bowl yet and for poor recruiting.

Or better yet, lets start attacking our players because of how they look! I am sure recruits will understand our fan base ripping athletes currently on scholarships. A lot of you posters on this website are morons and it is no wonder I am in favor of making some abortions retroactive.

The next step is to put Gray in the backfield and let him throw a couple of passes. It seemed to me that the coaching staff was setting up Wisconsin for just that. Every time he was in he had a QB delay up the middle for good yardage. We now know he's fast and runs strong, now lets find out if he can throw.

You can certainly have the opinion that our starting qb should be benched in favor of a qb that has never thrown a pass, but you certainly would be wrong. Not a moron, just wrong. Gray needs to play some, but can we see what he can do with at least one pass before he is knighted?

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